Basic Income
Recent papers in Basic Income
Numerous unconditional basic income (UBI) pilot projects raise the ques- tions whether this idea can be transformed from a theoretical concept into a universal tool and be implemented both in poor and rich countries. In this article the... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Lavoro autonomo e rivoluzione digitale: due iniziative governative. – 1.1. I ritardi del Welfare italiano: dalla Commissione D’Aragona (1947) al precariato e al lavoro autonomo di seconda e terza generazione. – 1.2.... more
Cognitive capital is an important resource for employers. A survey instrument is proposed to evaluate employee’s desire to use their cognitive capital in the workplace. Additionally, the survey incorporates elements to allow for cross... more
For the advocates of basic income as instrument to guarantee real freedom, the capabilities approach constitutes an important challenge. It seems that a universal and in-cache policy, such as basic income, would not play any role in a... more
The study's general objective is to analyze the role of internal financial audit, as an anti-irregularity agent. It has specifically aimed at Searching in the literature the importance of internal auditing in aggregating values of... more
A Prefeitura de Maricá, na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, teve expressiva atuação anticíclica com políticas sociais durante a pandemia de Covid-19. O Banco Mumbuca, responsável pela intermediação financeira entre a Prefeitura e... more
Published in 1964, James Meade’s *Efficiency, Equality and the Ownership of Property* packs an incredible concentration of insightful analysis and provocative policy ideas in under 100 pages. The book is a brilliant exploration of what a... more
L’attenzione verso il reddito di base è alta anche nel nostro paese. Oltre ai progetti di legge depositati in Parlamento, alle proposte di studiosi e di organizzazioni sociali e alle iniziative adottate a livello locale, è di fine gennaio... more
Is sex work (specifically, prostitution) vulnerable to technological unemployment? Several authors have argued that it is. They claim that the advent of sophisticated sexual robots will lead to the displacement of human prostitutes, just... more
When the issue of basic income is discussed from feminist perspective, it seems that it is usually done so focusing on gender role and gendered division of labor. As the issue of gender role and gendered division of labor in this regard... more
In the past decade, the field of behavioral economics has given new insights to our understanding of poverty—and, as a result, forced us to re-examine the current set of anti-poverty policies and programs. By designing and deploying... more
The basic income proposal provides everyone in a society, as an unconditional right, with access to a certain level of income. Introducing such a right is bound to raise questions of institutional feasibility. Would it lead too many... more
Saving Citizenship from the workhouse. Upholding the obligation to work undermines the citizen's autonomy 1 1. Diagnosing the crisis Within the past years, the legitimacy of the nation-state has come under attack in intellectual debate.... more
The connotation of the people towards money has been shifted due to digital credit platform. Today in a metropolitan city like Chennai, the middle-class people who are the floating population are having an urge to settle in proper part of... more
A universal basic income would shore up the market. We need ideas that shrink it.
Any large-scale market economy requires a stable frame of reference against which the price system can operate. This is the function that money serves. Money is two things: a standard pricing unit and the tokens people use to pay those... more
Introduzione alla ripubblicazione del Manifesto di Ventotene, nel volume "Ventotene. Un manifesto per il futuro", manifestolibri, 2014, a cura di Giuseppe Allegri e Giuseppe Bronzini, con saggi, tra gli altri, di Luciana Castellina, Pier... more
The purpose of this article is twofold – on the one hand, it offers an overview of the main theoretical orientations of libertarianism, with a focus on right-libertarianism, and its potential support for a universal basic income... more
Canada has had recurring debates about guaranteed or basic income over several decades. This article outlines reasons for implementing basic income in the Canadian context. These reasons include reducing poverty and inequality,... more
This book brings together fifty of today’s finest thinkers. They were asked to let their imaginations run free to advance new ideas on a wide range of social and political issues. They did so as friends, on the occasion of Philippe Van... more
The public trust doctrine makes natural resources a part of the commons, owned equally by all, and legally owned by the state. The resources and opportunities that the present generation have inherited must be available to future... more
L'attuale dibattito sul reddito di cittadinanza è viziato da una truffa lessicale: ciò che è stato introdotto è in verità un reddito minimo garantito, misura neoliberale pensata per spingere i disoccupati nel lavoro (destinata a fallire... more
Should Marxists support universal basic income (UBI), i.e., a regular cash income paid to all without a means test or work requirement? This paper considers one important argument that they should, namely that UBI would be instrumentally... more
This article draws on innovation and agenda-setting theories to identify critical points in the realization of basic income in Finland. Our empirical data comprise 13 models of either unconditional basic income or social security reform... more
Freely available at: "Synthesizing new interviews with previously known but never integrated information on the shared struggles of Jewish and African-American communities, "Stayed on... more
In addition to his Noble Prize-winning work in economics, Milton Friedman produced some of the most influential philosophical work on the role of government in a free society. Despite his great influence, there remains a dearth of... more
This article explores how the demand for an unconditional basic income (UBI) was discussed in the British Women’s Liberation Movement (WLM) in the 1970s. A resolution for UBI was passed with a majority vote at the National Women’s... more
We challenge the view, typically assumed by advocates of unconditional basic income (UBI), that its administration is uncontroversial. We identify three essential tasks which, from the point of view of the administrative cybernetics... more
The World Basic Income Program can give all citizens in less fortune nations a modest, unconditional income, and let them top it up at will with income from other sources. We hope to work hand-in-hand with nations of the world to bring... more
This research is an attempt by the authors to study basic income experiments and experiences in nearly every political boundary worldwide, models that have been proposed worldwide and come up with one that could potentially beat the... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
En ce début de XXI e siècle, la pauvreté, la précarité et les inégalités aff ectent un nombre croissant de personnes sur le continent européen. Ces phénomènes fragilisent non seulement la cohésion sociale des sociétés européennes mais... more
Con questo intervento di analisi intorno all'introduzione del Reddito di Cittadinanza nel nostro sistema di Welfare (2019), si prova a ad aprire uno spazio di riflessione per sondare le ipotesi di miglioramento di una misura che, con... more