Banking and Finance
Recent papers in Banking and Finance
The financial system is the backbone of the economy, where the highly developed financial system facilitates economic development, leading to increased national income and standard of living. This study aims at reading the Indian... more
This case examines the rise and fall of WeWork—a company that experienced one of the most dramatic changes of fortune in technology company history. For several years, WeWork was a Silicon Valley darling, growing at breakneck speed with... more
Reference: Jindal Mayank, Dr. Vijay Laxmi Sharma, (2020). Usability of Online Banking in India during Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 69-72... Abstract: Covid-19 is a... more
Basel III is a framework to protect the global banking system. This article provides a policy discussion on Basel III in Africa. The significance of Basel III is discussed, and some ideas to consider when implementing Basel III to make it... more
The development of financial systems is shaped by the high level of the global economy situation changeability indirectly influenced by interventionist economic policies as well as financial crisis and state of finances of a given... more
Various taxing power-related challenges have negatively affected the governance of state and federal governments of Nigeria since1999 to date. For instance, the poor drafting of the Nigerian constitution of 1999 and the failure on the... more
Este trabalho busca analisar a composição das receitas dos bancos digitais e dos bancos tradicionais, com base nas suas demonstrações contábeis, tendo como objetivo realizar uma análise comparativa entre bancos para identificar as... more
With the advent of New Year there will be a lot of recruitment notifications in upcoming days. Especially for banking aspirants one of the most expected notification is SBI PO recruitment 2019. But yet now there are some arguments... more
Voordeel vir skuldeisers in verpligte sekwestrasieverrigtinge Die konsep van voordeel aan krediteure is uiters belangrik in die Suid-Afrikaanse insolven-siereg. Byvoorbeeld, enige voorlopige of finale sekwestrasiebevel word slegs deur... more
Gelişen teknoloji ile finans sektörünün neticesinde ekonomi dünyası küreselleşmiş ve küreselleşen dünya hem yatırımcılar hem de bankalar için riskin daha önemli hale gelmesine sebep olmuştur. Bilhassa küreselleşmenin meydana getirdiği... more
In India, banking jobs are one of the most stressful occupations. While working in stressful conditions, and bearing responsibility and accountability, bank officers lead a full life during their years on the job. However, on attaining... more
This paper discusses Diageo plc and how strategic management has been a factor in its success.
L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è quello di analizzare la fattispecie di reato di esercizio abusivo dell’attività !nanziaria di cui all’articolo 132 T.U.B., così come reinterpretata dalla pronuncia in commento (Cassazione pen. Sez. V,... more
Si la protection sociale semble reculer, l’ tat n’a pas pour autant renonc prot ger ses citoyens. De la r glementation du compte en banque jusqu’ l’ ducation budg taire en passant par l’inclusion bancaire ou la proc dure de... more
This study examines the relationship between corporate governance and the market price of share of Nepalese commercial banks. The market price of the share is selected as the dependent variables whereas board size, board meeting,... more
The modernity imbibed in every subject matter trace back to an antique dust of origin and development. This paper analyses the antique Indian market and the implementation of openness in the post independence era. It traces the concept of... more
The Indian banking today has become more advanced and innovative which could not be thought two decades before. The use of technology in delivering the services is becoming predominant as it lead to cost reduction from service providers... more
COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST WILMINGTON, BANK OF AMERICA FORECLOSURE FRAUD In this case of obvious and patent FORECLOSURE FRAUD a Homeowner in Florida lays out exactly how the securitization Ponzi scheme takes place leaving the mortgage... more
Marlon Possard analyzes the problem areas associated with the EU Commission's intention to abolish cash (from EUR 10.000,00), both economically and morally.
