Belief Functions

262 papers
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Belief functions are mathematical representations used in the theory of evidence, which quantify uncertainty and represent degrees of belief in propositions. They extend traditional probability by allowing for the modeling of incomplete or ambiguous information, enabling the combination of evidence from different sources to support decision-making under uncertainty.
It is quite common in real world situations to form beliefs under Dempster-Shafer (DS) theory on various variables from a single source. This is true, in particular, in auditing. Also, the judgment about these beliefs is easily made in... more
We develop an information quality model based on a user-centric view adapted from Financial Accounting Standards Board1, Wang et al.2, and Wang and Strong3. The model consists of four essential attributes (or assertions): 'Accessibility,'... more
This paper illustrates two formulas for assessing independence risk based on the Bayesian and belief‐functions frameworks. These formulas can be used to assess the role of threats to auditor independence as well as the role of... more
In this study, we propose an unsupervised classification scheme based on the Dempster-Shafer Theory (TDS) and the Dezert-Smarandache Theory (DSmT) to characterize vegetated, aquatic and mineral surfaces. From pre-processed ASTER satellite... more
Let X be a nonempty set and let i, j ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}. We say that a binary operation F : X 2 → X is (i, j)-selective if it satises the functional equation F (F (x 1 , x 2), F (x 3 , x 4)) = F (x i , x j), x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 ∈ X.
Possibilistic networks are belief graphical models based on possibility theory. A possibilistic network either represents experts' epistemic uncertainty or models uncertain information from poor, scarce or imprecise data. Learning... more
This paper extends the decision tree technique to an uncertain environment where the uncertainty is represented by belief functions as interpreted in the Transferable Belief Model (TBM). This so-called belief decision tree is a new... more
Nowadays, the sustainability of human activities is a major worldwide concern. Indeed, the problem is no longer to evaluate only the efficiency of human activities, but also sustainability along many axes that can be of various kinds:... more
Pressurized irrigation is one of the proposed plans to resolve the Urmia lake crisis. The effects of such plan can be assessed using the hydrological simulation. But different agricultural management approaches and uncertainty in the... more
Machine learning is increasingly deployed in safety-critical domains where robustness against adversarial attacks is crucial and erroneous predictions could lead to potentially catastrophic consequences. This highlights the need for... more
Context: Several empirical studies investigated the benefits and drawbacks of acquiring a Software Reference Architecture (SRA) to construct a family of software systems with similar architectural needs. However, these empirical results... more
In diffusion social learning over weakly-connected graphs, it has been shown recently that influential agents shape the beliefs of non-influential agents. This paper analyzes this mechanism more closely and addresses two main questions.... more
In diffusion social learning over weakly-connected graphs, it has been shown recently that influential agents shape the beliefs of non-influential agents. This paper analyzes this mechanism more closely and addresses two main questions.... more
New semantics for numerical values given to possibil- ity measures are provided. For epistemic possibilities, the new approach is based on the semantics of the transferable belief model, itself based on betting odds interpreted in a less... more
Some data fusion problems seem to be naturally handled in the framework of possibility theory. As an example, the problem of modelling expert knowledge about numerical parameters in the field of reliability is reconsidered in that... more
The problem of assessing the value of a candidate is viewed here as a multiple combination problem. On the one hand, a candidate can be evaluated according to different criteria, and on the other hand, several experts are supposed to... more
Feature selection is a prolific research field, which has been widely studied in the last decades and has been successfully applied to numerous computer vision systems. It mainly aims to reduce the dimensionality and thus the system... more
The most commonly used measures of accuracy of evidence in statistics are pre-experimental. A particular procedure is decided upon for use, and the accuracy of the evidence from an experiment is identified with the long run behavior of... more
Machine learning is increasingly deployed in safety-critical domains where robustness against adversarial attacks is crucial and erroneous predictions could lead to potentially catastrophic consequences. This highlights the need for... more
In this paper, we discuss a potential agenda for future work in the theory of random sets and belief functions, touching upon a number of focal issues: the development of a fully-fledged theory of statistical reasoning with random sets,... more
Information processing in modern pattern recognition systems is becoming increasingly complex due to the flood of data and the need to deal with different aspects of information imperfection. In this paper a simple and efficient... more
This paper aims to provide a unified framework to deal with information imperfection and heterogeneity using possibility theory, in addition to information conflict and scarcity using Dempster-Shafer theory in order to classify... more
In this paper we introduce the pointfree version of rough sets. For this we consider a lattice L instead of the power set P (X) of a set X. We study the properties of lower and upper pointfree approximation, precise elements, and their... more
We give an algebraic approach for defining rough sets on incomplete information systems. The constructed approximation sets are based on objects. Given several attributes, the value of each attribute can be known or unknown for each... more
