Battered Woman Syndrome

19 papers
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Battered Woman Syndrome is a psychological condition that can develop in women who are victims of prolonged domestic violence. It encompasses a range of emotional and psychological responses, including feelings of helplessness, fear, and low self-esteem, which can affect their ability to leave abusive relationships and may influence legal defenses in cases of violence.
Self-defense is undergoing an epochal transformation. 1 Since 2005, more than forty states have passed or proposed new "Castle Doctrine" legislation intended to expand the right to use deadly force in self-defense. 2 These bills derive... more
This Commentary is about domestic violence. More specifically, the issue I consider here is this: How should the criminal law deal with battering victims (primarily, women) who, after months or years of abuse, kill their (primarily, male)... more
Gender based violence is a global issue and has been a core focus of a 'gender-based renaissance'. This has sparked social movements such as the 'Women's Marchs' occurring across many global cities, social media discussions and campaigns,... more
This paper is the subjective, anecdotal, and introspective account of the experience of two feminist psychologists who served as defense consultants in the 0. J. Simpson murder trial. The authors explore the personal and professional... more
The aim of this article is to examine the current state of the battered woman syndrome (BWS) defence in Canada and propose an update to the list of factors considered by experts evaluating the applicability of the defence to individual... more
For centuries, people have been hearing fairy tales from their childhood. Almost every fairy-tale contains a physically 'strong' man and a 'weak' woman who always needs the help of a man and this is embedded into the minds of people about... more
Women who are battered in the family or by intimate partner may experience syndrome as a result of the abuse they are exposed to. This syndrome has been expressed as the battered woman syndrome. While the battered woman syndrome... more
Од самото однесување на жртвата во дадена кривичноправна ситуација често зависи и исходот на самиот настан. Иако, нејзината активна или пасивна улога знае да биде и иницијатива за вршење на кривичното дело. За жената, многу често се вели... more
Cutting or self inflicted epidermal damage (derma-abuse) describes a number of bloodletting behaviours among adolescents. Unlike suicidal behaviour, it is associated with low lethality and the absence of suicidal attempts. The purpose of... more
Battered woman syndrome (BWS) is a psychological situation and express a pattern of behavior that develops in victims of domestic violent behavior as a effect of victims, prolonged violent behavior, Where the victim gets depressed,... more
This Commentary is about domestic violence. More specifically, the issue I consider here is this: How should the criminal law deal with battering victims (primarily, women) who, after months or years of abuse, kill their (primarily, male)... more
The aim of this article is to examine the current state of the battered woman syndrome (BWS) defence in Canada and propose an update to the list of factors considered by experts evaluating the applicability of the defence to individual... more
This essay argues that a central failure in domestic violence law and policy reform has been the creation of a body of law and set of policies based on outmoded notions of what domestic violence is, who women who experience violence and... more
Aims This study aims to find out how alcohol use disorder (AUD) correlates to personal well-being and life satisfaction. Background AUD is prevalent and leads to significant physical, physiological, and social-occupational impairment.... more
Appellate rulings contribute to policy deliberations on uses of and parameters for expert testimony. As courts perform gatekeeping and evaluative roles, opinions highlight investigative independence, calculations of probability, and... more
Örselenmiş Kadın Sendromu ve Tanımlanabilir Olma Hakkı
The construct of Battered Woman Syndrome (BWS) has been conceptualized as a subcategory of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is composed of the following symptoms: (a) re-experiencing the battering as if it were reoccurring even... more
When the victims of wife-beating are subjected to excessive violence, a syndrome occurs, which during a criminal procedure can be pleaded as BWS (Battered Women Syndrome). It is also referred to as Battered Spouse Syndrome. However; the... more
It is a hornbook rule that an appeal in criminal cases opens the entire records to review. The Court may pass upon all relevant issues, including those factual in nature and those that may not have been brought before the trial court.... more
Battered woman syndrome (BWS) is a psychological situation and express a pattern of behavior that develops in victims of domestic violent behavior as a effect of victims, prolonged violent behavior, Where the victim gets depressed,... more
The average African girl grows into a woman knowing that she must get married. When she eventually does, she must do all that is in her powers to make her marriage work. She has to submit, obey, make sacrifices and above all, endure even... more
Dünya nüfusunun yaklaşık yarısını kadınlar oluşturmaktadır. Kadınların erkeklerle paylaştıkları bu sayısal eşitlik ne yazık ki birçok alanda beklentileri karşılamamaktadır. Başka bir deyişle, eğitim, işgücü piyasasına dâhil olma,... more
In this case, admitting she killed her husband, Marivic anchors her prayer for acquittal on a novel theory, the "battered woman syndrome" or BWS, which allegedly constitutes self-defense.
