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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between market orientation, learning orientation and innovation; and second, assesses the role of innovation, market orientation and learning orientation on firms’... more
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      BusinessMarketingBank marketing
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to deepen our understanding of customers' actual internet banking behaviour by combining the construct of technology readiness with the technology acceptance model and demographics, such as age and... more
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      MarketingTechnology AcceptanceInternet BankingMarketing Strategy
The purpose of the present study was to compare attitudes toward alcohol in two Western cultures with traditionally distinct drinking patterns, the United States and France. France is generally considered as the greatest world consumer of... more
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      MarketingSociologyPsychologyWelfare State
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which internal brand management (IBM), a subset of internal marketing, impacts on the three dimensions of job satisfaction ( JS), brand commitment (BC) and intention to stay... more
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      MarketingJob SatisfactionInternal MarketingBank marketing
Elizabeth Daniel Provision of electronic banking in the UK and the Republic of Ireland
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      MarketingRetail BankingDISTRIBUTIONDeveloping Country
Purpose -The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of work-family conflict, emotional exhaustion, and intrinsic motivation on front-line employees' job performance, job satisfaction, and affective organizational commitment... more
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      MarketingOrganizational CommitmentJob SatisfactionRetail Banking
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of internal marketing, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviors on commercial banks' market orientation. Design/methodology/approach -A quantitative... more
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      Organizational BehaviorMarketingOrganizational CommitmentOrganizational Citizenship Behavior
Purpose -The two aims of this paper are to explore the development of trust for relationships between staff and customers in the banking sector and to investigate possible links between financial performance of relationship manager and... more
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      MarketingEmotional intelligenceRelationship MarketingRelationship Management
Keen competition in the market of banking products has made effective marketing activities of banks one of the most important factors of their successful functioning. Changes in the technological and socio-cultural environment require the... more
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      BankingSocial Media MarketingBank marketing
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      MarketingServicesOrganizational CultureProduction Management
Purpose -This study proposes to model customer experience as a 'continuum', labelled Customer Experience Continuum (CEC). We adopt a customer experience quality construct and scale (EXQ) to determine the effect of customer experience on a... more
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      MarketingMarketing StrategyBank marketing
Financial service providers have long placed considerable faith in positive word of mouth communication as a means of attracting new customers and a variety of studies of customer choice of bank highlight the significance of personal... more
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      MarketingInterpersonal CommunicationMarketing StrategyWord of Mouth
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between market orientation, learning orientation and innovation; and second, assesses the role of innovation, market orientation and learning orientation on firms’... more
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      BusinessMarketingBank marketing
Purpose -This paper aims to examine how international banking groups manage their branding in the context of successive mergers and acquisitions. It seeks to review of a number of case histories in order to show that banking companies... more
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      MarketingBrandsBankMerger and Acquisition
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to take a contingency theory approach to examine how performance is affected by the relationships between the Miles & Snow strategic groupings and a variety of marketing strategy concepts, including a... more
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      MarketingBank marketing
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      BusinessMarketingService QualityCustomer Satisfaction
The present paper acknowledges with same limitation that Indian private sector banks and foreign bank's marketing strategies are quite better than our public sector banks. On the basis of performance parameters like deposits, advances,... more
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      BusinessMarketingFinanceFinancial Economics
This paper aims to examine the association between the perception of business school students and their adoption of e-banking services. This study integrates Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and perceived risk to explain the adoption of... more
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      BusinessMillennialsPerceived UsefulnessGeneration Z
Describes a study performed in Canada to develop a reliable and valid scale for the measurement of the perceived service quality of bank services. A sample of retail banking customers was questioned. The proposed scale is called banking... more
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      MarketingService QualityRetail BankingValidity and Reliability
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      MarketingPublic RelationsSocial MediaSocial Media Marketing
... early stages of research, allowing the researcher to gain a better initial understanding of ... because they generally do not believe that Thailand has very strong privacy protection in ... Polatoglu, VN, Ekin, S. (2001),... more
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      MarketingBank marketing
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      MarketingRelationship MarketingCustomer LoyaltyCustomer Retention
Este estudio muestra el estado actual del mercado financiero, desde una perspectiva de estrategia de marketing, se ha usado la metodología de análisis de situación de P. Kotler, a partir de información cuantitativa se han obtenido las... more
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      MarketingStrategy (Business)Financial MarketsEstrategia
Purpose -This research seeks to explore the role played by ethical reputation in amplifying the positive impact of value received by the customer on satisfaction with the supplier and ultimately loyalty. Design/methodology/approach... more
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      MarketingCustomer SatisfactionFinancial InstitutionsCustomer Value
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      BankaDijital PazarlamaBank marketingDIGITAL BANKING
Purpose -This study seeks to investigate the role of internet trust as a specific form of technology trust in the context of internet banking. Furthermore, the integration of propensity to trust within the hierarchical structure of... more
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      MarketingRisk assessmentInterpersonal RelationshipRisk Perception
Supervised classification covers a number of data mining methods based on training data. These methods have been successfully applied to solve multi-criteria complex classification problems in many domains, including economical issues. In... more
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      Data MiningClassification (Machine Learning)Clustering and Classification MethodsClassification
Purpose-This paper aims to empirically examine the factors that affect the adoption of online banking in Vietnam. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust and government support were examined to determine if these factors are... more
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      MarketingVietnamSecurity and PrivacyDeveloping Country
Her research interests centre on customer loyalty and retention strategies and she has published many articles in this area.
