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      Environmental EngineeringLandscape EcologyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Education
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the addition of bamboo laminas of the species Dendrocalamus giganteus to three-layer medium density particleboard (MDP). These laminas were glued onto both the top and the bottom of... more
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      Composite Materials and StructuresCompositesComposite MaterialsMechanical Behavior Of Materials
Due to the high dimensional variation of bamboo, the manufacturing of materials such as plywood and laminated bamboo produces a high amount of residues. The production of particleboards could be used to overcome this problem and become a... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceSustainable Production and ConsumptionComposite Materials and Structures
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the addition of bamboo laminas of the species Dendrocalamus giganteus to three-layer medium density particleboard (MDP). These laminas were glued onto both the top and the bottom of... more
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      Composite Materials and StructuresCompositesComposite MaterialsMechanical Behavior Of Materials
Analysing the status of bamboo resources, available processing technologies and highlighting specific contribution of the bamboo sector in India, this paper suggests strategies to unlock the untapped potential of the bamboo sector in... more
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      Sustainable LivelihoodsBamboo CompositesCertificationBamboo construction
h i g h l i g h t s Influence of bamboo scrimber density on the tensile strength and tensile modulus properties. Effect of bamboo scrimber density on the compressive strength and compressive modulus properties. The flexural strength and... more
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      Civil EngineeringBamboo Composites
The performance of bamboo as reinforcement in concrete structures can be successful if safety limit conditions are considered. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the feasibility of bamboo strips application as a flexure and shear... more
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      BambooBamboo PropertiesBamboo Composites
A  pilot study about bamboo and rattan resources in Odisha, a province situated on the eastern coast of India under the initiative "Global Assessment of Bamboo and Rattan Resources"
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      Bamboo CompositesBamboo for Sustainable Development
Se pretende comparar la resistencia mecánica, y aislamiento termoacustico de los entrepisos prefabricados con un sistema de entrepiso en concreto y contralaminado de guadua para vivienda económica en Colombia
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      Concrete TechnologyBamboo CompositesWood TechnologyBamboo construction
The production of the high performance structural panel of bamboo particulates emerged with the need to obtain better utilization of this material in manufacturing of Glued Laminated Bamboo (Glubam). It was still intended to use other... more
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      BambooMechanical propertiesBamboo PropertiesMechanical Properties of Materials
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    • Bamboo Composites
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      ErgonomicsIndustrial DesignSustainable DevelopmentPackaging
Any building that is designed, constructed and maintained for the health and well being of the occupants while minimizing the negative impact on the environment falls under the category of green building. Other factors like... more
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      Water TreatmentTreatment OutcomeDisaster ManagementBamboo Composites
Mechanical characteristics were evaluated of wood-bamboo-based particleboard having the proportions of 100% wood and 0% bamboo, 75% wood and 25% bamboo, and 50% wood and 50% bamboo. This particleboard used Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis... more
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      Wood SciencePrefabricated woodBambooLignocellulose
The International Bamboo Workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya on 21 and 22 April 2015, was organised by International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Kenya and Kenya Research Institute... more
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      Bamboo PropertiesBamboo CompositesBamboo Charcoal
The focus of this research was to study the utilization of residues from bamboo (Dendrocalamus giganteus) lamination in the manufacturing of panels for structural purposes. Bamboo particleboards were produced under three conditions: pure... more
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      Composite Materials and StructuresCompositesComposite MaterialsMechanical Behavior Of Materials
Sustainability in the field of personal mobility is critical in alleviating social and consumption pressures of mass production processes, which are reliant on steel and petroleum based resources. This paper explores personal mobility... more
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      AutomobileBambooVelomobilesBamboo Properties
Due to the high dimensional variation of bamboo, the manufacturing of materials such as plywood and laminated bamboo produces a high amount of residues. The production of particleboards could be used to overcome this problem and become a... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceSustainable Production and ConsumptionComposite Materials and Structures
A research paper on the possibilities of structural Laminated bamboo and how to implement Bamboo in a sustainable way in the Netherlands.
