The mobile femtocell is the new paradigm for the femtocellular network deployment. It can enhance the service quality for the users inside the vehicles. The deployment of mobile femtocells generates lot of handover calls. Also, number of... more
A novel wavelength and bandwidth allocation algorithm in WDM-EPON is proposed to provide subscriber differentiation by ensuring guaranteed bandwidth levels in the upstream direction. Contrary to previous schemes, the new algorithm is... more
A novel bandwidth assignment algorithm in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks with different coverage, called DySGAB, is proposed to provide subscriber differentiation. In contrast to algorithms which allocate bandwidth based on fixed... more
The purpose of Resource Management is the efficient and effective use of network resources, for instance bandwidth. In this article, a connection oriented network scenario is considered, where a certain amount of bandwidth is reserved for... more
ABSTRAKSI: VoD (Video on Demand) adalah suatu sistem dimana layanan digital video dikirimkan menggunakan Internet Protocol melalui jaringan infrastruktur diantaranya termasuk koneksi yang berkecepatan tinggi. Pengguna VoD dan... more
In order to bridge the speed disparity at the LAN-WAN interface, enterprises install a number of policy-based devices to enforce administrative policies over the WAN access. The conventional techniques of bandwidth management concentrate... more
Bandwidth allocation techniques for control loops closed over communication networks are based on static strategies that ensure average control performance at the expense of permanently occupying the available bandwidth. We present a... more
Bandwidth Management System Design Using Radius Server at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Palopo. This study aims to design and build a bandwidth management system using a radius server at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Palopo. The type of... more
Improving the quality of academic services in the field of network is the use of internet access for students, academic staff and lecturers at the Faculty of Engineering Majalengka University. Design Objectives and Implementation of... more
ABSTRAK Manajement bandwith dengan metode queue tree berfungsi untuk mengimplementasikan fungsi yang lebih komplex dalam limit bandwidth pada mikrotik dimana penggunaan packet mark nya memiliki fungsi yang lebih baik. Digunakan untuk... more
This paper examines the performance of a new Hidden Markov Model (HMM) structure used as the core of an Internet traffic classsifier and compares the results against other models present in the literature. Traffic modeling and... more
Quality of Services in Multi-protocol layer switching for Virtual Private Network (MPLS-VPN) is one of important matter today. These networks experienced an increase of bandwidth size for enterprises LAN which are faster than the... more
Internet pada saat ini bagi sebagaian orang sudah menjadi kebutuhan primer. Kebanyakan pengguna internet mengunjungi situs yang sama secara berulang-ulang dan seringkali pengguna internet mengakses situs yang sama secara bersama-sama... more
Conrrolled multicast scheme provides instanraneous service, but limited sewer bandwidth causes some user requests to be either delayed or rejected when insufficient free bandwidrh is available. In this paper, rwo borrowing schemes are... more
The next generation of cellular mobile networks will support multimedia applications. However, these applications differ in terms of QoS (Quality of Service) requirements, each one inflicting constraints which are specific to this kind of... more
Peningkatan jumlah lanjut usia dalam beberapa tahun ini akan memberikan masalah apabila kurangnya pemahaman tentang penyakit kronis pada kelompok umur lanjut usia dan dampaknya terhadap kualitas hidup mereka. Tujuan utama kegiatan ini... more
In this paper, we introduce a novel approach of stability awareness routing for efficient utilization of Bandwidth by use of Bandwidth Threshold. Earlier work on routing in MANETs had resulted in several routing protocols which targets at... more
The definition of the IEEE 802.1Q and IEEE 802.1p standards provided Class of Service (CoS) capabilities to Ethernet networks and, consequently, allowed new QoS services to be deployed. This is used by the Subnet Bandwidth Management... more
Due to the recent evolution of telecommunications infrastructure and the Internet as a commodity market for bandwidth, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) encounter new issues concerned with bandwidth management for the network... more
The IEEE P802.17 workgroup has standardized a ring network architecture and associated protocol called Resilient Packet Ring (RPR). RPR tries to overcome previous MAN technologies shortcomings in high-speed networks. The RPR fairness... more
In wireless network, the support for Quality of Service (QoS) depends on the ability of a network to estimate the available bandwidth of a link effectively and efficiently. Due to the shared nature of the wireless medium, there has been... more
The widespread of wireless mobile network have increased the demand for its applications. Providing a reliable QoS in wireless medium, especially mobile ad-hoc network (MANET), is quite challenging and remains an ongoing research trend.... more