The rise of AI in human contexts places new demands on systems to be transparent and explainable. We examine some anthropomorphic ideas and principles relevant to such accountablity in order to develop a theoretical framework for thinking... more
Mathematical Theory of Evidence (MTE) is known as a foundation for reasoning when knowledge is expressed at various levels of detail. Though much research effort has been committed to this theory since its foundation, many questions... more
In this paper, it is proposed to apply the Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST) or the theory of evidence to map vegetation, aquatic and mineral surfaces with a view to detecting potential areas of observation of outcrops of geological formations... more
Récemment, une fondation axiomatique aété donnéeà la mesure du conflit entre fonctions de croyance. Dans ce contexte, il aété montré que le conflit peutêtreévalué par l'inconsistance résultant de leur combinaison conjonctive. Deux mesures... more
The importance of epistemic uncertainty in engineering is being recognized more and more. In this work, epistemic uncertainty is captured through the use of fuzzy variables, i.e. variables that are described in terms of possibility... more
It is quite common in real world situations to form beliefs under Dempster-Shafer (DS) theory on various variables from a single source. This is true, in particular, in auditing. Also, the judgment about these beliefs is easily made in... more
This paper presents an algorithm for developing models under Dempster-Shafer theory of belief functions for categorical and 'uncertain' logical relationships among binary variables. We illustrate the use of the algorithm by developing... more
This article develops an alternative form of Dempster's rule of combination for binary variables. This alternative form does not only provide a closed form formulae for efficient computation but also enables researchers to develop closed... more
G. Shafer views belief functions as the result of the fusion of elementary partially reliable testimonies from different sources. But any belief function cannot be seen as the combination of simple support functions representing such... more
Capacities are monotonically increasing set functions that generalize probability and possibility measures. They are qualitative when they range on a finite linearly ordered scale. This paper pursues a parallel between qualitative... more
The objective of this paper is to describe the potential oered by the Dempster±Shafer theory (DST) of evidence as a promising improvement on``traditional'' approaches to decision analysis. Dempster±Shafer techniques originated in the work... more
In this paper we propose a generalised maximum-entropy classification framework, in which the empirical expectation of the feature functions is bounded by the lower and upper expectations associated with the lower and upper probabilities... more
The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the Dempster-Shafer theory ("DS" theory) of belief functions for managing uncertainties, specifically in the auditing and information systems domains. We illustrate the use of DS theory by... more
Different methods exist for estimating trips in public transportation systems. Some of the widely adopted estimation strategies are based on the traceability of passenger transfers. While these techniques have been effective in the case... more
The conditions under which a 2-monotone lower prevision can be uniquely updated (in the sense of focusing) to a conditional lower prevision are determined. Then a number of particular cases are investigated: completely monotone lower... more
In this paper, a proposition is made to learn the parameters of evidential contextual correction mechanisms from a learning set composed of soft labelled data, that is data where the true class of each object is only partially known. The... more
In this paper, it is proposed to apply the Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST) or the theory of evidence to map vegetation, aquatic and mineral surfaces with a view to detecting potential areas of observation of outcrops of geological formations... more
Finite closure spaces with the Steinitz exchange property are characterized and the connection between the Steinitz and the MacLane exchange property and related exchange properties is discussed. A Kurosh-Ore theorem is proved for... more
The need to meaningfully combine sets of rankings often comes up when one deals with ranked data. Although a number of heuristic and supervised learning approaches to rank aggregation exist, they generally require either domain knowledge... more
This article is concerned with the computational aspects of combining evidence within the theory of belief functions. It shows that by taking advantage of logical or categorical relations among the questions we consider, we can sometimes... more
We develop an information quality model based on a user-centric view adapted from Financial Accounting Standards Board 1 , Wang et al. 2 , and Wang and Strong 3. The model consists of four essential attributes (or assertions):... more
This paper illustrates two formulas for assessing independence risk based on the Bayesian and belief-functions frameworks. These formulas can be used to assess the role of threats to auditor independence as well as the role of... more
Several economic applications require to consider different data sources and to integrate the information coming from them. This paper focuses on statistical matching, in particular we deal with incoherences. In fact, when logical... more
Pour les exploitations du sous-sol, les données géologiques sont souvent peu nombreuses lorsque les projets sont à un stade précoce de développement, et le recours à l’avis d’experts est fréquent. Il est alors nécessaire de gérer les... more
Pour les exploitations du sous-sol, les données géologiques sont souvent peu nombreuses voire inexistantes notamment lorsque les projets sont à un stade précoce de développement. Dans cette situation le recours à l'avis d'experts est... more
The crowdsourcing Tripadvisor platform do not offer a multi-criteria filtering functionality for their users. Thus, these users are obliged to choose only one criteria to filter a query’s results. In this paper, we introduce a new skyline... more