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A critical review is presented of studies utilizing EMG biofeedback for relaxation of upper extremity musculature.
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceTreatmentAnxiety
Page 1. Bntishjoumalof Addiction79(1984), 261-273 © 1984 Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol and other Drugs. Relapse Prevention: Introduction and Overview of the Model G. Alan Marlatt and William H. George Department ...
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      AddictionBehavior TherapyRecurrenceSubstance-Related Disorders
Weight gain remains a well recognized yet difficult to treat adverse effect of many anti-psychotic drugs including agents of the first and second generation. The weight gain liabilities of antipsychotic drugs are partly associated with... more
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      Eating DisordersBehavior Therapy
To explore the role of perfectionism across anxiety disorders, 175 patients with either panic disorder (
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyAnxiety DisordersPsychometrics
a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Alcohol Tobacco or Other Drugs Transtheoretical Model Stages of Change School Based Tailored Communications
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      PsychologyTreatment OutcomeAdolescentUrban Health
In this study, measures of irrational beliefs based on the principles of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) were reviewed and contrasted based on psychometric characteristics and quality of guidelines for interpretation. The use of... more
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      PsychologyBeliefsEducation ResearchClinical Decision Making
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      Autonomic Nervous SystemBehavior TherapyElectromyographyPolysomnography
In accordance with Freud's hypothesis about the nature of primary process thinking we analysed metaphors as possible tools for the integration of unconscious affective und... more
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      PsychologyBrief PsychotherapyAnxiety DisordersEating Disorders
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      PsychologyIntellectual DisabilityChildBehavior Therapy
Objective. Very little research has focused on the efficacy of Adderall (Shire-Richwood Inc, Florence, KY) in the treatment of children with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and no studies have compared it with standardized... more
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      PediatricsAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderTeachingChild
This article develops the hypothesis that intervention strategies that cultivate positive emotions are particularly suited for preventing and treating problems rooted in negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, aggression, and... more
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      PsychologyCoping StrategiesBehavior TherapyCognitive Therapy
Prior meta-analyses have found a moderate but robust relationship between alliance and outcome across a broad spectrum of treatments, presenting concerns, contexts, and measurements. However, there continues to be a lively debate about... more
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      PsychologyBehavior ModificationResearch DesignPsychotherapy
Mindfulness can be understood as consciousness, encompassing both attention and awareness; it is paying reflexive attention to the present moment. It is an attempt to actively focus on the present, but non-judgmentally, and without... more
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    • Behavior Therapy
THE MODERN ERA in medicine has brought a turning away from a quality of doctor-patient interactions that had persisted over centuries. When there were few efficacious remedies, doctors relied upon the healing power of the doctor-patient... more
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      General Internal MedicineSocial SupportEmpathyTherapeutics
Background: Informal caregivers of palliative patients took part in existential behavioral therapy (EBT), a group intervention comprising mindfulness exercises to reduce psychological distress and improve quality of life. Objectives: This... more
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      NursingPalliative CareQuality of lifeBereavement
Objective: To follow distressed married couples for 5 years after their participation in a randomized clinical trial. Method: A total of 134 chronically and seriously distressed married couples were randomly assigned to approximately 8... more
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      PsychologyBehavior ModificationIntegrative MedicineConsulting
Behavioral treatment of drooling is advocated widely, but evidence of its effectiveness is lacking. In a center-based case-series study, 10 participants with severe drooling were taught self-management skills to reduce drooling. Following... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSelf CareTreatment Outcome
We developed a staff management system for maintaining treatment gains achieved on a specialized continence unit located in a geriatric nursing home. Geriatric assistants learned to use a prompted voiding procedure to maintain improved... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDementiaApplied Behavior Analysis
The case study is based on qualitative data, reflection sheets, and interview and field notes from the Guided Self-Determination training. The patient's new insight developed in a process from resistance to receptiveness and then from... more
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      NursingDecision MakingSchizophreniaDelusions
Worry has been described as a core feature of several disorders, particularly generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). The present study examined the latent structure of worry by applying 3 taxometric procedures (MAXEIG, MAMBAC, and L-Mode) to... more
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      PsychologyAnxiety DisordersAdolescentAnxiety
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      Mechanical EngineeringSports MedicineObesityDiet
Recent laws in the United States incent healthcare practices to adopt electronic health records (EHRs). While there is extensive research related to EHRs generally, there is a dearth of EHR research specific to collaborative care... more
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      Mental HealthJob SatisfactionElectronic Health RecordsMedicine
Objective: In the intent-to-treat analysis of the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children With ADHD (MTA), the effects of medication management (MedMgt), behavior therapy (Beh), their combination (Comb), and usual community care (CC)... more
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      MathematicsAlgorithmsBehavior ModificationClinical Trial
The relationship between early maternal responsivity and later child communication outcomes in young children with fragile X syndrome was investigated. Data were obtained from 55 mother–child dyads over a 36-month period. Performance data... more
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      CommunicationEducationLanguage AcquisitionData Analysis
