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Tiny microbial entities had been influenced the world hugely, complex evolutions followed by prokaryotic cell to eukaryotic cell origin. Hitherto, Plague epidemic to the largest death toll from any known non-viral epidemic. Its killed... more
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      History of PlagueDisease OutbreaksBeneficial microorganismsMicrobes
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      MicrobiologySustainable agricultureAgricultureEvolution
El INIBAP (Red Internacional para el Mejoramiento del Banano y el Plátano) y MUSALAC (Red de Investigación y Desarrollo de Plátano y Banano para ALC), con el financiamiento de FONTAGRO (Fondo Regional de Tecnología Agropecuaria) esta... more
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      Microbial EcologyBeneficial microorganismsSoil MicrobiologyPlant Microbe Interaction
El INIBAP (Red Internacional para el Mejoramiento del Banano y el Plátano) y MUSALAC (Red de Investigación y Desarrollo de Plátano y Banano para ALC), con el financiamiento de FONTAGRO (Fondo Regional de Tecnología Agropecuaria) esta... more
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      Microbial EcologyBeneficial microorganismsSoil QualitySoil Microbiology
Research goal: The aim of this work was to develop a sustainable and innovative organic cultivation protocol, usable by local Italian companies, based on the use of microbial biostimulants (beneficial bacteria and fungi, arbuscular... more
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      Sustainable agricultureBeneficial microorganismsBiofertilizersSucculent Plants
Microorganismos Involucrados en la Fabricación de Embutidos: Implicaciones Comerciales y Sanitarias.
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      Beneficial microorganismsEffective MicroorganismsMicroorganismMicroorganisms
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      MicrobiologyEnvironmental ScienceSoil ScienceEnvironmental microbiology
Global food security is vulnerable due to massive growth of the human population, changes in global climate, the emergence of novel/more virulent pathogens, and demands from increasingly discerning consumers for chemical-free, sustainably... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringBotanyPlant EcologyAgribusiness
The use of treatment wetlands (TWs) in the treatment of domestic, municipal and industrial wastewater has been well-documented in past years. Although there are a number of different mechanisms at play in the removal of pollutants in... more
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      Water and wastewater treatmentWastewater TreatmentMicrobial diversityLiterature Review
Soil is a complex ecosystem comprised of several and mutually interacting components, both abiotic (organo-mineral associations) and biotic (microbial and pedofaunal populations and plants), where a single parameter depends on other... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceGeophysicsSoil Science
La batata (Ipomoea batatas L.) se cultiva en todo el mundo como fuente de carbohidratos, y su producción comercial requiere un alto aporte de fertilizantes químicos, lo cual eleva los costos de producción. Los inoculantes microbianos, se... more
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      Beneficial microorganismsUniversidad Nacional de ColombiaCamote Ipomoea BatatasSoil Microbiology
El INIBAP (Red Internacional para el Mejoramiento del Banano y el Plátano) y MUSALAC (Red de Investigación y Desarrollo de Plátano y Banano para ALC), con el financiamiento de FONTAGRO (Fondo Regional de Tecnología Agropecuaria) esta... more
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      Microbial EcologyBeneficial microorganismsSoil QualitySoil Microbiology
Microbial Nutrition has not drawn much attention of the academicians. Industry tries to protect its intelligence. The nutritional requirements of common industrial microbes and methods of meeting them with a view to have better cell... more
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      ProbioticsBeneficial microorganismsIndustrial microbiology
The chemical nature of organic matter during the process of vermicomposting of cattle manure and filter cake from a sugar factory was characterized by thermochemolysis. The pyrolysates were mainly constituted of lignin moieties from... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryBeneficial microorganismsDiazotrophs
The interaction of plant with both pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms can trigger active defense reactions in plant. The defence response of Cucumis sativus L. plants treated with beneficial bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi... more
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    • Beneficial microorganisms
Under natural conditions, plants are always associated with a well-orchestrated community of microbes-the phytomicrobiome. The nature and degree of microbial effect on the plant host can be positive, neutral, or negative, and depends... more
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      MicrobiologyAgricultureEvolutionPlant microbe interactions
Dimethylsulfoxide Reduktase di dalam tanah.
