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This study examines the effect of corporate governance mechanism and corporate social responsibility on financial performance of Nepalese insurance companies. Return on assets and return on equity are selected as the dependent variables.... more
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      Financial EconomicsInsurance LawCorporate GovernanceEnvironmental Sustainability
Cite as/ Atıf: Çapar, O. (2020). Osmanlı Devleti ve Fransa'da sigortacılığın gelişimi hakkında karşılaştırmalı bir analiz. Turkish Studies-History, 15(2), 443-458. Abstract: Insurance started in a late period compared to... more
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      Ottoman HistoryFrenchBanking and Insurance
Insurance is one of the cornerstones of modern day financial service sector that aid in reducing uncertainty and volatility, smoothen the economic cycle and reduce the impact of crisis situations on the micro and macro level. It is... more
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    • Banking and Insurance
This article is probing into the possibilities for mandatory mediation mechanism to the disputes in Motor Accidents in India. In Indian judiciary, especially the Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal (MACT) is branded with an image of breeding... more
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    • Banking and Insurance
The concept of auto insurance has emerged with the aim of minimizing the risk of the damages that may occur in the vehicles the customers use according to their emerging demands and needs, and ensuring that the vehicles they bought... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceBehavioral SciencesCorporate Social ResponsibilityConsumer Behavior
: Write a note on the Transfer of Negotiable instruments under NI Act 1881 and their implications on Indian Economy. Answer : The Negotiable Instruments Act was enacted, in India, in 1881. Prior to its enactment, the provision of the... more
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      Banking LawBanking and InsuranceLaw of Negotiable InstrumentsLaw on Negotiable Instruments
Perkembangan teknologi saat ini memberikan berbagai kemudahan dalam berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh setiap individu. Implementasi perkembangan teknologi ini dibuktikan dengan hadirnya konsep FinTech (Financial Technology).... more
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      Banking and InsuranceInformation Technology Applications In Insurance Banking & Financial Services
Indian Insurance industry today is the 6th largest industry in the world as per the data published by Swiss Re during 2010-11.However, during the same period, the global life insurance premium expanded by 3.2 percent. The share of Indian... more
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    • Banking and Insurance
With companies becoming increasingly complex and their operations involving multiple types of documents, it is imperative that organizations use new technologies to control and authenticate their documents. With this, the use of a secure... more
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      AuthenticationDocumentsBanking and InsuranceDocumentos
The insurance industry is characterized by a complex relationship between company and customer, and the customer’s switching behavior is not fully uncovered. Therefore, it is relevant to investigate the insurance customers’ retention... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceEconomicsEconometricsStatistics
Education is one of the primary area which the Govt. of India identified as a Priority sector segment for Banks to finance. Accordingly, Education loan scheme was formulated and propagated and Public sector, private sector Banks and other... more
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      Banking and InsuranceNon performing loans
Some muslim scholars tend to suggest that waqf model is the best model to be applied in the operation of a modern takaful institution. This assignment will explained clearly what is the modus operandi of this model and what are the... more
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      Islamic InsuranceBanking and InsuranceTakaful (islamic Insurance)Takaful
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 was enacted on 6th march , 1934 to constitute the RBI. This Law commended from 1st April, 1935. It provides framework for the supervision of banks and other related matters. The Reserve Bank of India was... more
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      Banking and InsuranceReserve Bank of India
This book discusses the major principles of Ethiopian Business Law with practical examples. It is an educational reference module primarily written for the students of the School of Business taking the course business law in Ethiopian... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate LawAccess to JusticeBusiness Law
In this paper, we examine the Long-run performance of initial public offerings (IPOs). The data has been taken for 31 IPOs from the year 2000 to 2003. We have used Logistic Regression Model through SPSS Version 16 to test for the... more
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      Finance and bankingBanking and Insurance
Giant companies are being profiled as cold-hearted greedy capitalists who are willingly exploiting its workers and consumers. News of poor and abusive working conditions of international companies like Coca-Cola, Ford, Nestle, Wal-Mart,... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceBusiness EthicsProfessional EthicsBanks and credit markets
This note is helpful for BBA-BI student of pokhara university
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    • Banking and Insurance
Assignment Topic NATIONALIZATION OF BANK Submitted To: Ms. Ankita Sharma Assistant Professor, Amity Law School Submitted By: Shriram Tiwary Programme: LL.M. (Master of Laws) Batch : 2019-20 Course Name : Banking and Insurance Law... more
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    • Banking and Insurance
Motorcycle insurance is required for operating a motorcycle. Each state defines what type of vehicle falls under the category of a motorcycle, and what the minimum requirements are for insurance coverage. Check with your state's... more
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      Insurance LawHealth insuranceLife InsuranceSocial health insurance
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      Mergers & AcquisitionsFinancial managementMBABanking and Insurance
The essence of providing sophisticated services has helped the insurance sector to become increasingly competitive and market oriented. In such a competitive milieu, survival and success of Indian life insurers depends on the quality of... more
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      Banking and InsuranceIntermediariesInsurance IndustryOrdered Probit Model
Urban Cooperative banks in India (UCBs) play an important role in mobilizing resources from lower and middle-income groups and in providing direct finance to small entrepreneurs and traders. Motivated by previous empirical work on... more
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      EconomicsApplied EconomicsBanking and Insurance
Regulations, being a lifeblood of the human society, is inevitable especially given the fact that consumer protection is at the heart of many regulatory interventions. It is also good to mote that at the heart of human progress,... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceRegulatory GovernanceRegulatory ComplianceRegulation And Governance
This article in detail articulates the major principles of depositors protection envisaged in the Ethiopian Banking Sector.
