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O paradigma realista vestefaliano, assente na geografia das fronteiras, fundamentou ao longo dos anos a separação entre o que é a segurança interna e a segurança externa, focandose essencialmente nesta última e na sua dimensão militar. No... more
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      MaliTuaregBarry Buzan
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      International RelationsMigration StudiesCopenhagen School/SecuritizationRefugees
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      pesquisa relacionada a Defesa Civil ou Proteção CivilSaúde ColetivaSegurança PúblicaBarry Buzan
How important were the Treaties of Westphalia to the development of the modern international system?
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryLegitimacyHoly Roman Empire
In his famous People, States and Fear Barry Buzan called security an "essentially contested concept" that, according to Richard Little, "contains an ideological element which renders empirical evidence irrelevant as a means of resolving... more
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      International SecuritySecurity StudiesBarry Buzan
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      International RelationsBalkan StudiesBalkan HistoryInternational Security
Las teorías y los conceptos de seguridad precisan evolucionar conforme cambia la realidad mundial. Barry Buzan es un autor a través del cual, se puede estudiar esta evolución, desde la teoría de los complejos de seguridad hasta llegar a... more
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      Barry BuzanEstudios Estratégicos
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      International RelationsInternational SecuritySecuritizationEnergy Security
Consider Kang’s, Zhang/Buzan’s and Womack’s arguments about the tributary system in Chinese history. Is the tributary system consistent or inconsistent with IR theory’s Realism? Explain, noting different emphases by the authors above,... more
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      Asian StudiesInternational RelationsConstructivismKorean Studies
In 1998, with the release of Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Barry Buzan, Ole Waever and Jaap de Wilde broached the field of securitization studies, which in turn established the status of the Copenhagen School as a unique... more
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      International Relations TheoryInternational SecurityEast AsiaSecuritization
Dillon mengemukakan ancaman secara filosofis dari usaha kita mendefinisikan keamanan. Jika kita melihat konsep keamanan komprehensif dari Buzan, kita bisa melihat asumsi dasar yang membuat definisi keamanan Buzan bias asumsi. Meskipun... more
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      Political PhilosophyCritical Security StudiesBarry Buzan
Ele alınan bu çalışmada ABD’nin Irak’ı işgali temelinde şekillenen güvenlikleştirme anlayışı ortaya konulacak, ABD-Irak ilişkileri kısa dönemler içerisinde ele alınarak savaşa ve işgale yol açtığı düşünülen sebepler işlenecek ve söz... more
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      Barry BuzanAmerika'Nın ırak PolitikasıAbd Dış PolitikasıKörfez Savaşı
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      EnergyEnergy SecurityEuropean UnionRegional Security Complex Theory
In this paper I analyze the impact of the Eurasian Union on the Central Asian republics, with a focus on remittances trends. To this end I review at first the literature regarding the effects of the Customs Union on its members. Then, I... more
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      International RelationsRegional developmentRegional Security Complex TheoryCentral Asian History (Area Studies)
Como citar este artigo: Ferreira, L.; Cabral, A.; Franchi, T. 2017. A securitização na tríplice-fronteira brasil-colômbia-peru e o papel do exército brasileiro na região. Revista de Ciências Militares, maio de 2017
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      SecuritizationAmazonian HistoryBarry BuzanZonas De Fronteira
Nunca é demais insistir na evidência de quetanto no plano político quanto no do jurídicoo horizonte e os panoramas da segurança mudaram muitíssimo com o fim do Mundo bipolar. Numa abordagem genérica inicial vale decerto a pena esmiuçar,... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
The diffusion of International Relations Theory brings a deep problem of hegemony in the Gramscian sense and dominance of Western theories. Rebus sic stantibus, a possibility of counter-hegemonic project seems at the same time a challenge... more
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      Critical TheoryInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryRegionalism
Around the world nation-states are struggling actors in the world arena who constantly struggle to become a regional power. This type of power can exist in nation state through means of control and influence. The way a nation state can... more
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      International RelationsRegional IntegrationASEANRegional Powers
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      pesquisa relacionada a Defesa Civil ou Proteção CivilCivil DefenseSegurança PúblicaBarry Buzan
