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      Translation StudiesIndian studiesPoetryModernist poetry
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      Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Bengali Language & LiteratureBENGALI MODERN POETRYHungryalism
Independent India resolved to maximize the deployment of its own languages in public domains where English alone was in use. This paper considers the case of higher education in Bangla, and focuses on the introduction and dissemination of... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsIndian studiesLanguage Planning and Policy
. The problems of irreducibility, untranslatability, non-generalized existence of language are there as there persists always something irreducible in the interactions between the self and the other. Considering the Bengali society,... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageSoutheast Asian Studies
Osman living in a rooftop room dreams of his father’s death but finds himself in a distorted fact no less horrible. All he witnesses sometime seem hallucination sometime real. It’s a time when receiving news of someone’s being shot dead... more
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      Bengali LiteratureBangladeshNovelBangladesh Studies
The paper discusses the issues faced while evaluating the different aspects of mapping language specific data onto the IMAGACT interface. The paper is a result of working on the IMAGACT project under the supervision of Prof. Girish Nath... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsNatural Language ProcessingComputational LinguisticsApplied Linguistics
In: The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 95 (2001): 377-380.
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      South Asian StudiesPrinting HistoryHistory of PrintmakingBengali Language & Literature
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      Postmodernism (Literature)Bengali Language & LiteratureHungryalist Movement
Salma Bani's epic creation ‘Immigration’, is one of the very few excellent novels that Bangla language has produced in the recent decades.
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSouth Asian StudiesSouth AsiaSoutheast Asia
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsMichel FoucaultLinguistics
A seminar, accompanied by exhibitions and follow up field initiatives are planned in order to prepare the ground for a further Bengal Renaissance, for the regeneration of the best and finest in Bengali, Indian and global traditions of... more
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      History of Bengal19th and 20th Century BengalBengali LiteratureBengali (বাংলা)
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    • Bengali Language & Literature
Bringing together scholars from across the disciplines of social and intellectual history, philology, theology, and anthropology to systematically investigate Vaiṣṇavism in colonial Bengal, the book highlights the significant... more
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      HinduismVaishnavismHistory of BengalBengali Literature
Publisher's abstract: Bangladesh did not exist as an independent state until 1971. Willem van Schendel’s state-of-the-art history navigates the extraordinary twists and turns that created modern Bangladesh through ecological disaster,... more
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      HistoryAsian StudiesSouth Asian StudiesSouth Asia
It is a great credit of the Bengali nation that the world has celebrated the 150th birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore, the Nobel Laureate Bengali Poet. As readers, how much do we know about Rabindranath? We do not know more about... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesRabindranath Tagore's methodBengali LiteratureBangladesh
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      South Asian StudiesPoetryDissentBengali Language & Literature
The phenomenon of reversing with respect to Compound Verbs in Hindi is an interesting avenue to check for linguistic processing effects. However, if the same phenomenon is replicated in Bangla, the results are totally different with... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPsycholinguisticsExperimental LinguisticsApplied Linguistics
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      Languages and LinguisticsTheories of MeaningDictionaryBengali Language & Literature
This article is very much an excursion into methodology and possible new avenues for the study of Tantra. It will consider recent insights from the growing field of the Cognitive Science of Religion (CSR), especially the modern... more
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      HinduismCognitive ScienceYogaGender and Sexuality
Carola Erika Lorea is a famous Italian researcher. With academic background on Bangla language and literature, she translated Shukumar Roy, Jivananda and Nabarun Vatcharjee. She did her PhD on the songs of Bhaba Pagla, a Baul equally... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyFolklore
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      Postcolonial StudiesPost-ColonialismBengali LiteratureStructuralism/Post-Structuralism
The following essay describes the various steps and results of the re-search that I conducted among the Bangladeshi immigrants living in Rome. The research is aimed at the creation of a wordlist to compile an essential bengali-italian... more
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      LexicographyBangladeshImmigration and identity (Anthropology)Methodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
In the Shade of the Golden Palace explores the work of the prolific Bengali poet Ālāol (fl. 1651-71), who translated five narrative poems and one versified treatise from medieval Hindi and Persian into Bengali. The book maps the genres,... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMultilingualismSanskrit language and literaturePoetics
Ashok Shahane is one of the very important figures in the publishing of Marathi literature, both in terms of his involvement in the little magazine movement, and through the Bombay publishing house Pras Prakashan, which has brought out... more
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      Print CultureSouth Asian StudiesIndian LiteratureArun Kolatkar