This paper examines the moratorium on loan repayments, which was intended to relieve debtors in a difficult situation during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, various aspects of such moratoria are critically discussed and compared... more
Risks of payment system of banking institutions of Ukraine are considered in this study. Risk events clearly correlate to the effectiveness of network interaction of banking institutions to adapt information technology of payment systems... more
To determine impact of NPA on working of public sector banks' (PSBs), a research project was undertaken during FY 2016-17 and thereafter it was concluded that all public sector banks' had witnessed unprecedented growth in substandard,... more
This paper integrates elements from the theory of agency, the theory of property rights and the theory of finance to develop a theory of the ownership structure of the firm. We define the concept of agency costs, show its relationship to... more
Dans une économie d'endettement, le système bancaire est peu développé et se caractérise par une forte volatilité. Le risque d'illiquidité des banques. L'enjeu crucial du système bancaire est la création monétaire tout en tenant compte... more
A következő oldalakon áttekintjük az elmúlt ötven évben kialakult pénzügyi rendszer alapvető működési elveit, és az ezekkel szorosan összefüggő társadalmi meghatározottságokat és pénzügyi feszültségeket. Ezt követően átfogó és specifikus... more
Demonetisation has affected the Indian economy at large, with a significant impact on the Indian financial sector in general and the banking sector in particular. The instantaneous announcement of the demonetisation not only opened doors... more
Corporate law, financial markets law and related policies as well as financial markets regulators play an important role in combating financial systemic risks and promoting viable financial markets globally. In this regard, Zimbabwe is... more
La vigente normativa bancaria prevede che il Loan-to-value (LTV) sia stimato in base al corrente valore di mercato e che le esposizioni pienamente e totalmente garantite da ipoteche sugli immobili possano beneficiare di una preferenziale... more
The present case study is based on the nation's biggest-ever banking failure of India's fastest-growing private bank, YES Bank. The YES Bank fiasco showcases the prevalent flaws of uprising NPAs and mounting bad debts in the financial... more
L’extraterritorialité du droit nord-américain dans le domaine bancaire et financier inquiète. Plusieurs banques non américaines ont déjà été placées dans la situation délicate d’être l’objet d’une injonction émise par un juge américain en... more
The following case study overviews the steps followed to develop the first Digital Bank in Africa. Following a case study method, the crucial decisions made over a 2-year period is analyzed. The challenges of each different phase are... more
The European Supervisory Authorities (the ‘ESAs’) form part of a large network of EU agencies and are classified as regulatory agencies, their principal tasks being the development and completion of the ‘single rulebook’ for the EU... more
This paper aims to carry out a theoretical and methodological analysis on the access to and use of financial services, recognizing that it is a vital issue especially for the productive sector of a country. It begins by reviewing the... more
Interest rates in Bangladesh are high compared to neighboring countries. In India, the interest rate is 9.0 per cent for industries. This rate is 8.0 to 12 per cent in Sri Lanka. It is 9.0 to 12 per cent in Pakistan. In Bangladesh,... more
مصطلحات خاصة بأعمال البنوك
WELCOME ALL BUYERS $$$$$$$ Looking for fresh qualitative credit card's dumps Western Union Banks and paypal transfer,MoneyBookers Transfer,Creditcard topup Blank card and atm cards with good HIGH BALANCE.We are group Certified black hat... more
The concept of CSR has been witnessing a sharply rising trend since last decade. From a subject of interest mainly for the academicians, it has now emerged as a strategic corporate practice adopted both by the banking and non-banking... more
This paper investigats the opportunities of growth under restrictions of social distancing for FinTech. This has been conducted on 10 countries (United States, United Kingdom, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea,... more
Rad proučava uređenje materije potrošačkog kreditiranja u hrvatskom pravu i analizira osnovna prava korisnika kredita sukladno Direktivi 2008/48/EZ o ugovorima o potrošačkom kreditu i Direktivi 2014/17/EU o ugovorima o potrošačkim... more
This paper is aimed at analyzing the impact of FinTech innovations on bank performance across mobile banking applications in Vietnam. Using the longitudinal panel data from 2010-2019 (with 220 observations) of 22 local commercial banks in... more
The circular economy concept has received considerable attention both in the business sector and in academia. In this paper, we highlight the role of banks in the circular economy. We propose that banks need to: develop a common... more
Este estudo busca traçar um breve histórico da regulação dos bancos digitais no Brasil. Com o desenvolvimento tecnológico, as instituições bancárias e os clientes se voltaram para um novo modelo de negócio, o das contas e dos bancos... more