Nesta dissertação são abordados os antecedentes, as realizações, as perspectivas e os desafios para a consolidação do Conselho Sul Americano de Defesa (CSD). O trabalho é um estudo de caso, de natureza descritiva, baseado na Teoria dos... more
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      International SecurityDefenceBrazilian Foreign policyDefense and National Security
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityEmancipationTemperance/Prohibition
11 Eylül olayları bir “paradigma” değişimine yol açmış mıdır? Uluslararası sistem açısından, 11 Eylül “yeni bir milat” mı yoksa Sovyetler Birliği’nin çökmesinden sonra oluşan yeni dünya düzeninin kendi içindeki bir “kırılma noktası”... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational SecurityUluslararası İlişkiler
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      SecuritizationCopenhagen School/SecuritizationHannah ArendtNazi Germany
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryConstructivism
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      pesquisa relacionada a Defesa Civil ou Proteção CivilSaúde ColetivaSegurança PúblicaBarry Buzan
Amitav Acharya and Barry Buzan’s The Making of Global International Relations: Origins and Evolution of IR at its Centenary is a sophisticated survey of the history of modern international relations and the discipline of International... more
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      Barry BuzanInternational Relations and Global PoliticsAmitav Acharya
Studies have been conducted on the presidential turmoil and economic collapse that led 
to Venezuelan collapse. However, at the time these studies were held there was not much information available pointing out the role of the Venezuelan... more
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      Latin American StudiesInternational RelationsGlobalizationHuman Rights
Securitizantes: uma análise conceitual a partir do caso estadunidense 1 RESUMO Este artigo discute o fenômeno das Empresas Militares Privadas através do conceito de agente securitizante. Estas companhias cresceram vertiginosamente na... more
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      International RelationsSecuritizationPrivate military contractorsConstrutivism
A partir das construções teóricas oferecidas pelos professores Barry Buzan e Ole Waever -especialistas no campo da segurança internacional -a segurança energética pode ser definida como um conceito elástico. Estabelecendo uma conexão... more
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      SecuritizationEnergy SecurityBrazilBarry Buzan
The Middle East and the Horn of Africa exist in two distinct regional security complexes (RSCs), groupings of states exhibiting intense security interdependence within a distinct region, but rarely between regions. Recent geopolitical... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesGulf StudiesInternational Security
Canada has long been regarded as a middle power in international politics. During the Cold War, it not only contributed to the UN peacekeeping missions but also acted as a mediator or conciliator to promote international peace. Since... more
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      ConstructivismInternational SecurityAfghanistanRealism
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      pesquisa relacionada a Defesa Civil ou Proteção CivilSegurança InternacionalSegurança PúblicaBarry Buzan
ظم امنیتی در منطقه خاورمیانه از سال 2011 به این سو دچار تغییراتی ساختاری شده است چراکه قدرتهای فرامنطقه ای به شدت در منطقه نفوذ دارند و همچنین رقابتهای ژئوپولیتیکی میان قدرتهای منطقه ای نیز تعمیق شده است. علاوه بر پیچیدگی بیشتر معمای... more
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      Iranian StudiesTurkeyMiddle Eastern StudiesSyriac Studies
For the past few years the Mediterranean Sea has become a graveyard for the people coming from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe, in search of a better life or simply life. But on many other occasions the waves of the Sea have... more
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      International RelationsRefugee StudiesInternational SecurityEuropean Union
The paper approaches the “vertical expansion of the concept of security” reconstructing the debate on the concept of security within the discipline of International Relations after the Cold War. Considering that security is an... more
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      International SecuritySecuritySecurity StudiesCritical Security Studies
Bu makale uluslararası ilişkilere kuramsal yaklaşımlardan biri olan İngiliz Okulu’nu tanıtmayı ve değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. İngiliz Okulu’nun ne olduğunu anlatmak için, öncelikle Okul’un kökleri, kurucuları, ontolojik ve... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryMartin WightInternational society
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational SecuritySecurity Studies
Presentation held at the final conference of the Urban Minorities Program at the Bauhaus-University Weimar
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      Urban PoliticsSocial ProblemsHomelessnessSecuritization
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      pesquisa relacionada a Defesa Civil ou Proteção CivilSocial DesignSegurança PúblicaBarry Buzan
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      Middle East StudiesHistory of IranEgyptRegional Security Complex Theory