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      Corporate LawBusiness LawCommercial LawBanking and Insurance
The composition and character of the audit committee play a significant role in influencing an organization performance. This research aimed at establishing the effect of audit committee independence on financial performance of banking... more
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    • Banking and Insurance
Under modern conditions of globalization nowadays, economic activity is undergoing changes. Innovative technologies, new forms of business, dynamic changes taking place in the world today result in the emergence of the necessity to... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipEngineeringArtificial Intelligence
This study aims to examine the penetration of mobile banking applications usage among PAAET College of business studies students. A panel data, obtained using questioner, is used to examine the relationship between the number of times... more
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      FinanceComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyTechnology
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      LawCivil LawContractsContract Law
Practicing sound risk management is crucial for banking sector. Necessary instructions have been issued from time to time through different circulars, guidelines and letters by Bangladesh Bank with a view to ensuring proper application of... more
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      BankingBanking and InsuranceBangladesh BankBanking and Finance
There is no doubt that low-income households are highly vulnerable to risks and Microfinance are in need to increase profits, microinsurance in the only partial response since convectional insurance sims to have segregate them.
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      Risk Management and InsuranceBanking and Insurance
When it comes to planning your family's financial future, it makes good sense to take every possible step to protect their standard of living. So if you've gone to all of the effort of putting the right policies in place, it would be a... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceInsurance LawFinancial Risk ManagementHealth insurance
The role of risk in the capital structure decision of firms is a vast topic in finance. Commonly, models of the interrelationship between risk and capital enumerate as many risk factors as possible by appropriate proxies, with the goal of... more
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      EconomicsRiskCapital StructurePanel Data
Indian Insurance industry today is the 6th largest industry in the world as per the data published by Swiss Re during 2010–11.However, during the same period, the global life insurance premium expanded by 3.2 percent. The share of Indian... more
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Women’s employment patterns have improved remarkably in the scheduled banks from 12.85% to 13.57% compared to 2017 and 2020. This is due to the fact that with the increased access to higher education, social and economic independence, the... more
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The prominence of insurance industry in India with a number of modifications in entry of foreign players and regulatory structure has created an advantageous situation. The manner in which the industry connects with its customer and... more
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      Distribution ChannelsBanking and InsuranceBancassurance
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    • Banking and Insurance
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      Risk Management and InsuranceInsurance LawSocial InsuranceHealth insurance
Corporate Social Responsibility is a tool in the hands of companies to enhance the reputation in the eyes of society and government by spending some proportion of profit on various activities like education, health, employment, women... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityBanking and InsuranceInsurance Sector
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      Risk Assessment & Risk ManagementFinancial InstitutionsBanking and InsuranceGeneral insurance business in bangladesh
Discussing the 2018 World savings Say theme: Save, Invest and Insure - What do you wish for?
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      InvestmentSavingBanking and Insurance
Solvency II has been the most important innovation in the field of insurance for the past 20 years, introducing grate expectations as well as concerns. Τhe risk based approach in Solvency II, is the most important innovation in the... more
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    • Banking and Insurance
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    • Banking and Insurance
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    • Banking and Insurance
This study examined the Effect of general insurance cost of claims on gross claims of insurances industry in Nigeria. The motive of the work is anchored on the gap in the empirical where average cost per claims has not been used to... more
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      BusinessInsurance LawBanking and InsuranceGeneral Insurance Claims Managment
Under modern conditions of globalization nowadays, economic activity is undergoing changes. Innovative technologies, new forms of business, dynamic changes taking place in the world today result in the emergence of the necessity to... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipEngineeringArtificial Intelligence
Core competencies are the crown jewels of a company and, therefore, should be carefully nurtured and developed. Companies can determine future business directions based on the strengths of competencies. However, because generalized terms... more
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      Strategic ManagementCore CompetenceCompetitive advantageBanking and Insurance
The concept of auto insurance has emerged with the aim of minimizing the risk of the damages that may occur in the vehicles the customers use according to their emerging demands and needs, and ensuring that the vehicles they bought... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementRisk Management and Insurance
This study attempts to analyze the company specific determinants of the capital efficiency, by taking return on equity as a proxy for efficient use of capital in the context of Indian Life insurance sector during the period 2008–2018.... more
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      Banking and InsuranceEffect of capital adequacy on banks profitabilityLife Insurances
Traditionally, insurance companies attempt to reduce (or even eliminate) fraud via audit strategies under which claims may be investigated at some cost to the insurer, with a penalty imposed upon insureds who are found to report claims... more
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      EconomicsRiskRisk AversionProfitability