Barn Owl

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The Barn Owl (Tyto alba) is a nocturnal bird of prey known for its distinctive heart-shaped face, silent flight, and specialized hunting abilities. It primarily inhabits open landscapes and is recognized for its role in controlling rodent populations, making it an important species in agricultural ecosystems.
This description of the diet of Asio flammeus (Short-eared Owl) in Oklahoma is based on prey remains identified in 4,281 Short-eared Owl pellets collected by Paul Wilson from 1982-2005. Also included in the list are prey items of... more
The development of daily rhythmicity in Barn Owls (Tyto alba) The development of biorhythms is an important aspect of the dynamic interaction between the young animal and its environment. The study of such phenomena gives an insight into... more
Fossil evidence indicates that owls have been preying on bats from as far back as the Pleistocene. Overall, bats form quite small portions (i.e. trace to 0.2%) of the diets (by prey frequency) of European owls. An assessment of dietary... more
Journal of Threatened Taxa is dedicated to building evidence for conservation globally by publishing peer-reviewed articles online every month at a reasonably rapid rate at All articles published in JoTT are... more
Author(s): Shore, R. F.; Potter, E. D.; Walker, L. A.; Pereira, M. G.; Chaplow, J. S.; Jaffe, J. E.; Sainsbury, A. W.; Barnett, E. A.; Charman, S.; Jones, A.; Giela, A.; Senior, C.; Sharp, E. A. | Abstract: Secondary exposure of predators... more
BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to... more
By producing pellets rich in micromammal remains, owls are important contributors to small vertebrate accumulations in archaeological sites. Neotaphonomic studies are necessary to evaluate predation and fossilization biases before using... more
Dietary studies are one of the most developed research areas in biology and ecology studies of Neotropical owls, but most of these studies have focused on few species. Our study describes the diet of Barn Owl (Tyto alba), Spectacled Owl... more
Madagascar Teal Anas bernieri were captured at Lake Antsamaka, central-western Madagascar, during the species' annual wing moult to test whether the sexes could be differentiated on morphometrics and report on a little-known species. A... more
Interaural time differences (ITDs) are one of the cues used for binaural sound localisation. In birds, ITDs are computed in nucleus laminaris (NL), where a place code of azimuthal location first emerges. In chickens, NL consists of a... more
The Shaw-like potassium channel Kv3.1, a delayed rectifier with a high threshold of activation, is expressed in the time coding nuclei of the bird auditory brainstem. In both barn owls and chickens, Kv3.1 mRNA was expressed in the... more
Axons from the nucleus magnocellularis form a presynaptic map of interaural time differences (ITDs) in the nucleus laminaris (NL). These inputs generate a field potential that varies systematically with recording position and can be used... more
Inputs from the two sides of the brain interact to create maps of interaural time difference (ITD) in the nucleus laminaris of birds. How inputs from each side are matched with high temporal precision in ITD-sensitive circuits is unknown,... more
Interaural time difference is an important cue for sound localization. In the barn owl (Tyto alba) neuronal sensitivity to this disparity originates in the brainstem nucleus laminaris. Afferents from the ipsilateral and contralateral... more
The auditory and electrosensory systems contain circuits that are specialized for the encoding and processing of microsecond time differences. Analysis of these circuits in two specialists, weakly electric fish and barn owls, has... more
The neurophonic potential is a synchronized frequency-following extracellular field potential that can be recorded in the nucleus laminaris (NL) in the brainstem of the barn owl. Putative generators of the neurophonic are the afferent... more
In the auditory system, precise encoding of temporal information is critical for sound localization, a task with direct behavioral relevance. Interaural timing differences are computed using axonal delay lines and cellular coincidence... more
The detection of interaural time differences underlies azimuthal sound localization in the barn owl. Sensitivity to these time differences arises in the brainstem nucleus laminaris. Auditory information reaches the nucleus laminaris via... more
Interaural time difference (ITD), or the difference in timing of a sound wave arriving at the two ears, is a fundamental cue for sound localization. A wide variety of animals have specialized neural circuits dedicated to the computation... more
A biologically detailed model of the binaural avian nucleus laminaris is constructed, as a twodimensional array of multicompartment, conductance-based neurons, along tonotopic and interaural time delay (ITD) axes. The model is based... more
Animals, including humans, use interaural time differences (ITDs) that arise from different sound path lengths to the two ears as a cue of horizontal sound source location. The nature of the neural code for ITD is still controversial.... more
In birds and mammals, precisely timed spikes encode the timing of acoustic stimuli, and interaural acoustic disparities propagate to binaural processing centers. The Jeffress model proposes that these projections act as delay lines to... more
Owls are specialized predators and have very large eyes, which allow vision in limited light, and an acute hearing. These characteristics make them well adapted for hunting at night (VENABLE 1997). Although small mammals are the main food... more
The deposition of anticoagulant residues in the eggs of barn owls, Tyto alba by assessing eggshell thickness were investigated in oil palm plantations. Three study plots were set aside; one plot each baited with chlorophacinone and... more
The barn owl (Tyto alba) belongs to the order Strigiformes and family Tytonidae (Scopoli) inhabits all the continents, except that of Antarctica, among the grasslands, ruins in the agricultural fields, old and tall trees and pastures... more
The marine avifauna of Matthew and Hunter Islands, two remote volcanoes of the New Hebrides chain. Breeding birds recorded on Matthew and Hunter Islands in the tropical southwestern Pacific between 1973 and 2018 are summarised from a... more
Sažetak: Sitni sisavci igraju značajnu ulogu u poplavnoj šumi (Cockle & Richardson 2003), s obzirom da su primarni plijen mnogim grabežljivcima (Kelsey & West 1998, Hanski et al. 2001), preko selektivne herbivorije i rasprostiranja...
