Behavioral Psychology
Most cited papers in Behavioral Psychology
Quality of life (QOL) means a good life and we believe that a good life is the same as living a life with a high quality. This paper presents the theoretical and philosophical framework of the Danish Quality of Life Survey, and of the... more
n this study, we conceptualized a framework capturing recurring troublesome elements of mental states such as depression and general anxiety, assessing them by applying standard clinical inventory. The study explores the extent to which... more
A variety of techniques grounded in behavioral psychology, and more specifically in applied behavior analysis, have been established to increase and improve play skills in children with autistic spectrum disorders. This article introduces... more
It is possible to understand the process of healing from a holistic perspective. According to the life mission theory, we can stretch our existence and lower our quality of life when we are in crises, to survive and adapt, and we can... more
This study sought to determine the association between nearly lethal suicide attempts and exposure to the suicidal behavior of parents, relatives, friends, or acquaintances and to accounts of suicide in the media. The authors conducted a... more
Ethologists and psychologists have traditionally taken different approaches to the study of animal behavior. Recently, there has been something of a rapprochement between these two schools of the study of behavior. The range of animals... more
This review presents one of the eight theories of the quality of life (QOL) used for making the SEQOL (self-evaluation of quality of life) questionnaire or the quality of life as realizing life potential. This theory is strongly inspired... more
The field of holistic medicine is in need of a scientific approach. We need holistic medicine--and we even need it to be spiritual to include the depths of human existence--but we need it to be a little less "cosmic" in order to... more
Ambient lifestyle feedback systems are embedded computer systems designed to motivate changes in a person's lifestyle by reflecting an interpretation of targeted behavior back to the person. Other interactive systems including "serious... more
Many psychologists believe a Kuhnian revolution-a competitive event between incommensurate paradigms in which a winner displaces losers after chaotic upheavalhas occurred in psychology. Cognitive psychology is said to be displacing... more
Punishment and its avoidance are foundational to organisms’ behavior and evolutionary development. How do responses to unfavorable situations change across animal species? We address this question using a model of developmental and... more
This paper seeks to create a comparative framework for evaluating transformative experiences for different types of ritual contexts found in sacred architecture by bridging the gap between the phenomenology of human experience and... more
This article explores the notions of a good life as understood in religion and psychology. The markers of altruism and empathy are identified. The effect the use of social media has on brain chemistry is then explored and used in trying... more
Despite overwhelming evidence that gender plays a significant role in the course of numerous psychological disorders, researchers have historically neglected to address gender similarities and differences in their research. Previous... more
Many commentators have argued that the protocol analysis method has considerable utility in the study of complex human behavior. In particular, it has recently been suggested that this method allows for detailed analyses of human language... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed daily life, notably by forcing billions of people to work from home. As restrictions related to the pandemic are eased, companies are reconsidering their real estate footprint and contemplating a... more
receiving the e-mail, opening it, clicking on a link, and buying the target books. Aggregated results showed that the informational stimuli were more successful in inducing consumers to open the emails whereas the utilitarian stimuli were... more
The promise of a synthesized basic and applied psychology has been most strongly realized and appreciated in behavior analysis. The traditional model for this relationship has been largely unidirectional in that the experimental analysis... more
Medical, psychological, and environmental factors can contribute to the development of sexually abusive behavior. This article uses the language of both psychology and public health to elaborate on the links between sexual addiction and... more
Evolution of consumers' preferences has been recognized by many scholars as being key to understanding technological change. However, mainstream economics cannot account for the seemingly irrational behavior of consumers based on... more
This qualitative research aimed to understand the pathways of youth violence in educational settings in Thailand, both on and off the school grounds, to study situation and patterns of youth violence, and to elaborate on factors... more
The current worldwide outbreak of the novel coronavirus Covid-19, originated from Wuhan (China), has spread to 6 continents, 213 countries and territories around the world. This paper aggregates and consolidates the state of the art about... more
The scientific study of sleep deprivation, while longstanding, continues to be needed as the findings directly impact public health concerns. Increased symptomology in medical conditions, development of symptoms of disease such as... more
Psychology is the science of behavior and mind. Psychology includes the study of conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feeling and thought. It is an academic discipline of immense scope. Psychologists seek an understanding of... more
This paper examines the fundamental,assumptions underlying the concept of outcomes-based education in engineering. Tensions between these assumptions that derive from theorigins of the theory in the field of behavioral psychology and... more
The article deals with the analysis of the influence of the psychology of human behaviour on user experience. The evolution of the conceptual apparatus in the field of designing the user interface, taking into account user experience.... more
Human behavior is the expression of held values and beliefs. While it is correct to believe that behavior can adjust over time due to the shift in personality that’s being expressed, after a certain age, the personality development... more
In this short paper, the authors begin by giving a general definition of what behavior is. From a wide range of deeds, they select a few key terms such as reactions and responses, processes and operations to explain what they mean as... more
O presente trabalho tem por objeto as leading questions no direito estadunidense e a proibição, estabelecida pelo artigo 459 do Código de Processo Civil brasileiro de 2015, de formular perguntas que puderem induzir a resposta. O estudo... more
Behaviorism has made a powerful impact upon modern psychology. Examining the history and current applications of behaviorism offers an opportunity to seek an understanding of behaviorism by exploring behaviorist theory, behaviorism’s... more
Concepts of "the self" and "self-awareness", and aspects of the experience of types of consciousness, are explored in terms of "cognitive" systems and their interactions. Some roles of the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and their interactions... more
Most contemporary text books of neurology and of psychology pay little attention to the function of the cerebellum beyond noting it to be an organ of motor control. A historical overview of research on cerebellar function is presented,... more
Women with a history of abuse often have difficulty escaping abusive relationships. One potential factor that may influence this behavior is inappropriate sensitivity to delayed or diffused outcomes. The purpose of this research was to... more