For more than a month even the most atheists of Bengal have been praying for the recovery of the beloved legend Soumitra Chatterjee, hoping for a miracle. People's heart skipped a beat when on 15th November 2020, they received the news of... more
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      Film StudiesFilm HistoryBengali LiteratureBengali Cinema
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      Bengali Language & LiteratureBengali poetryHungryalism
The paper investigates how reaction time findings, from a self-paced reading experiment that exposes native Bangla speakers to Bangla sentences containing conjunct verbs, can provide cues about the processing of such light verb... more
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsPsycholinguisticsExperimental Linguistics
Madhavendra Puri, who was the parama-guru of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, remains an enigma. Though he has been mentioned as the seedling of prema-bhakti that was central to the Chaitanya sampradaya, very little is known about him. This essay... more
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      Religious StudiesHistorical MusicologyBengali Language & LiteratureGaudiya Vaishnavism
‘আট বছর’ আগের একদিন’ কবিতা নিয়ে বিস্তর আলোচনা হয়েছে। এ লেখাটি আরেকটি আলোচনা মাত্র। যাকে সাহিত্যের ভাষায় শিল্পরীতি বলা হয়, আলোচনাটা প্রাথমিকভাবে সে গোত্রের। তবে, ‘কবিভাষা’র দিকে এ আলোচনায় বিশেষ মনোযোগ দেয়া হয়েছে। কবিতার পাঠটি এক অর্থে... more
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      PoetryTextual ScholarshipBengali LiteratureNew Criticism
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Bangladesh is a new name for an old land whose history is little known to the wider world. A country chiefly famous in the West for media images of poverty, underdevelopment, and natural disasters, Bangladesh did not exist as an... more
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      HistorySoutheast Asian StudiesPakistanHistory of Bengal
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsBengali Language & Literature
Fireflies was first published by the Macmillan Company. Let us remember that Macmillan was one of the first ones who brought the English books by the first Non-European Nobel laureate in England in cheaper editions, after India Society.... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesIndian studiesSouth Asian StudiesSouth Asia
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      Bengali LiteratureBangladeshBengali Language & LiteratureBengali
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      ReligionInternational RelationsEnglish LiteratureBengali Language & Literature
Categorized research-works of Debaprasad-15
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      Discourse AnalysisPolitical SociologyLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
À l’occasion de la célébration du bicentenaire de la première chaire de sanskrit au Collège de France, ces journées d’études se proposent de revenir sur la figure d’Antoine-Léonard de Chézy (1773-1832) qui en fut le premier titulaire et... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureHistory of philologyOrientalismSanskrit Grammar and Linguistics
The novel Chilekothar Sepai (1987), written by Akhtaruzzaman Elias is a noteworthy literary piece in Bangla language based on pre-liberation political history of Bangladesh, that is, the context of mass revolt in 1969. Crossing the... more
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      Bengali LiteratureBangladeshNovelBengali Language & Literature
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      Languages and LinguisticsBengali Language & Literature
Invited speech in a miltilingual seminar
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      LanguagesBengali Language & LiteratureMother-Tongue Literacy
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsIndo-Aryan LinguisticsBengali (বাংলা)
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      Bengali Language & LiteratureBeatsHungryalism
A language is considered as a sexist language if it conveys attitudes that stereotype a person according to gender rather than judging on individual merits. Feminists believe that English language is a sexist language because it involves... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSociolinguisticsApplied Linguistics
stories told by Faruk Miah and Farhana Ferdous - The SOAS Sylheti Project set out to develop a high-quality Sylheti-language illustrated storybook to help promote one of London’s under-resourced community languages, Sylheti, spoken... more
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      LanguagesLanguage revitalizationLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage Documentation
On December 7, 2018, I was honored to deliver the Tarun Mitra Memorial Lecture, co-sponsored by the American Institute of Indian Studies and the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences Calcutta. My thanks to all who turned out and asked... more
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      Swaminarayan sectBengali Language & LiteratureRaja Rammohan RoyBrahmo Samaj
ÔbqbPvivÕ M ‡íi ev¯Í eZv Avm ‡j Avgy i ev¯Í eZv; bM ‡ii Ges bqbPviv MÖ v ‡gi ev¯Í eZv| bqbPviv MÖ vg Avevi Avgy i Aw¯Í ‡Z¡ i wPývqK, †h-Aw¯Í ‡Z¡ i cwiwPZ Dcv`v ‡bi m ‡½ Zz jbv-m ‡Î †m wP ‡b wb ‡q ‡Q m`¨-cwiwPZ bMi| †h-bM ‡i Awb"Qvm ‡Ë¡ I... more
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      Literary CriticismTextual CriticismBengali LiteratureShort story (Literature)
†gvwnbxi _vb : Ab¨ iKg gvby ‡li Ab¨ iKg Rxeb †gvnv¤ §` AvRg †gvwnbxi _vb-Gi g ‡Zv Dcb¨vm †h †Kv ‡bv †jL ‡Ki Rb¨B weivU P¨v ‡jÄ| †Kej AwfÁZvi wecy j bZz bZvi Rb¨B bq, Dcb¨v ‡mi cÖ PwjZ fvlvfw½i †h mnR Af¨¯Í Zvi g ‡a¨ GKRb †jLK wb ‡Ri Rb¨... more
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      Literary CriticismTextual CriticismNovelBengali Language & Literature
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      Cultural HistoryBengali Language & LiteratureSubversive art, counter cultureHungry Generation
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      Bengali LiteratureBangladeshBengali Language & LiteratureBenglai Language & Literature
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      MemoirsBengali Language & LiteratureHungryalist Movement