Objective. Ten to 30% of students engage in bullying behavior. Bullies stand out on account of increased anger, poor interpersonal relationships, and poor quality of life. Our aim was to determine the effectiveness of outpatient family... more
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      Family TherapyPediatricsAngerPsychometrics
The effects of 5.4 months of inpatient behavioral treatment and of 20 sessions of outpatient behavioral therapy were studied in a quasi-experimental design with 22 inpatient and 43 outpatient obsessive-compulsives. Within each group there... more
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      Cognitive ScienceFamily PsychologyAfrican AmericanBusiness and Management
Headache in children and adolescents represents a number of complex and multifaceted pain syndromes that can benefit from psychological intervention. There is good evidence for the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAdolescentChildBehavior Therapy
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      PhilosophyHealth PromotionEpidemiologyPolitics
Nurses have been employed as behavioural psychotherapists for over 25 years. The first training in this field was established at The Maudsley Hospital ( Marks et al. 1977 ). Since then there have been a number of courses producing many... more
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      AustraliaImpulse Control DisordersGamblingBehavior Therapy
A brief positive practice overcorrection procedure was used as a method of eliminating head-banging in a profoundly mentally retarded adult. Treatment produced an immediate reduction in head-banging episodes, with near zero occurrence of... more
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      Behavior ModificationCase StudiesIntellectual DisabilityEvidence-Based Practice (Psychology)
Despite the negative consequences of depressive rumination, little is known about the factors that may be linked to a predisposition to ruminate. Wells and Matthews (1994) suggested that rumination is associated with underlying... more
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      PsychologyBehavior Therapy
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceViolenceJuvenile Delinquency
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      PsychologyAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderBehavior Therapy
Thrombocytopoiesis of 21 multiple myeloma patients undergoing single or double transplant regimen was characterized by measuring the level of reticulated platelets and plasma glycocalicin. Since reticulated platelets are an index of... more
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      RNADexamethasoneBehavior TherapyMultiple Myeloma
We evaluated the effects of an enriched environment, based on a paired-choice preference assessment, on both rates of self-injurious behavior (SIB) and percentage of session intervals during which signs of negative affect were displayed... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceApplied Behavior AnalysisMental Retardation
A concurrent-operants design was used to analyze the repetitive behavior of observing reflective surfaces while simultaneously engaging in erratic gross-motor body movements (EBMs) exhibited by a young boy diagnosed with autism. The... more
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      PsychologyFunctional AnalysisBehavior ModificationAutism
Patients with panic disorder and patients with vestibular disorders often share symptomatology, such as dizziness, spatial disorientation, and anxiety in particular environments. Because of the similar clinical presentations, it is not... more
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      PsychologyAnxiety DisordersBehavior TherapyPanic Disorder
Abbreviations: CHD, coronary heart disease; NIDDK, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Système International (SI) units and conversion factors for many... more
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      ObesityLife StylePhysical ActivityDiet
The efficacy of amitriptyline as a pharmacological adjunct to behavioral modification in the clinical management of aggressive behaviors in dogs was evaluated in two phases. Twelve dogs presenting for aggressive behaviors were treated... more
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      Treatment OutcomeDogsProspective studiesAggression
The study aim was to test whether a brief motivational intervention, with or without a booster session, would improve drinking-related outcomes more than standard Emergency Department (ED) treatment. The study population consisted of 539... more
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      PsychologyConsumptionTreatmentPublic Health
Since fetal alcohol syndrome was first described over 35 years ago, considerable progress has been made in the delineation of the neurocognitive profile in children with prenatal alcohol exposure. Preclinical investigators have made... more
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      Clinical PsychologyCognitive ScienceNeuropsychologyMathematics
Objective To test a theoretical model examining processes through which a parent-focused educationalbehavioral intervention [Creating Opportunities for Parent Empowerment (COPE)] relates to children's posthospital adjustment problems.... more
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      Program EvaluationMental HealthPediatric PsychologyChild
This study assessed the efficacy of FaceSay, a computer-based social skills training program for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This randomized controlled study (N = 49) indicates that providing children with... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyAutismAutism Spectrum Disorders
The frequency of verbal perseverations of two children with severe visual impairment was reduced using differential reinforcement of appropriate speech coupled with extinction of perseverative utterances. A reversal design in which... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitionBlindness
The management of school refusal behavior in children and adolescents has long been a nettlesome process for clinicians. However, a functional analytic model of school refusal behavior has been proposed to assist clinicians in organizing,... more
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      PsychologyBehavior Therapy
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      EducationIntelligenceTreatment OutcomeIntellectual Disability
Controlled trials have established the efficacy of cognitivebehavior therapy (CBT) for depression. However, the relative effectiveness of individual versus group treatment formats in real-world settings is less well established. The... more
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      PsychologyMental HealthQuality of lifeTreatment Outcome
This study investigated whether in time-delay discrimination training, the performance of impulsive children can be improved by requiring self-monitoring of the correctness of nonwait responses, and to what extent these improvements are a... more
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      PsychologyPerformanceTime PerceptionDiscrimination Learning
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      NutritionObesityData AnalysisHealth Education