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      MarketingCorporate Social ResponsibilityCustomer SatisfactionCustomer Loyalty
Home > International Journal of Bank Marketing > Volume 25 issue 2 > Adoption of internet banking: proposition and... ... Icon: Abstract. Icon: Backfiles. Icon: Print. Icon: Reprints & permissions. ... Purpose – This study... more
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      MarketingConsumer BehaviorInternet BankingSecurity and Privacy
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
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      Organizational LearningCompetitive advantageBank marketingInnovation
Purpose-This paper aims to empirically examine the factors that affect the adoption of online banking in Vietnam. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust and government support were examined to determine if these factors are... more
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      MarketingVietnamSecurity and PrivacyDeveloping Country
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      MarketingFinancial ServicesBank marketing
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      MarketingBankBank marketing
Simplex transmission means such as advertisement and other promotion activities are no longer efficient for the banks. To increase the efficiency in promoting and communicating, simplex transmission activity should be converted to a... more
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      Sosyal MedyaMedya ve İletişimBank marketing
The role of trust encompasses the exchanges and interactions of a retail bank with its customers on various dimensions of online banking. Specifically lays stress on the bank-to-customer exchanges taking place through the technological... more
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      MarketingInternet BankingRetail BankingRelationship Banking
Customer satisfaction continues to be an important topic in the financial services industry. However, there is an increasing awareness that customer satisfaction as such is not enough. Distinguishes between overall satisfied customers and... more
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      MarketingData MiningCustomer SatisfactionCustomer Orientation
Diajukan sebagai salah satu syarat untuk menyelesaikan Program Pasca Sarjana Pada Program Magister Manajemen Universitas Diponegoro Disusun Oleh: NOVEL FATRIO, SE NIM. C4A004173 PROGRAM STUDI MAGISTER MANAJEMEN PROGRAM PASCA SARJANA... more
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    • Bank marketing
Banking sector can be considered as main recipient in recent economic downturn. There is a need for better strategies in this sector. As a result of the continuing movement towards deregulation and the associated increase in competition,... more
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      MarketingRelationship MarketingCustomer LoyaltyCustomer Orientation
Purpose -The purpose of this research is to analyse the dimensionality of the concept of perceived value in the banking sector, adapting the GLOVAL scale of measurement of perceived value to the banking services sector.... more
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      MarketingRelationship MarketingFinancial ServicesDesign Methodology
This paper deciphers the quality of the service and satisfaction of the customers as two antecedents of corporate image in the context of the banking sector. A total of 324 banking customers as respondents completed the questionnaire.... more
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      Educational ResearchConsumer BehaviorServices MarketingFactors Affecting Consumer Decision Making in Online Shopping Marketing
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      MarketingFinancial ServicesConsumer ChoiceBank
This paper presents an analysis of customer choice criteria in the home loans market in the UK. In particular, the study investigates the relative importance of choice criteria according to consumers and also analyses differences in the... more
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      MarketingUnited KingdomFinancial ServicesEducational Attainment
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      MarketingFinancial ServicesConsumer ChoiceBank
Purpose-The increasing number of banks in the Ghanaian banking industry has brought about intense competition in the industry. The purpose of this paper is, therefore, to examine the factors that influence retail banking customers'... more
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      MarketingBank marketing
We use a survey of individual investors disclosed by the Portuguese securities commission (CMVM) in May 2005 to study the impact of investors' levels of financial literacy on portfolio diversification. We consider distinct aspects of... more
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      EconomicsBehavioral FinanceFinancial LiteracyResource Allocation
Emerald Article: Identifying the critical determinants of service quality in retail banking: importance and effect Robert Johnston
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      MarketingBank marketing
Purpose -This paper aims to re-examine the role of traditional service quality in an e-banking environment by providing a review of how traditional service quality perceptions have evolved through the current and continuing stream of... more
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      MarketingService QualityMarketing StrategyFinancial Services
Purpose -The importance of and viability of the college student cohort for credit card firms and banks are well documented and so are the challenges facing marketers interested in this target market. The first purpose of this paper is to... more
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      MarketingMarketing StrategyReplicationBank marketing
Purpose -The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has witnessed a resurgence in the management literature in recent years. This might be due to a renewed focus on corporate governance and ethical practices of companies the... more
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      MarketingCorporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate GovernanceContent Analysis