Baroque opera
Recent papers in Baroque opera
This chapter interrogates the notion of the Italian theatre with its tiers of boxes as a mirror of (aristocratic) society, addressing the usually unacknowledged complexities surrounding the use of these boxes. It does so by looking at the... more
Handel´s opera Giulio Cesare in Egitto was originally written in Italian, but it has been later performed also in German, and English. It was first performed at the King´s Theatre, Haymarket, London 20th February 1724. It is a drama... more
This essay was the opening section of the critical edition of the score of la Calisto published by Bärenreiter Verlag in 2012. It provides a thorough study of the opera, the sources of the libretto, the circumstances of the production,... more
Quando Giulio Cesare attraversò il dramma in musica, in Paolo Turroni, Cesare all'opera. Il passaggio del Rubicone nell'opera italiana fra XVIII e XIX secolo, Cesena, Società Editrice Il Ponte Vecchio, 2020, pp. 149-159.
L'inventario dei manoscritti presenti in Malatestiana, con la segnatura 167.107, indica la miscellanea cartacea contenente i tre intermezzi con la seguente espressione: «Giovannini Vincenzo. Scritti in prosa e in versi. Mss. cart. del... more
In this paper I make a résumé of my thesis content on Joan of Arc modern and contemporary music, passing in review three European masterpieces of the modern opera and oratorio genres signed by Walter Braunfels, Henri Tomasi and André... more
This article considers the representations of masculinity, emotion, and the performance of loss in Baroque opera. The genre or episode emphasized herein is the lament envoiced by male political figures who challenge the symbolic order... more
Due anni fa, con un testo pubblicato sulla rivista diretta da Pietro Gibellini, «Letteratura e dialetti» che ho poi sintetizzato sul «Bollettino del Gruppo dei Romanisti (2022)», descrivevo la storia di diciannove acquerelli di argomento... more
Manuscript parts for an anonymous oboe concerto in G minor shelfmarked L:10 are found in the Wenster collection at the University Library in Lund. The concerto has the peculiarity that each of its three movements is cast in da capo aria... more
A Roman opera with a labyrinthine name, Il Palazzo incantato (or Il Palagio d’Atlante, overo La Guerriera Amante), premiered at the Teatro delle Quattro Fontane in February 1642, with music by Luigi Rossi and a libretto by Giulio... more
Heute wie damals löst das monumentale Doppelporträt von Anton Frank und Thomele bei Betrachtern und Betrachterinnen Neugierde, Staunen und Überraschung aus. Es verwundert daher nicht, dass das Doppelbildnis zu den immer wieder... more
The purpose of this document was to prepare modern performing editions of two solo cantatas by Alessandro Stradella. Historical commentary includes an overview of Stradella's life and musical output, the poetic style and structure of... more
Links: e Frontespizio [a p. VI]: "LI / DIVERTIMENTI / POETICI / DI / MARIA ANTONIA / SCALERA STELLINI / D'Aquaviva / DEDICATI / All. Em.ᵐᵒ e Rev.ᵐᵒ Sig. il... more
In his study of the Stamitz symphonies, Eugene K. Wolf devotes a chapter to the growth of the phrase in Stamitz's music and, more generally, to the evolution of eighteenthcentury phrase rhythm. 1 In the course of a long footnote that... more
Like many metrically dissonant idioms, hemiolas can go by almost unnoticed (when they contribute only a touch of spice which the composer adds to the metrical mélange), or they can call so much attention to themselves that they bring the... more
La Semana de Música Religiosa de Cuenca (SMR) es un festival musical que se celebra, desde 1962, en Cuenca, la ciudad castellanomanchega declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1996. En cada edición, que suele desarrollarse... more
Augsburg bowl and chest with opera costumes. The inventory of the Lviv tenement house of Stanisław Mateusz Rzewuski from 1728. The article presents the valuable, highly interesting and hitherto unknown inventory of Royal Tenement House... more
Christine Nagel 212 Wie es dann auch eine schöne Leiche gewesen Schmuck und Kleidung auf den Totenbildern des Kurfürstenpaares Johann Georg I. und Magdalena Sibylla von Sachsen Uta Dorothea Sauer 228 Musik und Theater am Hofe Johann... more
Der Artikel zeigt die Wirkungsgeschichte der von Friedrich Zollinger entwickelten Zollbauweise bis zu den neusten Versuchen, die Technologie im 21. Jahrhundert zu reaktivieren. /// The article shows the history of the impact of the... more
Comprehensive essay about the opera Li prodigi della divina grazia nella conversione e morte di San Guglielmo, duca d'Aquitania by Pergolesi (1731), published as programme notes for the recording by Ensemble Alraune. Analysis of the... more
Comprehensive essay about the opera Li prodigi della divina grazia nella conversione e morte di San Guglielmo, duca d'Aquitania by Pergolesi (1731), published as programme notes for the recording by Ensemble Alraune. Analysis of the... more
Gegenstand der Studie, die 2012 als Dissertation an der Universität Graz eingereicht wurde, ist der Kulturtransfer zwischen dem französischsprachigen Kulturraum und dem Wiener Hof im 17. Jh. Die Autorin befasst sich dabei mit einem... more
«¿Lope fue alguna vez joven?», si chiede Héctor Brioso Santos nella Presentación (p. 15) al volume che inaugura la collezione Papeles de Teatro della casa editrice Liceus e il cui titolo richiama l'ultimo verso di un sonetto delle Rimas:... more
Tono a 4 voces al Sacramento Fuego en la nieve fuego de Fray Manuel Correa. Se incluye el texto poético puntuado, la partitura con la transcripción musical a notación moderna y unos breves comentarios.
Este artículo repasa las diferentes músicas escritas para las comedias de Agustín Moreto que han llegado a nuestros días. Arranca a mitad del siglo XVII y concluye en el XIX. No se trata de un listado sistemático ni exhaustivo pues su... more
The path Monteverdi takes between harmonic arrivals depends on three elements: the content of the phrases; whether the repetition of a phrase is altered; and how the joints between phrases are made. I call these schemata, splices, and... more
Bala, S. (2020). Theatre and the risk of fire. Biblioteca Teatrale, 133, 99-111.
- by Sruti Bala
This response to Stephen Lett's article draws parallels between the institutional histories of the Society for Music Theory (SMT) and the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS). While both societies have struggled with racial diversity and... more
Background: Handel´s musical expression was largely going towards lighter style Galant (Radice, 1999), not totally against the traditional beginning of the 18 th Century Baroque music making, but rather furthering it into some fresher... more
Handel´s musical expression was largely going towards lighter style Galant, not totally against the traditional beginning of the 18 th Century Baroque music making, but rather furthering it into some fresher musical fields by connecting... more
Using the example of the grand ducal dynasty of the Medici in Florence, this chapter examines strategies implemented to compensate for childlessness and thus heirlessness. The protagonists are the aging grand duke Cosimo III (1642-1723)... more
This contribution provides an overview of the role of French royal doctors from the late 16 th century to the early 18 th century within the social context of the court, later centred at Versailles. In focussing on the political function... more
En la Oper am Gänsemarkt, durante sus primeros 60 años de vida, se representa un número considerable de óperas ambientadas en España o basadas en originales españoles. En lo literario, esta tendencia da lugar a la recreación de... more
Geschichtliche Darstellung und Analyse der Aufführungen von Mozarts Idomeneo in Glyndebourne und ihrer Tondokumente unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bearbeitung von Hans Gál. Mit einer detaillierten Diskographie.