Banruptcy and Insolvency Law
Recent papers in Banruptcy and Insolvency Law
The contention regarding insolvency and tangibles has kindled a fire in many a trust lawyer’s hearts due to the legal uncertainty it has promoted within certainty of subject matter. It will be analysed alongside two criteria – in this... more
The information provided in this publication is general and may not apply in a specific situation. Legal advice should always be sought before taking any legal action based on the information provided. This information is not intended to... more
Il decreto milanese e` un esempio lampante della complessità delle situazioni di crisi aziendale e delle difficoltà per uscirne. La pronuncia affronta una serie di temi e giunge all’apertura della procedura di concordato preventivo di una... more
Book Review of "Virginia Torrie, Reinventing Bankruptcy Law: A History of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (2020)
Bernard RA. Santen, Fabian A. van de Ven and Gert-Jan Boon follow up their previous article with further analysis, regarding what a judge in the EU should consider when opening a secondary insolvency proceeding, based on the text of the... more
Winding up enables affected companies to be administered by the courts for the benefit of their members, creditors and other relevant persons. The available assets are divided amongst members, other relevant persons and creditors in... more
This paper has, as its main goal, the intent to determinate which elements fulfill the notion of overindebtedness. The inexistence, both in Portugal, as in Spain, of a special legal procedure to react to consumer overindebtedness, leaves... more
Pre-packaging allows a distressed company to negotiate a plan with its creditors and a purchaser before entering formal insolvency proceedings. By allowing the terms of a plan to be negotiated before formal proceedings, pre-packs provide... more
Law No.7101 stipulated important changes in the Turkish insolvency law. The most significant amendment stipulated by the Law is the abolition of the institution of postponement of bankruptcy and the regulation of the provisions regarding... more
In the present study we will make an analysis of the main problems of enterprise groups, especially in terms of insolvency law. We analyze its regulatory developments at three levels: international, European and Spanish national law. In... more
Par condicio omnium creditorum SOMMARIO: 1. Il multinational bankruptcy system e la tutela dei creditori. Introduzione. -2. La posizione « processuale » dei creditori. Il c.d. « cross-filing » -3. La posizione « sostanziale » dei... more
Estratto CASSAZIONE CIVILE, Sez. I, 8 aprile 2013, n. 8533 -SALMÈ Presidente -PICCININNI Estensore -F.M. (Avv.ti G.V. e F.M.) c. Fallimento Giovenzana Foto Cine Ottica s.r.l. in persona del curatore. Cassa Tribunale di Milano, decr., n.... more
Il decreto milanese e` un esempio lampante della complessità delle situazioni di crisi aziendale e delle difficoltà per uscirne. La pronuncia affronta una serie di temi e giunge all’apertura della procedura di concordato preventivo di una... more
In this article we considered proper to bring in discussion an older problem - terminological inconsistency of the Romanian legislator and, especially, in view of the completion, elaboration and the implementation of a new insolvency... more
On August 25, 2021, Law decree 118/2021 came into force, introducing a new proceeding in the Italian legal system, the “Negotiated settlement for the solution of business crisis”, concerning the prevention/management of the business... more
The consistent application of s 9(4A) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 (Insolvency Act) has, to date, been sometimes impeded by various interpretational challenges in the South African courts. For instance, the courts have grappled to... more
La Corte di cassazione sul pericolo nella bancarotta fraudolenta pre-fallimentare: un'altra rondine in attesa di primavera? Ersi BozhEku Sommario: 1. Una piccola premessa.-2. Pericolo presunto vs. pericolo concreto: brevi cenni in ordine... more
Paolo ex d.l. 25 giugno 2017 n. 99 -Efficacia dell'accordo ricognitivo 19 gennaio 2018 -Rapporti estinti alla data della cessione -Successione di Intesa San Paolo s.p.a. nel rapporto controverso e legittimazione passiva -Sussistenza.... more
The main objective of this study is to analyze the "pieces" that support the construction of a bankruptcy policy, aiming to identify those that allow building a bankruptcy policy which will help in the recovery from the economic COVID... more
Le nuove procedure di composizione della crisi destinate all’imprenditore non fallibile ed al consumatore introdotte dalla l. 3/2012, succ. mod. integr., ossia l’accordo di ristrutturazione dei debiti ed il piano del consumatore,... more
The author presents and discuss several issues related to the interpretation of articles 4 and 13 Reg. no. 1346/2000/CE recently given by the EU Court of Justice
A well-functioning economy requires a well-functioning bankruptcy system. However, our knowledge of insolvency and bankruptcy is remarkably limited. This anthology brings together new international research from a wide range of academic... more
The nature of Insolvency is to analogously cause the legal death of a person. This in effect curtails the rights hitherto enjoyed by the insolvent until discharge and annulment of the insolvency order. That notwithstanding, it does not... more
C A P I T O L O X X V I ART. 83 BIS di MARCO FARINA SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. 2. Contratti pendenti e giudizio arbitrale in corso. 3. Compromesso e convenzione di arbitrato in materia non contrattuale.