Meşru savunma, ceza hukuku denildiğinde aklımıza ilk gelen ve kamuoyunda kendisine en çok yer bulan ceza hukuku kavramlarından birisidir. Bugünlerde ülke gündemine oturan bir olay 1 , meşru savunma kavramını yeniden gündeme getirdi ve... more
We tried to look through this paper on the emerging concept of gender neutrality which is a debatable issue across the globe. This paper tried to present the problems faced due to gender specific role which ultimately creates gender... more
İki bölümden oluşan makalenin ilk bölümünde feminist hukuk teorisinin aynılık ve farklılık yaklaşımlarını Fineman ve Mackinnon'un görüşleri çerçevesinde incelemeye çalıştım. İkinci bölümde ise kendi içinde çeşitlenen farklılık... more
This dissertation aims to analyse and evaluate the partial defence of murder known as loss of control (formerly known as provocation before it was reformed) 1 . In particular, the author of this dissertation will examine some of the... more
In recent years, Ireland has been rocked by revelations of historical child sexual abuse. This has led to a variety of state responses but one question remains particularly difficult to answer: why did the sexual abuse of children go... more
In recent years there has been a lot of attention focused on the specific issue of the battered women, and the battered women who eventually fight violence with violence. This is with good reason, since it is a widespread and serious... more
Bu makalede, şiddet mağduru kadınlarda görülen "öğrenilmiş çaresizlik sendromu" hukuki açıdan tartışılacak ve bu sendroma ilişkin delillerin, İngiliz haksız tahrik hukuku üzerindeki etkileri açıklanacaktır. Hâlihazırda eril (masculine)... more
This Commentary is about domestic violence. More specifically, the issue I consider here is this: How should the criminal law deal with battering victims (primarily, women) who, after months or years of abuse, kill their (primarily, male)... more
Participants (N = 172) were presented with a criminal homicide trial involving a battered woman who had killed her abuser. Within the trial stimulus, the imminence of the batterer's threat was systematically manipulated such that... more
Battered women syndrome hakkında Richard W. Swanson BSC (hons)MD tarafından  Can. Med. Assoc. J. Vol.130, Mart 15,1984 te yayınlanan makalenin İngilizceden Türkçeye çevirilmiş halidir.
Örselenmiş kadın sendromu(battered woman syndrome), kocasından veya duygusal ilişki yaşadığı partnerinden devamlı fiziksel, duygusal ve cinsel şiddet gören kadınların psikolojik durumlarını niteleyen bir kavramdır. Ceza hukukunda ise,... more
There is a comparison of two children groups ). The first group was low PTSD symptoms and the second group was more prevalent with PTSD. It was based on the PTSD symptoms after an industrial disaster. There is a study of the child's... more
Focuses on the Issue of Battered Womens Syndrome, particularly highlighting the issue of learned helplessness that battered women suffer from.
A. Legislative History RA 9262,2 otherwise known as the Anti-VAWC Act, was passed after almost a decade ofadvocacy by women's groups, survivors of violence, and mostly female legislators. In the House of Representatives (HOR), two bills... more
ÖZET: Bir kimsenin kendisini veya başkasını hedef alan bir saldırı karşısında, savunma amacıyla ve bu saldırıyı uzaklaştıracak ölçüde kuvvet kullanmasını ifade eden ve ceza hukukunun en temel kurumlarından olan meşru savunma kurumu 5237... more
Traditional gender stereotypes have not changed as much as society would like to believe. Female characters in books and movies usually fulfill the role of damsel in distress, needing to be saved by a strapping, handsome, and muscular... more
The Republic Act No. 9262 otherwise known as Anti-violence against Women and their Children Act of 2004 provides the legal framework of the country's effort to address violence committed against women and children in keeping with the... more