Banking finance
Most cited papers in Banking finance
It is not uncommon in the arrangement of a loan to include as part of the financial package a guarantee of the loan by a third party. Examples are guarantees by a parent company of loans made to its subsidiaries or government guarantees... more
This paper presents recent research on access to finance by small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). SMEs form a large part of private sector in many developed and developing countries. While cross-country research sheds doubt on a... more
Using 7900 bank observations from 80 countries for the 1988±1995 period, this paper examines the extent and eect of foreign presence in domestic banking markets. We investigate how net interest margins, overhead, taxes paid, and... more
Recent years have seen a considerable increase in the literatures concerning the separate areas of corporate social responsibility and corporate tax aggressiveness. However, comparatively little scholarly attention has been paid to the... more
This paper surveys the empirical and theoretical literature on the mechanisms of corporate governance. We focus on the internal mechanisms of corporate governance (e.g., corporate board of directors) and their role in ameliorating various... more
GDP per capita is in constant dollars, averaged over the entire sample period. Crisis period denotes the years in which each country experienced a systemic banking crisis and the duration of said crisis. Concentration is calculated as the... more
Using data from 1996 to 2000, we investigate the effect of extensive foreign ownership on the banking sectors in general and bank efficiency in particular for eleven transition countries. Our unbalanced panel consists of 220 banks and 830... more
This note examines the determinants of bank performances across eighteen European countries between 1986 and 1989. The study replicates Bourke's methodology and finds that the results do conform to the traditional US concentration and... more
This paper addresses a little examined intersection between the problem loan literature and the bank efficiency literature. We employ Granger-causality techniques to test four hypotheses regarding the relationships among loan quality,... more
A company's credit default swap spread is the cost per annum for protection against a default by the company. In this paper we analyze data on credit default swap spreads collected by a credit derivatives broker. We first examine the... more
This study reviews the performance of banks in twelve countries or territories in Europe, North America and Aus~ra!ia and examines the internal and external determination of profitability. To circumvent some of the difficulties in making... more
The new BIS 1998 capital requirements for market risks allows banks to use internal models to assess regulatory capital related to both general market risk and credit risk for their trading book. This paper reviews the current proposed... more
This study analyses the interest margin in the principal European banking sectors (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain) in the period 1993–2000 using a panel of 15,888 observations, identifying the fundamental elements... more
China is reforming its banking system, partially privatizing and taking on minority foreign ownership of three of its dominant ''Big Four" state-owned banks. This paper helps predict the effects by analyzing the efficiency of Chinese... more
We analyze the importance of firm-specific and country-specific factors in the leverage choice of firms from 42 countries around the world. Our analysis yields two new results. First, we find that firm-specific determinants of leverage... more
Keywords: Non-performing loans Greek banking system Macroeconomic determinants Bank specific determinants Dynamic panel data a b s t r a c t This paper uses dynamic panel data methods to examine the determinants of non-performing loans... more
In this article, I examine the effect of pre-existing relationships between a firm and its potential lender on the potential lender's decision whether or not to extend credit to the firm. I find that a potential... more
The rapid expansion of organized equity exchanges in both emerging and developed markets has prompted policymakers to raise important questions about their macroeconomic impact, yet the need to focus on recent data poses implementation... more
The German financial market is often characterized as a bank-based system with strong bank-customer relationships. The corresponding notion of a housebank is closely related to the theoretical idea of relationship lending. It is the... more
This paper investigates the impact of stock markets and banks on economic growth using a panel data set for the period 1976-98 and applying recent GMM techniques developed for dynamic panels. On balance, we find that stock markets and... more
This paper analyzes the response of stock and credit default swap (CDS) markets to rating announcements made by the three major rating agencies during the period 20002002. Applying event study methodology, we examine whether and how... more
The historical frequency of banking crises is quite similar in high-and middle-to-lowincome countries, with quantitative and qualitative parallels in both the run-ups and the aftermath. We establish these regularities using a unique... more
When the CEO is also chairman of the board, principal-agent conflicts may be exacerbated because of the consolidation of the decision management and the decision control processes. Our results suggest that cost efficiency and return on... more
We test hypotheses about the effects of bank size, foreign ownership, and distress on lending to informationally opaque small firms using a rich new data set on Argentinean banks, firms, and loans. We also test hypotheses about borrowing... more
In this paper, we present a new strategy for pricing average value options, ie options whose payoff depends on the average price of the underlying asset over a fixed period leading up to the maturity date. Such options are of particular... more
This paper examines the relationship between institutional investor involvement in and the operating performance of large firms. We confirm a significant relationship between a firm's operating cash flow returns and both the percent of... more
We jointly analyze the static, selection, and dynamic effects of domestic, foreign, and state ownership on bank performance. We argue that it is important to include indicators of all the relevant governance effects in the same model.... more
in the theory of cointegration to provide new methods of testing the linkage and dynamic interactions among stock market movements. Our findings are in sharp contrast with previous research which discovered strong interdependence among... more
This paper traces developments in the credit risk measurement literature over the last 20 years. The paper is essentially divided into two parts. In the ®rst part the evolution of the literature on the credit-risk measurement of... more
The distribution of ratings changes plays a crucial role in many credit risk models. As is well-known, these distributions vary across time and dierent issuer types. Ignoring such dependencies may lead to inaccurate assessments of credit... more
In order to assess the eect of EMU on market conditions for banks based in countries which adopt the Single Currency, we use the H indicator suggested by Panzar and Rosse (
Significant difficulties in commercial banking in the late 1980s raise questions about bank performance and efficiency. With the use of data envelopment analysis (DEA), we consider the relative technical efficiency of 201 large banks from... more
This paper investigates how different degrees of market power across developing economies affect cost and profit efficiency levels and overall bank stability. It sheds light on the competition-stability nexus by documenting and analyzing... more
In this paper, we analyze the investment patterns of a large number of clients of a major Israeli brokerage house during 1994. We compare the behavior of clients making independent investment decisions to that of investors whose accounts... more
By tracing the identity of large shareholders, we group China's listed companies into those controlled by state asset management bureaus (SAMBs), state owned enterprises (SOEs) affiliated to the central government (SOECGs), SOEs... more
In recent years, securitization and other ®nancial innovations have provided unprecedented opportunities for banks to reduce substantially their regulatory capital requirements with little or no corresponding reduction in their overall... more
This study investigates whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) mitigates or contributes to stock price crash risk. Crash risk, defined as the conditional skewness of return distribution, captures asymmetry in risk and is important... more
This paper presents estimates, for more than 160 countries, of the fraction of the adult population using formal financial intermediaries. The estimates are constructed by combining information on banking and MFI account numbers (together... more
Interconnections among financial institutions create potential channels for contagion and amplification of shocks to the financial system. We estimate the extent to which interconnections increase expected losses, with minimal information... more
This paper investigates the in¯uence the environmental conditions have on the costeciency of French and Spanish banking industries. We propose a new methodology for crosscountry comparisons of eciency using a parametric approach. In... more
This paper investigates the impact of risk and quality factors on banksÕ cost by using the stochastic cost frontier methodology to evaluate scale and X-ineciencies, as well as technical change for a sample of Japanese commercial banks... more
In the 1990s, Latin American banking sectors experienced an accelerated process of concentration and foreign penetration that prompted diverse views regarding its implications for the competitive behavior of banks and the financial... more