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      BambooUrban RenewalBamboo CompositesBamboo construction
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      EngineeringPolymer EngineeringMechanical EngineeringArchitectural Engineering
Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world having growth up to 60 cm or more in a day. Bamboo has social, economic and cultural significance and are used extensively for building materials along with thousands of uses as a highly... more
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      Bamboo PropertiesBamboo ArchitectureBamboo CompositesBamboo Builiding
Bamboo has been a very fascinating natural material useful in almost all aspects of life. Bamboo is a light weight, tensile, flexible, sustainable, eco friendly, green material and its use shall be advocated in building construction for... more
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      Bamboo ArchitectureBamboo CompositesBamboo BuilidingBamboo construction
Construction systems based on cross-laminated timber (CLT) have versatility in material development and are an interesting alternative for construction. This study evaluated the structural performance of cross-laminated timber-bamboo... more
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      Composite Materials and StructuresCompositesWood ScienceTimber
Bamboo is an important natural resource in the socio-economic, cultural, ecological and functional context with 1500 well documented uses. Having high strength, elasticity and wear resisting characteristics, it grows rapidly and matures... more
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      BusinessCreative IndustriesNew Product DevelopmentBamboo
Increasing population, industrialization, and economic growth cause several adverse impacts on the existing environment and living being. Therefore, rising pollutants load and their mitigation strategies, as well as achieving energy... more
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      BambooBamboo Composites
Bamboo can be replaced steel in low to medium structures. It is environmental friendly, sustainable and low cost. Here we discussed advances in bamboo material use in bridge components, as reinforcement in concrete known as bambcrete, as... more
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    • Bamboo Composites
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the addition of bamboo laminas of the species Dendrocalamus giganteus to three-layer medium density particleboard (MDP). These laminas were glued onto both the top and the bottom of... more
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      Composite Materials and StructuresCompositesWood ScienceComposite Materials
Mechanical characteristics were evaluated of wood-bamboo-based particleboard having the proportions of 100% wood and 0% bamboo, 75% wood and 25% bamboo, and 50% wood and 50% bamboo. This particleboard used Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis... more
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      Materials ScienceWood SciencePrefabricated woodBamboo
The furniture production with native species of bamboo has been thought within the Research Group LIGNO as an alternative to promote the development of poor rural communities in accordance with the Brazilian Federal Law 12484/2011. In... more
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      Composite Materials and StructuresCompositesComposite MaterialsNatural fibre composites (Engineering)
Laminated hybrid composites were prepared by incorporating dry bamboo strips and oil palm trunk veneer (OPTV) to form five-layer laminated composites. Two different species of bamboo were used including Dendrocalamus asper and... more
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      Industrial DesignBiocompositesMechanical propertiesHardness
Bamboo is an important natural resource in the socio-economic, cultural ecological and functional context with 1500 well documented uses. Having high strength, elasticity and wear resisting characteristics, it grows rapidly and matures in... more
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      Creative IndustriesNew Product DevelopmentBambooRural livelihoods and economy
Proposed is a method to investigate degradation of lignocelluloses by pure cultures of basidiomycetes using preserving jars with vermiculite as reservoir for water and nutrients. Bamboo samples of Gigantochloa atroviolacea and... more
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      ErgonomicsIndustrial DesignPackagingProduct Design
Due to the high dimensional variation of bamboo, the manufacturing of materials such as plywood and laminated bamboo produces a high amount of residues. The production of particleboards could be used to overcome this problem and become a... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceSustainable Production and ConsumptionComposite Materials and Structures
The correlations of microphotograph structure properties were made via a matured cultivated three-year-old tropical bamboos namely Gigantochloalevis and G. scotechinii. Bamboos were elected and harvested from the plantation plots located... more
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      Wood science and technologyBamboo CompositesBamboo and Rattan utilizaton
