Barbara Kruger
Recent papers in Barbara Kruger
身體痛苦不僅是生理反射和生化過程而已,也是個人主觀感受的原型,使患者陷入不可言喻的孤寂和憂傷。如Elaine Scarry所言,痛苦的經驗難以透過語言適切表達,甚至抗拒和摧毀了語言,使患者回到哭喊和呻吟的原始聲音。面對這種表達困境的挑戰,無論是描寫被蛇纏身的勞孔或釘十字架的耶穌,藝術家一向致力以視覺形式傳遞身體所發出的聲音,表達身體處於危機的樣貌、過程和後果。藝術因而使我們探索痛苦的生理、心理、社會、文化意義。... more
In Barbara Kruger’s sophisticated juxtaposition of images and words emerges injured hands, broken hearts, terrified faces, bandaged heads, punished bodies, and birthing genitalia that poignantly associate with pain. And the text messages... more
Nel testo è affrontata l'analisi semiotica di 6 opere di Barbara Kruger. Al di là di una "firma plastica", cioè gli attributi di riconoscibilità dell'artista nelle opere, si celano diverse strategie: ne vengono individuate tre,... more
L’IMMAGINE POLITICA DI JOHN HEARTFIELD , BARBARA KRUGER E BANKSY Ambra Sombo Anno 2015\2016 Dagli albori dei tempi l’artista è una... more
This is an undergrad essay about the relationship between art and mass media using the art of Barbara Kruger as a case study.
Thanks to postmodernism it is nowadays a commonly understood truth that even those realities which seemed to be very factual, as the photographic ones, are not as certain as before. Because we have now realised that we will never be able... more
Nueva Jersey, 1945) es una artista conceptual perteneciente al movimiento feminista. En lo concerniente a su formación, cabe destacar el ingreso en The Parson Design School (1965), escuela que le abrió camino hacia su vocación... more
Review of an exhibition catalogue documenting the work of the so-called PICTURES GENERATION, 1974-1984 of American artists
Profiling 1989, American text-based Artists and the Conceptual Art movement – without whom Contemporary Art would not have arrived as we know it today.
Özet Araştırmada Hegel'in bilinç ve özbilinç kavramları üzerinden Efendi-Köle diyalektiği analiz edilerek mutlaklaşma, özgürleşme ve kendinin bilincinde olma durumları Hegel'in tarih yorumu etkisinde incelenmektedir. Ardından sanat... more
art is known for her contemporary and controversial art. She explores in her work political, social, and especially feminist provocations. This essay discusses how consumerism, femininity, the ´gaze´ of a male and nude/ semi-nude images... more
The purpose of this paper is to argue that greater awareness of the connections between the traditions and conventions of visual art and the production and consumption of images leads to enhanced ability to understand branding as a... more
Some time ago, while discussing a more squarely academic paper I had written on Cindy Sherman while a PhD student at the Graduate Center, CUNY, the art historian David Joselit said to me, “Cindy isn’t afraid of being ugly.” My memory is... more
(Copy)wrong? Authorship, Appropriation, and ‘Fair’ Use
The American legal system’s shortsighted approach to aesthetic judgment and the consequences of Copyright Law on the creative processes of artistic production.
The American legal system’s shortsighted approach to aesthetic judgment and the consequences of Copyright Law on the creative processes of artistic production.
Este artigo pretende investigar a obra da artista contemporânea norte-americana Barbara Kruger, contextualizando o surgimento e desenvolvimento das artes da instalação e dos chamados Site Specific Works, ferramentas frequentemente... more
Article about the American artist Barbara Kruger dating from 2001.
Interview with Barbara Kruger
One reason for this renewed interest may be due to a recent change in the production, distribution and consumption of stock imagery. Digital technologies have transformed the nature of stock imagery. Agencies have moved their files from... more
Orwell-inspired museum installation makes for uneasy viewing
This summer, during group shows and ahead of fall exhibition openings, weʼre visiting New York-based artists in their studios.
When we talk about Banksy and poetry, it is first his pseudonym, which is poetic. Robbin’ banks. Like graffiti this pseudonym is an action (robbin’ or scratching), it is innovative and funny, and it is between words and pictures. Banksy’s... more
in Mills, S., (ed.), Language and Gender: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, New York: Longman, 1995, 240-256.
Text to accompany "Matt Lipps: The Body Wants to Live" at Marc Selwyn Fine Art