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This paper looks at the journey of eleven counsellors in marital counselling centres in French-speaking Belgium, from the creation of the centres in 1953, to the 1970s, when contraception became legal, and abortion became a public issue.... more
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      SociologyContraceptionMedicineRoman Catholicism
Pour comprendre ce pavé régulier de 58 cm de diamètre logé dans la place communale de Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, il faut raconter son histoire.
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      Public ArtBelgiumBrusselsMonuments
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesJewish Thought
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      LeadershipSocial PerceptionBelgiumMotivation
The main objective of this study is to develop a self-report instrument to measure pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the extent to which they experience the necessary support and training in order to integrate technology into classroom... more
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      Information TechnologyEducationTechnologyEducational Technology
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesInternational RelationsEuropean Law
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesBelgiumColonial and Postcolonial History of Congo
Objective.To report baseline and followup data on the first 438 patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) included in the Belgian Systemic Sclerosis Cohort.Methods.According to LeRoy and Medsger’s classification, 73 patients with limited SSc... more
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      ImmunologyBelgiumFollow-up studiesClinical Sciences
Depuis quelques années, on peut noter une nouvelle focalisation des études littéraires sur les questions de spatialité. Cet intérêt s'inscrit dans la continuité d'un « spatial turn » qui a profondément bouleversé les sciences humaines... more
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      Literary GeographyUrban StudiesBelgiumCultural geography in relation to creative arts practice, literature, etc
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
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      DietAdolescentBelgiumLiterature Review
Uyttenhove (Pieter), Continuities in Belgian Wartime Reconstruction Planning, in Jeffry M. Diefendorf (ed.), Rebuilding Europe’s Bombed Cities, London, MacMillan, 1990, pp. 48-63
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      UrbanismSecond World WarFirst World WarBelgium
Background: The objective of this study was to analyse the impact of acute surgery for native aortic valve endocarditis and its influence on the long-term prognosis after surgery. Methods: A total of 161 patients underwent aortic valve... more
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      CardiovascularAdolescentBelgiumHeart Failure
Compounds with dioxin-like toxicity are suspected to adversely affect human reproduction even at current background exposures. Endometriosis, a gynecological disorder often associated with infertility, has been hypothesized to be linked... more
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      AdolescentBelgiumItalyAnimal Model
Background: Vaccine-induced antibodies to envelope proteins frequently cause HIV seroconversion in uninfected recipients of HIV vaccine candidates and may thus have an impact on the vaccinee's ability to donate blood or acquire a life... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyHIVBelgium
di questo numero di Forma Urbis, è un'istituzione accademica dedita alla ricerca che nasce con l'obiettivo di promuovere la cooperazione culturale, scientifica e artistica fra il Belgio e l'Italia. Come leggeremo più approfonditamente... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryBelgian HistoryArcheologia
Since 2002, Belgium has had a national law legalising euthanasia. The law prescribes several substantive due care requirements and two procedural due care requirements, i.e. consultation with an independent physician and reporting of... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyQualitative ResearchEuthanasia
Since then, further reports have supported these fi ndings [5-7]. Some studies have demonstrated, using molecular biology techniques, evidence of water-borne transmission of Aspergillus spp. and Fusarium spp., matching the genotypic... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyBiologyFungiMedicine
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Objective Patient use of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines contributes to improving public health and reducing public pharmaceutical expenditure. However, little is known of patient experiences of pharmacy distribution and services related... more
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      Public HealthMedicineBelgiumProfessional Role Socialization
Objective: To assess different aspects of physical fitness and physical activity in obese and nonobese Flemish youth. Research Methods and Procedures: A random sample of 3214 Flemish schoolchildren was selected and divided into an "obese"... more
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      ObesityPhysical ActivityRunningAdolescent
The “Cismoc-Cismodoc in debate” section offers you an interview with Martijn de Koning about his book (with Carmen Becker and Ineke Roex), Islamic Militant Activism in Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany: "Islands in a Sea of Disbelief".... more
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      Sociology of ReligionSociology of islamIslam in EuropeIslam
Titres : La question de la diversité en Flandre – Survey Samenleven in Diversiteit 2017 - Les laïcs musulmans de Bruxelles et de Wallonie - Ingérence turque au sein Exécutif des Musulmans de Belgique ? - Moyen-Orient - Le Pakistan, un... more
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      Sociology of islamTurkey And EuropeIslamBelgium
The continued professionalization of the humanitarian workforce requires sound underpinning by appropriate educational programs. The international disaster medicine and emergency health community requested the World Association for... more
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      International CooperationTeachingBelgiumEmergency Medical Services
s u m m a r y Despite ongoing targeted surveillance efforts, no overall in-hospital prevalence data for hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) have been published for Belgium. Sixty-three Belgian acute hospitals participated in a... more
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      Hospital InfectionBelgiumData CollectionClinical Sciences
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyVirologyCyprus
An oral, human-derived monovalent (G1P1A) rotavirus vaccine, strain RIX4414, has been developed by GlaxoSmithKline, Rixensart, Belgium. The safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of this vaccine were evaluated in a randomized, double-blind,... more