C/SiC brake materials with a sandwich structure were prepared by three step process, chemical vapor infiltration, slurry infiltration and liquid silicon infiltration process. The fabricated brake materials consist of a C-fiber rich main... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBamboo CompositesBRAKE MATERIALS
Plate and shell analysis using classical plate theory (CPT) has a lack of accuracy in predicting the influence of transverse deformation, because of its assumption that the line normal to the surface remains straight and normal to the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceStructural EngineeringSpatial Analysis
Improvements of mechano-chemical properties of bamboo by a bio-chemical formulation (BF-N/14) have been studied. Among the three bamboo species Bambusa balcooa shows higher stem density (0.9 g/cm3) with high cellulose (44.52%) and lignin... more
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    • Bamboo Composites
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of bamboo species and resin content on the physical and mechanical properties of oriented strand boards (OSBs) prepared from steam-treated bamboo strands. The strands from three... more
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      BiocompositesOriented Strand BoardBamboo Composites
Para el diseño de estructuras que utilizan como material estructural principal el bambú Guadua angustifolia, es necesario conocer los valores característicos de sus propiedades mecánicas y módulos elásticos. En este artículo se presenta... more
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      Wood ScienceWood AnatomyBambooBamboo Properties
This study examined the effect of density and layer structure on the mechanical properties and dimensional stability of strandboard manufactured from moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens). The strandboard was fabricated in a laboratory at... more
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    • Bamboo Composites
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      DesignShoesBamboo CompositesSustainable Product Design and Manufacturing
Bamboo is the most important non-wood renewable forest resource with advantages of short production cycle, easy processing, low energy consumption and wide applications. As global deforestation and environmental damage problems become... more
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      BambooWood science and technologyBamboo Composites
In this article the experiment was carried out to establish tensile strength values of two different bamboo species, which are obtained by the static tensile test. The tensile strength results of two tested species Tonkin Cane and Ku Zhu... more
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      BambooBamboo PropertiesWhole bamboo constructionBamboo Composites
Here we characterise the thermal properties of engineered bamboo panels produced in Canada, China, and Colombia. Specimens are processed from either Moso or Guadua bamboo into multi-layered panels for use as cladding, flooring or walling.... more
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      Wood ScienceNatural Fiber CompositesNatural fibre composites (Engineering)Thermal Transport
The focus of this research was to study the utilization of residues from bamboo (Dendrocalamus giganteus) lamination in the manufacturing of panels for structural purposes. Bamboo particleboards were produced under three conditions: pure... more
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      Composite Materials and StructuresCompositesComposite MaterialsMechanical Behavior Of Materials
We propose the combination of the traditional construction material bamboo with a novel epoxy-resin joint. The joint forms a bending resisting connection that eliminates the need for diagonal members. This allows its utilization along... more
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      Digital FabricationGenerative designComputational DesignBamboo Composites
The mechanical properties of parallel bamboo strand lumber beams could be improved by aramid fiber reinforced polymer (AFRP). So far, no investigation has been conducted on the strengthening of engineering bamboo beams using AFRP. In... more
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    • Bamboo Composites
Anatomical structures and microstructures of tropical bamboo species were studied. Harvested three-year- old Gigantochloa scortechinii prepared for this study. Electron Microscopy (EM) especially Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and... more
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      Bamboo PropertiesWood science and technologyBamboo Composites
In this study, the machining characteristics of eight exotic bamboo species extracted from Daboase, Kusi near Kade and Amantia in southern Ghana were assessed. The bamboo species include Dendrocalamus latiflorus, Bambusa bambos, Guadua... more
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      AcousticsProbability and statisticsBamboo CompositesUltrasonic Non Destructive Testing
Construction systems based on cross-laminated timber (CLT) have versatility in material development and are an interesting alternative for construction. This study evaluated the structural performance of cross-laminated timber-bamboo... more
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      Materials ScienceComposite Materials and StructuresCompositesWood Science