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Essays: Roberto Ciancarelli, “Nota di presentazione”; Raimondo Guarino, “Opera delle convulsioni, patologia, ‘enrichment’: dal surrealismo alla cura delle pratiche”; Nicola Shaughnessy, “Acting in a World of Difference: Drama, Autism and... more
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      Applied TheatreApplied Drama/TheatreBaroque operaInterdisciplinary Studies
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      OperaBaroque operaPhilology, Codicology, Critical EditionHistory of Milan
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      Baroque MusicAlexander the GreatBaroque operaG F Handel
Cette représentation fait partie des épreuves imposées à l'étudiante suivante pour l'obtention d'une Maîtrise en musique (spécialisation en interprétation) et le programme d'opéra. / This performance is presented by the following students... more
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      OperaBaroque operaG F Handel
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      MusicMusicologyBaroque operaEighteenth-Century Music
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      OperaBaroque MusicEarly Modern ItalyBaroque opera
Table ronde à l'Université de Fribourg
Mercredi 9 mai 2018, 10h-12h30 et 14h30-17h
Salle de Musicologie (MIS 2033)
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    • Baroque opera
This is the first study to examine Antonio Vivaldi's opera, Orlando finto pazzo, in relation to its source text, Matteo Boiardo's masterpiece, Orlando innamorato. The intent of this analysis is to revive interest in a work that was... more
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      Italian StudiesOperaItalian LiteratureBaroque Music
No, these first steps will not make you a master of Baroque Gesture. But they will create the conditions in which you can study and practise further. So, whilst you are putting in the time to internalise the collected wisdom of... more
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      ShakespeareBaroque operaHistorically Informed Performance (HIP)Claudio Monteverdi
Guicciardi, Borosini, Fabri, Pinacci, Antinori i tenori italiani a Londra.
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      HistoryBaroque MusicBaroque operaG F Handel
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      French LiteratureBaroque operaClassical Reception StudiesClassical Mythology
In Singing in Signs: New Semiotic Explorations of Opera. Edited by Gregory J. Decker and Matthew Shaftel. New York, Oxford University Press. In this chapter, I make a case for the interpretive significance of Baroque topics by examining... more
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      SemioticsOperaBaroque MusicBaroque opera
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      The Classical TraditionIntellectual History of the Baroque PeriodBaroque MusicBaroque music theatre
P r e f a c e with eighteenth-century re-embodiments of these tales and characters. the experiment was refreshing, to say the least, and led to the conclusion that opera seria lacked a standard formula to represent even a specific... more
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      Baroque operaClassical Mythology
Rappresentata per la prima volta a Venezia durante la stagione di car-nevale del 1643, L'incoronazione di Poppea è l'ultima opera attribuibile, del tutto o in parte, a Claudio Monteverdi. Oltre a essere una delle poche opere, forse... more
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      Baroque operaClaudio MonteverdiGian Francesco Busenello17th-century Venetian Opera
A comprehensive source study and analysis of the theatre building for the festive opera Costanza e Fortezza performed during the stay of the imperial court in Prague 1723.
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      Art HistoryTheatre StudiesEarly Modern HistoryHabsburg Studies
The article examines the first Italian translation of Ursula Kirkendale's studies about Handel's Roman years and how influential her work has been until now - Prince Ruspoli Musical and Musicological Prize being one of its most welcome... more
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      Baroque MusicBaroque operaG F HandelStuart England
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      Baroque operaG F HandelAntonio VivaldiSinging
In "Figure di passaggio. Temi, generi e linguaggi della fin de siècle inglese.". A cura di Benedetta Bini. Viterbo, Settecitta', 2017, pp. 65-85.