Shifferman E. and Eilam D. 2004. Movement and direction of movement of a simulated prey affect the success rate in barn owl Tyto alba attack. Á/ J. Avian Biol. 35: 111 Á/116.
Raptor-prey encounters were studied to evaluate the strategies and success rate of both predator attack and prey defense. We compared the success of barn owls in catching stationary simulated prey (food item) with that of moving prey... more
The dominant food-items eaten by the short-eared owl were rats and mice (91.9%). Shrews (2.0%), bats (1.3%), and birds (5.0%) jointly constituted only 8.2% of the owl's diet. Among rats and mice, the most intensively consumed rodent pest... more
Homologous recombination is a meiotic process that generates diversity along the genome and interacts with all evolutionary forces. Despite its importance, studies of recombination landscapes are lacking due to methodological limitations... more
In this study, a novel parvovirus (strain swine/ Zsana3/2013/HUN, KT965075) was detected in domestic pigs and genetically characterized by viral metagenomics and PCR methods. The novel parvovirus was distantly related to the human... more
Rooikrans Acacia cyclops is an invasive plant species in the coastal region of South Africa, especially the Fynbos Biome. It is endemic to southwestern Australia. Seeds are bird‐dispersed, mostly by frugivores and granivores. We report... more
Even though birds are some of the most common road-killed animals, it remains to be determined whether avian roadkills are related to breeding numbers and breeding success, mainly due to a lack of study areas that monitor breeding... more
The normal numbers of micronucleated erythrocytes MNE observed in peripheral blood samples differ among species. Ž. This depends on the effectiveness of the spleen or the rest of the reticuloendothelial system to withdraw them from... more
Islands, and the particular organisms that populate them, have long fascinated biologists. Due to their isolation, islands offer unique opportunities to study the effect of neutral and adaptive mechanisms in determining genomic and... more
The normal numbers of micronucleated erythrocytes MNE observed in peripheral blood samples differ among species. Ž. This depends on the effectiveness of the spleen or the rest of the reticuloendothelial system to withdraw them from... more
Science for Conservation is a scientific monograph series presenting research funded by New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC). Manuscripts are internally and externally peer-reviewed; resulting publications are considered part of... more
Since the pioneering work performed by Honigmann (1911)l who investigated the effects of moving textured background on the prey-catching behavior in the toad, it has been known that the toad can (I) extract "prey-object" from "background"... more
Molecular sexing of Tyto alba javanica Abstrak. Penentuan jantina burung adalah penting untuk tujuan kajian ekologi dan biologi evolusi, serta program pembiakan dan konservasi terutamanya bagi burung yang mempunyai ciri monomorfik. Bagi... more
We have identified 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the barn owl (Tyto alba), five from testing published owl loci and 10 from testing non‐owl loci, including loci known to be of high utility in passerines and shorebirds. All 15... more
A clinical study was conducted on the intermittent hydronephrosis in children. Of 78 children with hydronephrosis due to ureteropelvic junction obstruction operated between 1991 and 1995, 5 had intermittent hydronephrosis. All 5 patients... more
 Rodents run frantically in response to a taking off barn owl after its attack  We recorded the sounds generated by an owl in landing on and taking off from a prey  Takeoff sounds were significantly louder than those of swooping-down ... more