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      Soil ScienceEnvironmental StudiesMicrobial EcologyBiology
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      Beneficial microorganismsPseudomonas Fluorescens
In this study the possibility of using a biostimulant based on Inula viscosa L. (Dittrichia viscosa L.) to improve the growth and quality of Spinacia oleracea L. and Lactuca sativa L. plants and protection against Pythium spp. was... more
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      Biocontrol of Plant PathogensAlgaeVegetable ScienceBeneficial microorganisms
The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the use of effective microorganisms (EM) as promoters of root development and germination of K. daigremontiana plants. The 3 experimental groups in cultivation were: 1) group without... more
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      Beneficial microorganismsEffective MicroorganismsBeneficial microorganism, Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, Plant-microbe interaction under stressMicroorganisms
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of N 2 -fixing and P-solubilizing bacteria during maturation of vermicompost on phosphorus availability. A bacterial suspension containing Burkholderia silvatlantica, Burkholderia spp. and... more
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The use of biocontrol agents have become commonly accepted as a 'natural weapon' in aquaculture, either as an ecological bioremediator for low environmental quality, as well as the health promoter for cultured organisms. Biocontrol... more
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      AquacultureBeneficial microorganisms
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      Beneficial microorganismsMapa Conceptual
Research goal: The aim of this work was to develop a sustainable and innovative organic cultivation protocol, usable by local Italian companies, based on the use of microbial biostimulants (beneficial bacteria and fungi, arbuscular... more
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      Sustainable agricultureMedicinal PlantsAlgaeBeneficial microorganisms
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      Microbial EcologyBeneficial microorganismsSoil QualitySoil Microbiology
In this study the possibility of using Trichoderma harzianum as a possible promoter of the growth of plants of Pachyphytum oviferum and Crassula falcata and in the biocontrol of Rhizoctonia solani was evaluated. The 2 experimental groups... more
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      Genus TrichodermaBeneficial microorganismsTrichoderma HarzianumTrichoderma
Investigation the effects of nitrification inhibitor viz, 3,4dimethylpyrazolephosphate (DMPP on denitrification and N 2 O/N 2 productions by N-fixers bacteria (Azospirillum brasilense Az204 and Sinorhizobium sp TNAU14 a model experiment... more
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      BioinformaticsMicrobiologyEnvironmental microbiologyClimate Change
Investigation the effects of nitrification inhibitor viz, 3,4dimethylpyrazolephosphate (DMPP on denitrification and N 2 O/N 2 productions by N-fixers bacteria (Azospirillum brasilense Az204 and Sinorhizobium sp TNAU14 a model experiment... more
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      BioinformaticsMicrobiologyEnvironmental microbiologyClimate Change
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceBiogeochemistryClimate Change
Resumen. La presencia de salinidad y sodio en los suelos interfiere en el crecimiento adecuado de la mayoría de los cultivos y por lo tanto constituye uno de los problemas más serios que enfrenta la agricultura sostenible. Se evaluaron... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsBeneficial microorganisms
La batata (Ipomoea batatas L.) se cultiva en todo el mundo como fuente de carbohidratos, y su producción comercial requiere un alto aporte de fertilizantes químicos, lo cual eleva los costos de producción. Los inoculantes microbianos, se... more
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      Beneficial microorganismsCamote Ipomoea BatatasSoil MicrobiologyPlantas
In this study the ability of B.subtilis to improve the quality of C.sativus cultivation was evaluated. Various scientific studies demonstrate the medicinal properties of its constituents, making it one of the most expensive agricultural... more
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      MicrobiologyBeneficial microorganismsBacillusPlant growth
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have a major impact on plant nutrition, defence against pathogens, a plant’s reaction to stressful environments, soil fertility, and a plant’s relationship with other microorganisms. Such effects imply a... more
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      Beneficial microorganismsField CropsArbuscular mycorrhizal fungiWheat