Il lavoro affronta in modo analitico le problematiche della bancarotta fraudolenta in relazione alle c.d. operazioni infragruppo offrendo spunti non solo teorici ma anche pratico-interpretativi per la corretta soluzione delle moltissime... more
Absa Bank v Hammerle Group 2015 (5) SA 215 (SCA)
The paper analyses the bail-in, a bank-resolution tool provided by the BRRD (Directive 2014/59/UE),.
Το ενδιαφέρον της σχολιαζόμενης απόφασης έγκειται στο ότι θίγει για πρώτη φορά το ζήτημα της σχέσης της διάταξης του αρ. 57 ΠτωχΚ (για την ανάκληση της απόφασης που κηρύσσει την πτώχευση) προς τη διάταξη του αρ. 166 ΠτωχΚ (για την παύση... more
National insolvency laws provide treatment and remedy to the issues arising out of the corporate restructuring drives within the jurisdictions of the national laws. This excludes the remedy to the cross-border corporate restructuring... more
In transposition of the EU directive 2302/2015, the legislative decree n. 62/2018 sets out the insolvency protection schemes in relation to packages and linked travel arrangements. Given the organisers’ obligation to provide sufficient... more
ABSTRACT Corporate Restructuring Corporate Restructuring is hooting up in India. In recent years, several companies around the world have restructured their assets, operations, liabilities, and other obligations in response to new... more
Bankuptcy-remote transactions are sophisticated, but no longer a rarity, and should stop being considered as an oddity, or ‘marginal’ case. Rather, they challenge some of bankruptcy law’s most basic assumptions, on a practical, rather... more
The cooperation of European countries in matters of insolvency has a long history. It has been a 40 year project within the European Union, evolving in complexity and increasing in cooperation as the EU has expanded and changed. The... more
The purpose of the paper is to analyze the latest doctrinal and jurisprudential trends about the issue of the judicial review on the feasibility of the plan in the so-called “composition with creditors’ procedure”. The Author reports the... more
In tema di bancarotta fraudolenta per distrazione, l’accertamento dell’elemento oggettivo della concreta pericolosità del fatto distrattivo e del dolo generico deve valorizzare la ricerca di “indici di fraudo- lenza”, rinvenibili, ad... more
Le disposizioni contenute nel Reg. n. 848 sulle procedure di insolvenza transfrontaliere e, se infine promulgata, nella Direttiva sugli strumenti di allerta, di ristrutturazione preventiva e sulla seconda opportunita` si pongono su una... more
Conventional wisdom about bankruptcy-remote transactions tends to be grounded on two assumptions. First, bankruptcy-remote transactions are a highly specific, and borderline case, of anecdotal relevance for bankruptcy policy. Second,... more
In poche occasioni la giurisprudenza è stata chiamata ad occuparsi della fallibilità delle società di capitali dopo l’iscrizione nel registro delle imprese degli atti con i quali sono state realizzate operazioni straordinarie che ne... more