Banking finance
Recent papers in Banking finance
This paper investigates which events of World War II (WWII) the US investors (at that time) considered as turning points (structural breaks) of the war. The empirical study employs daily Dow Jones industrial average stock index and... more
Despite widely documented criticisms, price-limit rules are present in many equity markets around the world. Using a game-theoretic model, we argue that, if the cost of monitoring a market is high, price-limit rules are beneficial.... more
Empirically, co-skewness of asset returns seems to explain a substantial part of the cross-sectional variation of mean return not explained by beta. This finding is typically interpreted in terms of a risk averse representative investor... more
This paper examines herding behavior in global markets. By applying daily data for 18 countries from May 25, 1988, through April 24, 2009, we find evidence of herding in advanced stock markets (except the US) and in Asian markets. No... more
Bank loan commitments are examined in the context of option pricing models and a valuation formula is obtained. The partial takedown phenomenon, which is both distinctive and vexatious, is considered in detail. Finally, estimates of the... more
This paper is the product of a joint research project, carried out by PRAESA and Babylon, Centre for Studies of the Multicultural Society at Tilburg University (the Netherlands). It reports on a language survey conducted amongst primary... more
We compare forecasts of the realized volatility of the pound, mark and yen exchange rates against the dollar, calculated from intraday rates, over horizons ranging from one day to three months. Our forecasts are obtained from a short... more
We examine the information content of the CBOE Crude Oil Volatility Index (OVX) when forecasting realized volatility in the WTI futures market. Additionally, we study whether other market variables, such as volume, open interest, daily... more
This paper explains the recent decline in bank asset quality using the notion of information reusability. Banks are viewed as information processors; they exist because of their advantage in extracting the surplus associated with the... more
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe... more
A number of recent papers examine the relationship between default risk and equity returns, and the results are mixed. These studies employ different measures of default risk and we find that correlations between eight diverse measures of... more
In this paper we try to shed additional light on the question of integration or segmentation of European equity markets by studying the statistical relevance of some intuitively appealing international factors of return. The relevance of... more
We examine the impact of CEO turnover announcements on bondholder wealth, stockholder wealth, and overall firm value. Using publicly traded data for the period from 1973 to 2000, we find evidence consistent with both the wealth transfer... more
The paper investigates the determinants of bankruptcy in three representative unbalanced samples of Italian firms for the periods 1989-1991, 1992-94 and 1995-97. Two important results are that: i) the degree of relative firm inefficiency... more
This paper traces developments in the credit risk measurement literature over the last 20 years. The paper is essentially divided into two parts. In the ®rst part the evolution of the literature on the credit-risk measurement of... more
The market for angel capital ± where individuals provide risk capital directly to small, private, often start-up ®rms ± operates in almost total obscurity. Very little is known about the market's size, scope, the type of ®rms that raise... more
This paper examines the relationship between bank lending rates and their cost of funds in New Zealand. Our results show that on average mortgage rates respond more quickly to changes in the cost of funds than base business lending rates.... more
Risk managers are increasingly required by international Regulatory Institutions to adopt accurate techniques for the measurement and control of portfolios financial risks. The task requires first the identification of the different risk... more
by David S. Jones and Kathleen Kuester King To lessen forbearance, the FDIC Improvement Act of 1991 (FDICIA) requires that undercapitalized banks be subject to prompt corrective actions. We show that from 1984 through 1989, the vast... more
This publication is available on the BIS website (
The benefits of listing a company's stock on a foreign exchange to achieve better global market integration have been quite extensively examined. What has been overlooked in the finance literature is an attempt to explain why the New York... more
In this paper we estimate the effect of particular price incentives on consumer payment patterns using transaction-level data. We find that participation in a loyalty program and access to an interest-free period, both of which lower the... more
Unfettered nationwide bank branching raises the issue of whether consolidation of banksÕ``back-oce'' operations, such as their payment processing, reduces operating costs. Whether centralized processing of payments reduces costs depends... more
Real estate prices frequently deviate from their fundamental value due to rigid supply, heterogenous goods, and various market imperfections. This has two contrasting effects on the stability of banks as major financiers of real estate... more
The market for angel capital ± where individuals provide risk capital directly to small, private, often start-up ®rms ± operates in almost total obscurity. Very little is known about the market's size, scope, the type of ®rms that raise... more
This paper reviews empirical evidence on the use of bank lines of credit as a source of corporate liquidity. Traditional explanation for lines of credit is that they provide insurance against liquidity shocks, in much the same as way... more
In this paper we analyse a comprehensive database of 149,378 recovery rates on Italian bank loans. We investigate a new methodology to compute the recovery percentage that we suggest to consider as a mixed random variable. To estimate the... more
We examine share price responses to announcements of bank credit agreements for exchange listed and NASDAQ lirms and test whether there are systematic differences between large and small capitalization firms. For small firms both renewals... more
This paper examines the impact of capital-based regulation on the insurer's risk and capital adjustments in the US property-liability insurance industry. We conduct the three-stage least squares (3SLS) procedure to estimate a simultaneous... more
This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the effects of the privatization of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) on the BankÕs performance and that of the rival banks. First, we find that the major rival banks reacted... more
This paper provides a critical survey of the large and diffuse literature on credit cards, debit cards and ATMs. We argue that because there are still many outstanding issues and questions about the pricing, use and substitutability of... more
When the CEO is also chairman of the board, principal-agent conflicts may be exacerbated because of the consolidation of the decision management and the decision control processes. Our results suggest that cost efficiency and return on... more
We analyse the motives and market valuation of various forms of stock market delisting. We show that firms that delist voluntarily are likely to have come to the market to rebalance their leverage rather than to finance their growth... more
Using 7900 bank observations from 80 countries for the 1988-1995 period, this paper examines the extent and effect of foreign presence in domestic banking markets. We investigate how net interest margins, overhead, taxes paid, and... more
This paper examines the relevance of institutional investors' investment horizon, as reflected in the response of firm investment to internal cash flows. We argue that institutional investors with longer investment horizons have greater... more
In this paper, we examine the effect of implicit seller reserves on the estimation of value-at-risk based on historical asset sales data. We direct our examination toward how and whether fine art might prove an appropriate form of loan... more
This article presents a modification of ruin option pricing model to estimate the implied probability of default from stock and option market prices. To test the model, we analyze all global financial firms with traded options in the US... more
In this paper, we examine the relationship between oil price and firm returns for 560 US firms listed on the NYSE. First, we find that oil price affects returns of firms differently depending on their sectoral location. Second, we find... more
This paper looks at recent developments in house purchase loans and house prices in Spain and the linkages between them. It aims at identifying deviations of these variables from their equilibrium levels, and for this purpose, we estimate... more
In recent papers [Szpiro (1986) and this issue], an approximate demandfor-insurance function was used to estimate the degree of relative risk aversion as a function of GNP, for 2 :'*i,izction of 15 countries. For most countries it was... more
The presented research tests cumulative prospect theory (CPT, [Kahneman, D., Tversky, A., 1979. Prospect theory: An analysis of decision under risk. Econometrica 47, 263-291; Tversky, A., Kahneman, D., 1981. The framing of decisions and... more