Autonomic management within autonomic computing framework is considered as the future and viable solution for many appliances, either in software or hardware. Nevertheless, its current research application in computer networks is mainly... more
Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan analisis QoS Pada Pembagian Bandwidth menggunakan metode HTB (Hierarchical Tocken Bucket), PCQ(Per Connection Queue) dengan Layer 7 protocol sebagai limit file berekstensi, PCQ dan Hotspot. Pada HTB... more
Perancangan topologi jaringan yang aman merupakan solusi untuk mengamankan server sebuah instansi. Serangan hacker yang kerap sekali mencari kesempatan untuk mengetahui aktivitas suatu jaringan, dan mencari celah kelemahan yang ada.... more
The function of bandwidth is to manage network bandwidth so that each network user can get the same bandwidth even though there are many users on the network. The use of the internet and computer networks is needed to support company... more
2003 wurde in der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Hans-Peter Fiedler, Universität Tübingen ein Screening mit 930 Extrakten von 301 Actinomyces-Stämmen durchgeführt. Dabei wurde nach einem Inhibitor der p-Aminobenzoesäure (pABA)-Biosynthese... more
This paper presents a novel paradigm of Streaming as a Service (SAS) to model correlated multi-streaming in Distributed Interactive Multimedia Environments. We propose SAS Kernel, a generic, distributed, and modular service kernel... more
Quality of Service (QoS) is becoming an integral part of current ubiquitous Distributed Interactive Multimedia Environments (DIMEs) because of their high resource and real-time interactivity demands. It is highly influenced by the... more
Perancangan topologi jaringan yang aman merupakan solusi untuk mengamankan server sebuah instansi. Serangan hacker yang kerap sekali mencari kesempatan untuk mengetahui aktivitas suatu jaringan, dan mencari celah kelemahan yang ada.... more
Heliscus lugdunensis Stamm H4-2-4 wurde aus einem stark Schwermetall-belasteten Standort im ehemaligen Kupferschiefer-Bergbaugebiet Mansfelder Land (Mitteldeutschland) isoliert. Unter Cadmiumstress konnte in diesem aquatischen... more
One of the challenges in the interconnection of LAN's and MAN's to ATM is the support of connectionless traffic in the ATM network. A commonly proposed strategy consists of maintaining a "thin" (i.e., low bandwidth) VP (virtual path)... more
An ATM virtual private network (AVPN) offers to a multisite customer an ATM transport service based on a 'virtual' topology of dedicated VPs embedded in a larger ATM backbone. The goal of AVPN is to allow the efficient and flexible use of... more
Credit Union (CU) Tunas Harapan, sebuah kantor yang menggunakan 20 komputer dengan total bandwidth 9.73 Mbps. Tingginya akses user yang menggunakan internet, koneksi menjadi tidak stabil, serta banyaknya user yang mengunakan layanan... more
Bandwidth is data transfer rate between client and server on the networking which is usually expressed in bits per second (bps). The most important problem on the Internet is domination resource and bandwidth by some user, meanwhile other... more
Passive Optical Networks (PONs) represent a step forward in "first mile" networks; indeed, by using optical technologies, PONs can transfer a large amount of data, and by being completely passive, they reduce management costs and failure... more
The rapid development of wireless in-building communication systems, has widened the scope of supported applications. Remote terminals may be capable of producing broadband real-time traffic such as variable bit-rate (VBR) video or bursty... more
Without widely deployed mechanisms for resource reservation, adaptive, best-effort techniques are the only methods of congestion control available to interactive, real-time applications. Here we discuss media scaling techniques for the... more
The Fifth Generation (5G) of mobile communications is the most exciting emerging technology for researchers and scientists to get the full benefit of a network system. However, 5G networks confront massive threats and vulnerabilities... more
Resource reservation must operate in an efficient and scalable fashion, to accommodate the rapid growth of the Internet. In this paper, we describe a distributed architecture for interdomain aggregated resource reservation for unicast... more
Abstrak-Software Defined Network (SDN) merupakan paradigma baru dalam sistem jaringan. Konsep dasar yang diusung oleh SDN adalah pemisahan antara layer control dan forward dalam perangkat yang berbeda. Konsep inilah yang menjadi perbedaan... more
DiffServ model is known to be the most used model to handle QoS over IP networks. Moreover this model has the advantage to be appropriate for use on large network contrary to the IntServ model that suffers from scalability problem.... more
Perkembangan teknologi informasi mengalami peningkatan dari waktu ke waktu meningkatkan kebutuhan terhadap penggunaan teknologi informasi. Setiap pengguna memiliki kebutuhan layanan informasi yang berbeda-beda. Maka, dibutuhkan suatu... more
New multimedia services provision, that requires high transfer speeds, and end to end network guaranteed delays, is an under research field in mobile communications. These services are currently supported by ATM networks, that are, in... more