Behavioral Psychology
Recent papers in Behavioral Psychology
Online music streaming has become a rapidly increasing social phenomenon in past few years with as many as 103.1 million people currently paying for music streaming services worldwide. However, the literature highlights a specific issue... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
Most contemporary text books of neurology and of psychology pay little attention to the function of the cerebellum beyond noting it to be an organ of motor control. A historical overview of research on cerebellar function is presented,... more
Many psychologists believe a Kuhnian revolution-a competitive event between incommensurate paradigms in which a winner displaces losers after chaotic upheavalhas occurred in psychology. Cognitive psychology is said to be displacing... more
Background: Alcohol is one of the most widely used recreational drugs in the world however, over the last decade its consumption has become an increasing concern along public health policy makers and international development agencies.... more
Several intervention programs have been designed and tested. Perhaps, one of the most widespread is the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn and colleagues. It focuses on using mindfulness to damper... more
The article deals with the analysis of the influence of the psychology of human behaviour on user experience. The evolution of the conceptual apparatus in the field of designing the user interface, taking into account user experience.... more
The Problem. Cognitive-behavioral approaches have been proved to be effective in the treatment of trauma and PTSD. These approaches have emphasized the content of ordinary cognition such as negative automatic thoughts and schemas or... more
Background: Alcohol is one of the most widely used recreational drugs in the world however, over the last decade its consumption has become an increasing concern along public health policy makers and international development agencies.... more
Mindful Practices for Programming Your Mind to WIN at the Game of Life - In Health, Happiness, Transformation, and Self-Mastery
Chpt in R. Kunzendorf (Ed.) Imagery: Recent Developments, NY: Plenum Press, 1991, p. 101-112.
The research aimed to examine the level of self-concept clarity, life satisfaction, and celebrity worship syndrome and to investigate a whether correlation exist between celebrity worship syndrome in young adults and their self-concept... more
Concepts of "the self" and "self-awareness", and aspects of the experience of types of consciousness, are explored in terms of "cognitive" systems and their interactions. Some roles of the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and their interactions... more
In this short paper, the authors begin by giving a general definition of what behavior is. From a wide range of deeds, they select a few key terms such as reactions and responses, processes and operations to explain what they mean as... more
The drive for a theoretical integration of psychotherapy arises out of is dissatisfaction with the inadequacy of single systems/theories. It has been suggested that there is a need for a 'meta-theory' that provides a framework to... more
This paper serves to discuss the biological, psychological, and social factors which may contribute to an individual’s propensity for violent criminal behavior. To do this, the history and definitions needed to understand Biopsychosocial... more
Nel seguente lavoro viene analizzata l'opera dello psicologo sovietico Lev Vygotskij, in particolare il suo testo "La scimmia, l'uomo primitivo e il bambino. Studi sulla storia del comportamento" mostrando come essa rappresenti un... more
This article provides an overview of verbal aggressiveness as a communication construct and trait. It examines communication theories and treatments for aggressive communication.
Behaviorism has made a powerful impact upon modern psychology. Examining the history and current applications of behaviorism offers an opportunity to seek an understanding of behaviorism by exploring behaviorist theory, behaviorism’s... more
An article about Atheism in psychology
This study tends to measure aggression among university students. The level of aggression each individual or group of persons express can often be subject to calculation in order to define the behaviour of individuals or groups... more
The journal, published by SHEU since 1983, is aimed at those involved with education and health who are concerned with the health and wellbeing of young people. Readership is worldwide and in the UK include: primary; secondary and further... more
It is hard to disaffirm the fact that the learnings that we took at school takes us to further heights. Schools may see our interests yield from a broad one to a specific course, be it from their skills at communication or mathematics,... more
This paper seeks to create a comparative framework for evaluating transformative experiences for different types of ritual contexts found in sacred architecture by bridging the gap between the phenomenology of human experience and... more
The current worldwide outbreak of the novel coronavirus Covid-19, originated from Wuhan (China), has spread to 6 continents, 213 countries and territories around the world. This paper aggregates and consolidates the state of the art about... more
Many empirical studies indicated that social media use has increased substantially from time to time and it becomes an important element of human life. However, social media can become problematic if its use is excessive. Objective: The... more
Based on the knowledge garnered during an advanced statistics course for a doctoral program in health and wellness psychology, this paper presents an overview of inferential statistics detailing a basic procedure for choosing the... more
As the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic causes a general concern regarding the overall mental health of employees worldwide, policymakers across nations are taking precautions for curtailing and scaling down dispersion of the... more
remain at a subconscious level, they represent reactions that preced and direct human behaviour. The motivation for choosing the theme and performing the research is expressed by the interest that we have for this age and for the proper... more
n this study, we conceptualized a framework capturing recurring troublesome elements of mental states such as depression and general anxiety, assessing them by applying standard clinical inventory. The study explores the extent to which... more
Abstract At the most fundamental biological level the brain can be regarded as an organ which functions as a controller of basic homeostatic processes. In terms of its primary structure the brain is grossly composed of three parts: the... more
The psychological phases of disaster response provide a useful framework for behavioral health providers and other agency professionals and community members to understand the psychological and emotional transitions throughout the... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed daily life, notably by forcing billions of people to work from home. As restrictions related to the pandemic are eased, companies are reconsidering their real estate footprint and contemplating a... more
Evolution of consumers' preferences has been recognized by many scholars as being key to understanding technological change. However, mainstream economics cannot account for the seemingly irrational be-havior of consumers based on... more
This Paper contains Module 8 of AWAKENING THE GODDESS WITHIN, a 28-Day Self-Love Self-Challenge in the Facebook group #Philautiology: The Art and Science of Self-Love as Self-Care
The notion that relationships may be based on love, for personal relationships and loyalty, for business relationships have inadvertently accounted for why sustainability has become an elusive commodity in relational-management. While... more
Remarks on the Tounneau - Barnes-Holmes dispute
Yalın girişimciliğin ve startup'ların gelişimi, vizyon ve inovatif düşünme yeteneğine sahip bireylere bağlıdır. Girişimcilerin kazancı, yüksek büyümeyi hızlandırmaları için verileri kullanmayı öğrenerek müşteri etkileşimini artırması... more