Battered Women

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Battered women refers to individuals, typically women, who experience physical, emotional, or psychological abuse from an intimate partner. This phenomenon is studied within the fields of psychology, sociology, and gender studies, focusing on the dynamics of power, control, and the impact of domestic violence on victims' mental and physical health.
This study examines verbal violence against women in Palestinian domestic relationships, focusing on its psychological, social, and political implications. Analyzing narratives from two Facebook support groups-Ask the Girls of Palestine... more
The operation of the Counseling Support Center for Women Victims of Violence of the Women's Center of Karditsa (Greece) aims to deal with female abuse, to enable women who have suffered violence to regain their self-esteem and to support... more
Domestic violence is a violence that takes place between intimate partners where one (in this context) the man, uses coercion and control to enforce authority or usurp the power of the woman through physical, sexual, financial or... more
Sexual (CAVAS)/ UFMG (IV Symposium of the Care Center for Victims of Sexual Abuse) -"Plots of perversion: domestic sexual violence" (November, 2013) and published in the collection França, C. P. (org.
Over the past three decades, several models for individual and group intervention with battered women have been developed. The common assumption underlying all of these models is that violence and abuse are never appropriate in an... more
Over the past three decades, several models for individual and group intervention with battered women have been developed. The common assumption underlying all of these models is that violence and abuse are never appropriate in an... more
This study examines the positive aspects of intimate relationships perceived by drug-involved women victims of intimate partner violence (IPV). The article examines the association of psychological distress, childhood abuse, and severity... more
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a highly prevalent problem among women. Our aim was to investigate the prevalence of IPV among patients of an out-patient clinic obstetrics-gynecology, association with level of education, and women's... more
In the 1990s, concerns with response fragmentation for intimate partner violence (IPV) led to the promotion of coordinated community responses (CCRs) to prevent and control IPV. Evaluation of CCRs has been limited. A previous evaluation... more
The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Women experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) navigate complex, dangerous decisions. Tailored safety information and safety planning, typically provided by domestic violence service providers, can prevent repeat IPV exposure and... more
Objectives. This 11-city study sought to identify risk factors for femicide in abusive relationships. Methods. Proxies of 220 intimate partner femicide victims identified from police or medical examiner records were interviewed, along... more
This descriptive study presents the profiles of abused female sex workers (FSWs) in Chennai, India. Of 100 abused FSWs surveyed using a structured questionnaire, severe forms of violence by intimate partners were reported by most (98%)... more
Objective: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depression occur frequently following traumatic exposure, both as separate disorders and concurrently. This raises the question of whether PTSD and depression are separate... more
Experiencing a sexual assault can have long-lasting negative consequences including development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and alcohol misuse. Intervention provided in the initial weeks following assault can reduce the... more
Introduction: Women, and persons facing social and economic disadvantage, are at greater risk for depressive disorders. Our objective was to describe the explanatory models of illness in depressed women, in particular, their idioms of... more
En este trabajo se han estudiado las repercusiones psicopatológicas de la violencia doméstica en la mujer en función de las circunstancias del maltrato en una muestra de 212 víctimas en un Servicio de Violencia Familiar. Los resultados... more
The ongoing debate surrounding the criminalisation of abused women who commit domestic homicide remains a contentious issue. The legal responses to domestic violence saw the introduction of new coercive control legislation and the new... more
Uma mulher que experimenta a maternidade no contexto da imigração, é suscetível a inadequações no atendimento, comprometendo sua própria experiência da gravidez e do parto e a satisfação com o atendimento. Este estudo pretende compreender... more
The impact of interpersonal violence on college students has received considerable recent attention, yet no studies have been conducted among community college students. These students comprise over 40% of all American college students,... more
Designed to assist health care providers from the pediatric and family physician settings in addressing adult and childhood domestic violence victimization including: assessment, documentation, intervention and referrals.
This study was aimed to estimate the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) in a sample of 226 women with disabilities living in four different districts of Bangladesh. It also explored the physical and psychological suffering of... more
The paper discusses women's narrations on the effects violence against them has upon their children, if exposed, and challenges the women's consciousness of these effects. Findings concern the first phase results of the VICTIMS project... more
Background: Gender based violence, including violence by an intimate partner, is a major global human rights and public health problem, with important connections with HIV risk. Indeed, the elimination of sexual and gender based violence... more
The applicant was arrested on suspicion of membership of an illegal armed organisation, the PKK (Workers' Party of Kurdistan) and later convicted as charged and sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment. She complained in particular that,... more
In the past few years, WHO, the American Medical Association, International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Royal College of Nursing, and other professional medical organisations have made statements about the... more
Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women is a global public health and human rights concern. Despite a growing body of research into risk factors for IPV, methodological differences limit the extent to which comparisons... more
Background: Violence by an intimate partner is increasingly recognized as an important public and reproductive health issue. The aim of this study is to investigate the extent to which physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence is... more
Previous research shows that victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) often justify violence, which can play a role in the persistence of violence. The present studies examined whether the victim’s justification of violence negatively... more
Background: Previous studies quantified that women who experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) had a higher risk of spontaneous abortion than women who did not experience IPV. However, there is limited evidence documenting the... more
Cultural heritage, societal values, role expectations, the legal system, and sex stereotyping are examples of. the multi-level collusion of forces which keep victims of domestic violence fróm challenging the legitimacy of the abusive... more
Despite increasing numbers of studies on gender-based intimate partner violence, little is known about its specific characteristics in the case of older women. This is difficult to understand and justify given that the population is... more
This study examined battered women's cognitive schema in relation to their cognitions about violence (i-e., the "meaning" attached to the violence), post-traumatic reactions to violence, and serual victimization histories. Seventy-two... more
OBJETIVO: Compreender as vivências de enfermeiros no atendimento a mulheres que sofreram violência sexual. PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLÓGICOS: Estudo clínico-qualitativo em que foram entrevistados seis enfermeiros de um serviço de assistência a... more
Globalization, in the context of this panel, refers to international, trans-border processes which are not regulated by the international legal framework, either private law or public international law. These processes, these unregulated... more
Evaluar el nivel de conocimientos y las opiniones del personal sanitario acerca de la violencia de género y conocer las barreras organizativas que aprecian, sus propuestas para mejorar la detección precoz y la atención a las víctimas.... more
The term 'Battered Wife Syndrome' was first used in R. v. . Angelique Lyn Lavallee, the accused, was charged with 2nd degree murder of her common law partner, Kevin Rust. For the most part, Lavallee had experienced both physical and... more
The objective of this study was to determine whether a military deployment of 6 months predicted domestic violence against the wives of deployed and nondeployed soldiers during the postdeployment period. The method involved the completion... more
Since its inception in England and Wales, the partial defence to murder of loss of control has generated a steady stream of appeals. Individually, those appeals have illuminated key aspects of the plea's operation. This paper, though, is... more
The course of physical and psychological partner aggression was investigated over a decade in 203 wives from Suffolk County, New York. Wives reported on their own and on their partners’ aggression at one month before marriage and 6, 18,... more
Changing Systems to Prevent Violence in Chicago and Beyond Mission Statement UIC 2010 Seed Grant funds will be used to support Center-related activities that together will develop the necessary infrastructure to promote and support... more
Introducción. Estudiar la gravedad del trauma físico en las víctimas de feminicidio podría contribuir a prevenirlo de forma más efectiva.Objetivo. Determinar si el número de heridas en los feminicidios con arma cortopunzante varía... more