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      PortraitsVictorian StudiesRenaissance HumanismGhosts
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      Roman HistoryThe Classical TraditionBaroque MusicBaroque opera
Dinko Fabris (Università della Basilicata), Chair Elizabeth Elmi (Iowa State University), "Pastoral Politics in the Lyric Song of Late-Fifteenth-Century Southern Italy" Nathan Reeves (Northwestern University), "Locating Plebe... more
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      Renaissance musicBaroque operaItalian Renaissance literatureHistorical Musicology
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      Baroque opera(Baroque) DanceCavalli and Baroque OperaVenetian Opera
This chapter examined Claude's seaports through their relationship with contemporary theatre and the intellectual and cultural life of the Barberini era. In particular it linked Claude's sunsets to both the intense scientific study of the... more
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      Baroque operaTheatre DesignClaude LorrainBarberini patronage
Like many kinds of popular entertainment, the opera of seventeenth-century Venice relied heavily on formulae. From the lamenting queen to the comic servant, creators had numerous stock characters and plot elements to draw upon, recombine,... more
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      Baroque MusicGreek MythBaroque operaClaudio Monteverdi (Music)
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMusicMusic History
Might composers of solo song and opera c.1600 have modelled these emerging musical forms, in part, on plainchant recitation? As this dissertation demonstrates, chant and monody were contiguous musical practices, united in their imitation... more
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      Renaissance HumanismPlainchantItalian Renaissance ArtRenaissance music
Im Zentrum dieses Bandes steht die Fest- und Opernkultur am Wittelsbacher Hof während der Herrschaft der Kurfürsten Max Emanuel (1680–1726) und Karl Albrecht (1726–1745). Betrachtet wird vor allem die Intention des Fürstenhauses, den... more
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      Musical TheatreOperaHistory Of EmotionsMusic and Emotions
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      Baroque MusicBaroque operaLibretto studiesFrancesco Cavalli
Traditional narratives of music history have presented Johann Georg Pisendel as a composing violin virtuoso and a possible inspiration for Bach's solo sonatas. However, if one disregards traditional categories such as 'composer' or... more
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      Orchestral ConductingEarly MusicMusic HistoryMusicology
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      Gay And Lesbian StudiesBiblical StudiesPerformance Studies (Music)French Baroque Music
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      Baroque music theatreBaroque operaDecameronJesuit theatre, Baroque theatre
Incredibilmente non ancora studiato in ambito musicologico, questo grande corpus documentario conservato nell’Archivio Segreto Vaticano, è costituito da otto volumi, che coprono il periodo che va dal 1691 al 1703. Il valore e l’importanza... more
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      Baroque MusicBaroque operaAlessandro Scarlatti17th-18th century Italian cantata and serenata
The opera aria, having to express the emotional and reflective feeling of a subject, is the result of factors which are not only related to the production system, but also to anthropological and cultural codes belonging to the people who... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory Of EmotionsStereotypesAnthropology of emotions
A discussion of the essays on the economic structures of the early Venetian opera which Lorenzo Bianconi, Giovanni Morelli and Thomas Walker published between 1976 and 1984, with reference to Hellmuth Christian Wollff’s seminal... more
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      MusicologyHistorical SociologyBaroque operaFernand Braudel
The morphology of Baroque arias, both in their few pre-eighteenth-century variants and in the later da capo model, has not been fully explained in relationship with its symbolic function, which is that of being the privileged site of... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of IdeasHistory Of EmotionsMusic and Emotions
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyFolklore
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      Giacomo LeopardiBaroque operaOld Polish literatureWilliam Shakespeare
This paper supplements Gebauer and Wulf's analyses of mimesis as a mechanism for the construction of social reality. After situating archaic musical mimesis in the context of Homeric performance and its critique in Plato, I demonstrate... more
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      MimesisRenaissance StudiesBaroque operaMusical Performance
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      MelodramaBaroque operaHistory and Theory of ScenographyStage Design
In: Das Musikle­ben am Hof von Kurfürst Max Emanuel (Veröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft für Bayerische Musikgeschichte), hg. von Stephan Hörner und Sebastian Werr, Tutzing: Schneider 2012, S. 9-25
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      MusicMusicologyBaroque MusicBaroque opera
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      MusicologyBaroque MusicBaroque operaPerformance Practice (Music)
Nel 1988, quando Carl Dahlhaus pubblicava il suo contributo sulla Drammaturgia dell'opera italiana, l'atteggiamento degli storici nei confronti dell'opera seria settecentesca era già ambiguo. Accanto ai detrattori, che vi rintracciavano... more
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      Baroque operaEighteenth-Century MusicMetastasioGiovanbattista Pergolesi
Cesare Morelli made thirty-two arrangements of airs and recitative from Lully's operas, Cadmus et Hermione and Thesee, for his employer Samuel Pepys, in the early 1680s. These arrangements were created at a time when French music,... more
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      MusicologyClassical GuitarSemiotics of MusicFrench Baroque Music
Edición y estudio de la ópera representada en la corte virreinal de Nápoles en 1678, con libreto de Manuel García Bustamante, puesta en música por Filippo Coppola, maestro de capilla de la corte partenopea
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      Baroque opera17th Century MusicComedia NuevaComedia mitológica
Introductory paragraphs to the critical edition of Ridolfo Campeggi's Delle Poesie (1620); brief excerpt from some epithalamia; list of the members of the Accademia dei Gelati in Bologna.
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      PhilologyItalian (European History)Italian StudiesRomance philology
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      OperaBaroque operaPhilology, Codicology, Critical EditionLibretto studies