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      PsychologyIntellectual DisabilityBelgiumAffect
La COP21 donne lieu à des prises de conscience fortes dans le chef des partis politiques belges francophones. Tous soulignent aujourd'hui l'enjeu fondamental que représente le changement climatique pour la planète et les générations... more
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      Political PartiesClimate ChangeBelgium
Belgium is often portrayed as a textbook example of gradual federalization. Today, however, a rather new debate among political elites has emerged: whether to refederalize some of the powers that have been devolved to the substate... more
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      Political ScienceFederalismDecentralizationThematic Analysis
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      BelgiumBelgiqueBelgian constitutional law
La conférence s’attache à préciser les rapports entre enseignement de la citoyenneté et enseignement de la religion. Elle constate le changement de contexte de cette problématique qui remonte au XIXe siècle, mais dont les coordonnées sont... more
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      ReligionBelgiumCitoyennetéDemocracy and Citizenship Education
The 1-year clinical relapse rate after steroid withdrawal H, Jesdinsky H. European Cooperative Crohn's Disease Study was 64% { 9% in the placebo arm of the present study. (ECCDS): results of drug treatment. Gastroenterology 1984;86:... more
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      Treatment OutcomeInfertilityBelgiumQuestionnaires
Background & aims: Malnutrition is a common problem in the elderly living in nursing homes. A clear understanding of associated factors is missing. The aim of this study was to evaluate prevalence of malnutrition and to determine factors... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsBelgiumMalnutritionClinical Nutrition
This overview paper describes a study conducted for the Belgian Federal Public Service of Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment during 2006-2007. Home-produced eggs from Belgian private owners of hens were included in a large study... more
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The problem of poor compliance/adherence to prescribed treatments is very complex. Health professionals are rarely being asked how they handle the patient's (poor) therapy compliance/adherence. In this study, we examine explicitly the... more
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      CommunicationHealth BehaviorPrimary Health CareEvidence Based Medicine
BACKGROUND: In longitudinal cohort studies, subjects may be lost to follow-up at any time during the study. This leads to attrition and thus to a risk of inaccurate and biased estimations. The purpose of this paper is to show how multiple... more
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      Health Services ResearchBelgiumCohort StudyKaplan-Meier
Background: Patient safety can be increased by improving the organization of care. A tool that evaluates the actual organization of care, as perceived by multidisciplinary teams, is the Care Process Self-Evaluation Tool (CPSET). CPSET was... more
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      PsychometricsPatient SafetyBelgiumLibrary and Information Studies
Background: Although nurses worldwide are confronted with euthanasia requests from patients, the views of palliative care nurses on their involvement in euthanasia remain unclear. Objectives: In depth exploration of the views of... more
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      Applied EthicsPalliative CareFamilyMedical Ethics
Toute représentation ou reproduction, même partielle, de la présente publication, sous quelque forme que ce soit, est interdite sans autorisation préalable et écrite de l'éditeur ou de ses ayants droit.
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      BelgiumBelgian politics
Cardiac surgery in Jehovah's Witnesses may be challenging during the operation and postoperative period given their refusal of blood products. The aim of this study was to document our center's experience with Jehovah's... more
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      DemographyCardiothoracic SurgeryMedicineCardiac Surgery
In a working group of the Belgian Hospital Physicists Association (BHPA), a new protocol has been developed for comprehensive testing of computed tomography scanners. The tests were selected to verify if the scanner is technically... more
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      Radiation ProtectionBelgiumX RaysEurope
The addition of beringite along with iron grit into an As-contaminated soil decreases As transfer to and impacts on snails. a b s t r a c t An As-contaminated soil (Unt) was amended with either iron grit (Z), a coal fly ash (beringite, B)... more
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      SoilCarbonArsenicEnvironmental Monitoring
Rationale: To assess the success rate of smoking cessation with the ''minimal intervention strategy'' in general practice, and to determine the influence of spirometry on this success rate. Methods: Training in smoking cessation advice... more
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      General PracticeRespiratory MedicineAdolescentFamily Practice
Apres un rappel concernant l'histoire des editions Marabout depuis l'immediat apres-guerre, l'article s'interesse aux deux collections destinees a la jeunesse : 'Marabout Junior' avec comme heros recurrent Bob... more
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      ArtBelgian HistoryBelgiumBelgian Literature
Article about the Battle of Passchendaele to mark its centenary. Features interviews with Professor Mark Connelly and children's author Rebecca Lisle.
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryGerman HistoryBritish History
We show that the intuition underlying the supplier-induced demand (SID) hypothesis is reflected in the cheap-talk literature from game theory, and in the credence-good literature from the economics of information. Applying these theories,... more
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      EconomicsGame TheoryCommunicationHealth Economics
Aims: Carbohydrate deficient transferrin (CDT) is a common diagnostic marker for detecting chronic alcohol abuse. For over 2.5 years, it has been used in traffic medicine among subjects applying for driver's license renewal or regranting... more
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Objectives: Continuous sedation until death (CSD), the removal of consciousness of an incurably ill patient until death, has become a controversial practice. Some consider CSD a palliative treatment, whereas others claim that CSD is... more
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for the full version of this study (open access, free of charge, html and pdf), see
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesJewish Thought