La batata (Ipomoea batatas L.) se cultiva en todo el mundo como fuente de carbohidratos, y su producción comercial requiere un alto aporte de fertilizantes químicos, lo cual eleva los costos de producción. Los inoculantes microbianos, se... more
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      Beneficial microorganismsCamote Ipomoea BatatasSoil MicrobiologyPlantas
... PO Box 20, South Johnstone, Queensland, 4859, Australia, [email protected]; 5INIBAP, Parc Scientific Agropolis II, Montpellier Cedex Francia, [email protected] RESUMEN El INIBAP (Red Internacional para el Mejoramiento del... more
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      Microbial EcologyBeneficial microorganismsSoil QualitySoil Microbiology
Each plant coexists with its associated microbes as a holobiont. Microbes inhabit all parts of the plant, including roots, stems, and leaves. The ability of microbes to colonize a particular plant species is fueled by release of signals... more
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      MicrobiologySustainable agricultureAgricultural SciencesAgriculture
El INIBAP (Red Internacional para el Mejoramiento del Banano y el Plátano) y MUSALAC (Red de Investigación y Desarrollo de Plátano y Banano para ALC), con el financiamiento de FONTAGRO (Fondo Regional de Tecnología Agropecuaria) esta... more
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      Microbial EcologyBeneficial microorganismsSoil QualitySoil Microbiology
Microbial populations have diverse roles within rhizosphere where interactions among distinct microorganisms along with the host may lead to mutualistic associations. The present study aimed to investigate the nutritional and antioxidant... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFoodBeneficial microorganismsAntioxidant
To study and monitor environments, a plethora of sensors in last decades have been proposed and claimed to be as the most specific, sensitive, reliable, durable, affordable or whatever. However, they rarely take into account probable... more
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      Soil ScienceBiogeochemistryClimate ChangeSensors and Sensing
Microbial populations have diverse roles within rhizosphere where interactions among distinct microorganisms along with the host may lead to mutualistic associations. The present study aimed to investigate the nutritional and antioxidant... more
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      Beneficial microorganismsAntioxidantNatural antioxidants
Research goal: This research aimed to evaluate the effects of a natural product with acidifying activity on seed germination and growth of Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris), Tuscany black cabbage (Brassica oleracea var.... more
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      Sustainable Agriculture (Environment)Plant microbe interactionsBeneficial microorganismsCacti, Research, other Succulents
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      BiogeochemistryClimate ChangeBioremediationMicrobial Ecology
Under natural conditions, plants are always associated with a well-orchestrated community of microbes—the phytomicrobiome. The nature and degree of microbial effect on the plant host can be positive, neutral, or negative, and depends... more
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      MicrobiologyAgricultureEvolutionPlant microbe interactions
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceBiogeochemistryClimate Change
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceBiogeochemistryClimate Change
The adoption of genetically modified crops (GMOs) has led to the need to assess impacts on non-target organisms. For this, the impact of transgenic maize (Zea mays) on beneficial entomofauna was studied. Arthropods were collected in eight... more
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      BiodiversityAgroecosystemsBeneficial microorganisms
1. Cessation of agricultural practices often leads to a dramatic decline in species diversity concomitant with the increase in abundance of monopolistic species, which have been hypothesized to be strongly arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM)... more
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      Microbial EcologyFunctional EcologyEcologyGrassland Ecology
The effects of salt stress on endophytic prokaryotic communities in plants are largely unknown, and the distribution patterns of bacterial and archaeal endophytes in different tissues of a plant species are rarely compared. We... more
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      Microbial EcologyBeneficial microorganismsSalinityBacterial Endophytes
Soils are one of the first selective environments a seed experiences and yet little is known about the evolutionary consequences of plant-soil feedbacks. We have previously found that plant phytochemical traits in a model system, Populus... more
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      Microbial EcologyLocal Adaptation (Evolutionary Ecology)Plant-soil feedbacksBeneficial microorganisms