Behavior Therapy
Most cited papers in Behavior Therapy
The present article presents an integrative theoretical framework to explain and to predict psychological changes achieved by different modes of treatment. This theory states that psychological procedures, whatever their form, alter the... more
A meta-analysis of 128 studies examined the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. As predicted, engagement-contingent, completion-contingent, and performance-contingent rewards significantly undermined free-choice... more
Background: An integrative theoretical framework, developed for cross-disciplinary implementation and other behaviour change research, has been applied across a wide range of clinical situations. This study tests the validity of this... more
Context: Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a treatment for suicidal behavior and borderline personality disorder with well-documented efficacy.
The question of addiction speci cally concerns (1), the process by which drug-taking behavior, in certain individuals, evolves into compulsive patterns of drug-seeking and drug-taking behavior that take place at the expense of most other... more
In recent years, deficits in emotion regulation have been studied as a putative maintaining factor and promising treatment target in a broad range of mental disorders. This article aims to provide an integrative review of the latest... more
Page 1. Bntishjoumalof Addiction79(1984), 261-273 © 1984 Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol and other Drugs. Relapse Prevention: Introduction and Overview of the Model G. Alan Marlatt and William H. George Department ...
Observational studies indicate that psychologic factors strongly influence the course of coronary artery disease (CAD). In this review, we examine new epidemiologic evidence for the association between psychosocial risk factors and CAD,... more
Insomnia is the most prevalent sleep disorder in the general population, and is commonly encountered in medical practices. Insomnia is defined as the subjective perception of difficulty with sleep initiation, duration, consolidation, or... more
The expansion and adoption of new methods of communication provide new opportunities for delivering health behavior change interventions. This paper reviews the current research examining mobile telephone short-message service (SMS) for... more
Why do people's impulse controls break down during emotional distress? Some theories propose that distress impairs one's motivation or one's ability to exert self-control, and some postulate self-destructive intentions arising from the... more
Subjects (A' = 970) representing five stages of smoking cessation (precontemplation, contemplation, action, maintenance, and relapse) were given a 65-item test measuring 10 basic processes of change. Subjects recorded the last time they... more
CMAJ 2007;176(8 suppl):S1-13 This is a summary of the full document, which consists of this summary as well as 26 chapters on specific aspects of obesity prevention and management.
Issues. Numerous studies have reported that brief interventions delivered in primary care are effective in reducing excessive drinking. However, much of this work has been criticised for being clinically unrepresentative. This review... more
Background Insomnia is a very common condition in various populations. Non-pharmacological interventions might offer (safe) alternatives for hypnotics.
There is growing evidence that well designed, targeted, theory-based behaviour change interventions can be effective in reducing the spread of HIV. Although each behaviour is unique, there are only a limited number of theoretical... more
Self-monitoring is the centerpiece of behavioral weight loss intervention programs. This article presents a systematic review of the literature on three components of self-monitoring in behavioral weight loss studies: diet, exercise and... more
This article develops the hypothesis that intervention strategies that cultivate positive emotions are particularly suited for preventing and treating problems rooted in negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, aggression, and... more
Results: Mean weight change from baseline in the intervention group was 24.4 kg at 6 months, 22.0 kg at 18 months, and 20.2 kg at 36 months. Mean weight change in the control group at the same time points was 0.1, 0.7, and 1.8 kg. Blood... more
We report 10-year treatment outcomes for obese children in 4 randomized treatment studies. At 10 years, 34% decreased percentage overweight by 20% or more, and 30% were not obese. Significant effects were observed when parents and... more
Trisomy 21, the chromosomal condition responsible for Down syndrome (DS, OMIM #190685), is the most common identifiable genetic cause of intellectual disability. Approximately half of all children with DS are born with a significant... more
Three variants of a behavioral family intervention (BFI) program known as Triple P were compared using 305 preschoolers at high risk of developing conduct problems. Families were randomly assigned to enhanced BFI (EBFI), standard BFI... more
reviewed the treatment literature on attention-deficit=hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and concluded behavioral parent training (BPT) and behavioral classroom management (BCM) were well-established treatments for children with ADHD. This... more
Recognition that social, economic, political, and environmental factors directly aff ect HIV risk and vulnerability has stimulated interest in structural approaches to HIV prevention. Progress in the use of structural approaches has been... more
The article reports our intervention work with Alcohol and Other Drug Abusing (AOD) People Living With HIV (PLWH). Present research has involved adapting Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management (CBSM) and other strategies to improve... more
Objectives: This study investigated the relationships between a mindfulness-based stress reduction meditation program for early stage breast and prostate cancer patients and quality of life, mood states, stress symptoms, lymphocyte... more
Cigarette smokers who quit on their own (n = 29) were compared with subjects from two commercial therapy programs: Aversion Group (n = 18) and Behavior Management Group (n = 16). Subjects were administered a Change-Process Questionnaire... more
No clinical treatment for nervous habits has been generally effective. The present rationale is that nervous habits persist because of response chaining, limited awareness, excessive practice and social tolerance. A new procedure was... more
Background: Attention Bias Modification Treatment (ABMT) is a newly emerging, promising treatment for anxiety disorders. Although recent randomized control trials (RCTs) suggest that ABMT reduces anxiety, therapeutic effects have not been... more
OBJECTIVE: Although four meta-analytic reviews support the efficacy of pharmacotherapy and behavior therapy for the treatment of insomnia, no meta-analysis has evaluated whether these treatment modalities yield comparable outcomes during... more
Nonoverlap of All Pairs (NAP), an index of data overlap between phases in single-case research, is demonstrated and field tested with 200 published AB contrasts. NAP is a novel application of an established effect size known in various... more
This paper deals with questionnaires tapping fears of snakes, spiders, mutilation, and public speaking. Psychometric description of the scales across several samples indicated consistent distribution characteristics. In addition,... more
Objective: The purpose of the study was to test the relative and combined efficacy of clomipramine and exposure and ritual prevention in the treatment of obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD) in adults. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs)... more