Barbara Kruger
Recent papers in Barbara Kruger
Published by Penn State University Press in 2024. Available through: PSU Press: Amazon:... more
What are the Sixties all about? Liberation, repression, appropriation? Under Anglo-American influence, this decade was characterized by an unprecedented demographic and economic boom, the emergence of the consumer society and the... more
"Shilpa Gupta’s minimalist poetic interventions take on time, space, means of communication, and memory in ways that linger in heart and mind. Sound is important within this artist’s practice, fraught with art historical references".
Konsumerisme telah menjadi fenomena global yang memengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia, termasuk dalam dunia seni. Karya seni 'I Shop, Therefore I am' oleh seniman kontemporer Barbara Kruger merupakan salah satu karya yang... more
"Here, the Ghost Is Me" is an essay published in "Being As Communion", an exhibition catalog edited by curator Maria-Thalia Carras on the occasion of the 8th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art – Central Exhibition (4 March – 21 May... more
This paper develops the work of Kerrigan et al. (2011) by considering the impact of the celebrity artist on the associated production and consumption activities. It also considers the role which entrepreneurial marketing plays in helping... more
My 2017 instance of the course "Reading Popular Culture," for the Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences at OCADU. The course was premised on the problematic centrality of Dionysian traditions to pop culture; an opening prelude situated... more
Group Material's Timeline: The Chronicle of US Invention in Latin and Central America (1984) at P.S.1's Center for Contemporary Art explored the framing devices of installation art and photography in tandem, as a means of reconfiguring... more
Barbara Kruger's urban-inspired visual artworks articulate a critique of the discursive constructions both of the consumer and of consumption itself. A former designer and picture editor in magazines, Kruger resorts to the aesthetic and... more
"I doubt therefore I am!": Doubt, often overlooked or undervalued, holds immense importance as a fundamental element in our pursuit of knowledge. It serves as a critical tool for suspending judgment and challenging biases inherent in our... more
Menganalisa dua karya seni, yaitu "Self Portrait with Monkey" karya Frida Kahlo dan "Untitled (Flag)" karya Barbara Kruger, dengan menggunakan teori feminisme subversi identitas sebagai kerangka analisis. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan... more
Dates are subject to slight modification. Messaging: Text and Visual Art is a Sheldon Statewide exhibition; Statewide is an outreach education and exhibitions program of the Sheldon Museum of Art. This exhibition is made possible by the... more
Review of the 59th edition of Venice Biennale (2022)// Compte-rendu de la 59e édition de la Biennale de venise (2022)
Review of the 59th edition of Venice Biennale (2022)// Compte-rendu de la 59e édition de la Biennale de venise (2022)
Purpose– In recent years, scholars have begun suggesting that marketing can learn a lot from art and art history. This paper aims to build on that work by developing the proposition that successful artists are powerful... more
Este artigo discutirá o Merzbau de Hannover enquanto experiência "paraarquitectónica" e como doutrina sobre o conforto ambiental, doutrina essa ligada à sensação intensa e ao relaxamento mnemónico. O Merzbau, a Traumhaus (casa de sonho)... more
Profª da Escola de Arquitetura da UFMG, doutoranda em Artes Plásticas pela EBA-UFMG, mestre em Estética e História da Arte pela USP, graduada em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Universidade Santa Úrsula. Pesquisa em Arte Contemporânea,... more
Dates are subject to slight modification. Messaging: Text and Visual Art is a Sheldon Statewide exhibition; Statewide is an outreach education and exhibitions program of the Sheldon Museum of Art. This exhibition is made possible by the... more
Shock' advertising is the new black and the subject of the reflection in which this article engages. We do this in particular through consideration of the (largely) British high-street fashion house French Connection's seemingly endless... more
Some time ago, while discussing a more squarely academic paper I had written on Cindy Sherman while a PhD student at the Graduate Center, CUNY, the art historian David Joselit said to me, “Cindy isn’t afraid of being ugly.” My memory is... more
Text to accompany "Matt Lipps: The Body Wants to Live" at Marc Selwyn Fine Art
Orwell-inspired museum installation makes for uneasy viewing
The murals by Diego Rivera at the Rockefeller Center in New York, realized in 1933, are one of the most renowned lost artworks. The success of Rivera's work doesn't depend on the number of visitors, since the fresco was removed before... more
This summer, during group shows and ahead of fall exhibition openings, weʼre visiting New York-based artists in their studios.
Özet Araştırmada Hegel'in bilinç ve özbilinç kavramları üzerinden Efendi-Köle diyalektiği analiz edilerek mutlaklaşma, özgürleşme ve kendinin bilincinde olma durumları Hegel'in tarih yorumu etkisinde incelenmektedir. Ardından sanat... more
It. Marca, Marchio; Fr. Marque; Germ. Marke; Span. Marca. "Brand", from the ancient norse brandr (to burn), originally refers to the practice of livestock marking. The term includes all graphic signs, names, symbols and images used to... more
Nueva Jersey, 1945) es una artista conceptual perteneciente al movimiento feminista. En lo concerniente a su formación, cabe destacar el ingreso en The Parson Design School (1965), escuela que le abrió camino hacia su vocación... more
L’IMMAGINE POLITICA DI JOHN HEARTFIELD , BARBARA KRUGER E BANKSY Ambra Sombo Anno 2015\2016 Dagli albori dei tempi l’artista è una... more
Profiling 1989, American text-based Artists and the Conceptual Art movement – without whom Contemporary Art would not have arrived as we know it today.
Nel testo è affrontata l'analisi semiotica di 6 opere di Barbara Kruger. Al di là di una "firma plastica", cioè gli attributi di riconoscibilità dell'artista nelle opere, si celano diverse strategie: ne vengono individuate tre,... more
art is known for her contemporary and controversial art. She explores in her work political, social, and especially feminist provocations. This essay discusses how consumerism, femininity, the ´gaze´ of a male and nude/ semi-nude images... more
The Influence of Graphics Design has earned a level of control on society. In the dissertation am going to uncover the influence of graphic design on pop-culture. Pop culture is defined as the ideas, knowledge, information, creative works... more
This is the first anthology of writings dedicated to the history and theory of collage. The book gathers together nineteen essays written by artists, theorists, and historians - all seek to define collage with reference to the notion of... more
In order to clearly indicate the purposes of my research, there is the need to carefully ditinguish the two different aspects that the title itself suggests: The first part consist of a humanistic analisys, while the second to a social... more
The proliferation of digital technologies in nearly every aspect of life has been accompanied with narratives of change – both dystopian and utopian – from its early days. And if art is in any way to relate to our lived experience, then... more
Interview with Barbara Kruger
This Article examines Andy Warhol's use of food and food products as a metaphor for commerce and consumption. It observes that Warhol's use of images and marks was often inconsistent with copyright and trademark doctrine, and suggests... more
Este artigo pretende investigar a obra da artista contemporânea norte-americana Barbara Kruger, contextualizando o surgimento e desenvolvimento das artes da instalação e dos chamados Site Specific Works, ferramentas frequentemente... more
In Barbara Kruger’s sophisticated juxtaposition of images and words emerges injured hands, broken hearts, terrified faces, bandaged heads, punished bodies, and birthing genitalia that poignantly associate with pain. And the text messages... more