Bambara Language

77 papers
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Bambara is a Mande language spoken primarily in Mali, serving as a lingua franca among various ethnic groups. It is part of the Niger-Congo language family and is characterized by its tonal nature, rich oral tradition, and significant cultural importance in the region.
"What follows is the English translation of Amadou Hampâté Bâ’s 1972 text titled Aspects de la civilisation africaine: personne, culture, religion, which was translated by Susan B. Hunt of the University of Pennsylvania. The translation... more
La disponibilité des corpus électroniques annotés comptant des millions de mots pour les langues maninka et bambara permet de penser des dictionnaires de nouvelle génération. Dans un tel dictionnaire, l'élaboration de la polysémie,... more
The Sumanguru Kante epic song narrated by Abdulaye Sako in Bamana, enregistred by Staphan Bulman. The original Bamana text is provided by discoursive marking and translated into English.
Written Bambara in Primary School Language competence tests in the 5th grade carried out in Ségou in 1997 show that after four years of Bambara instruction, the children are far from mastering their mother tongue in the written medium.... more
La question d'une variété régionale du francais au Mali est posée sous deux angles: les rapports entre facteurs inter- et intrasystemiques et les rapports entre substrat et variation diatopique du superstrat. L'hypothèse d'interférences... more
Les auteurs de l’article proposent des solutions à certains problèmes d’orthographe bamanankan jusqu’ici non-explorés, comme l’écriture des syllabes « consonne nasale + voyelle i ou u ». Ils suggèrent la notation des phonèmes gw et sh.... more
Les approches méthodologiques différentes au problème de parties de discours dans les langues mandingues sont discutés. Finalement, un inventaire des parties de discours bambara est établi sur la base du critère formel (morphosyntaxique).
Non-verbal predication and copula types are analysed in three Mande languages: Bambara, Guinean Maninka, and Eastern Dan. These languages display considerable divergences. In Bambara, there are three affirmative non-verbal copulas used in... more
Loin des résultats attendus d'une alphabétisation fonctionnelle destinée à améliorer production agricole et organisation communautaire, disposer d'un cahier à soi est un des avantages que retirent de l'alphabétisation certains... more
The Bambara foot is represented as a rhythmic category which can be disyllabic or monosyllabic. Foot-parsing is both segmentally and morphologically conditioned. A foot can coincide with a morpheme or be smaller than a morpheme, but it... more
Arguments of a predicate and adjuncts behave differently with respect to Wh-extraction. Most current assumptions attribute this asymmetry to a single requirement on Wh-traces that adjunct traces fail to observe. Huang (1982) and Lasnik... more
The goal of this study is to test instrumentally the hypothesis that Bambara disyllabic feet are distributed into three types. The results of the study can be summarised as follows:-reduction and elision of a short V1 in disyllabic feet... more
This article explores one structural way in which Jula differs from other Manding varieties: the forgoing of formally reflexive constructions in favor of formally ambiguous intransitive constructions and more rarely innovative idiomatic... more
Cette etude examine les caracteristiques prosodiques du francais parlé en Afrique. Nous nous intéressons à la question de savoir si cette prosodie comporte des traits communs, panafricains, ou si elle varie en fonction des Ll des... more
Different West African languages of the Gur and Mande families have a type of relative clauses additionally marked as conditionals. They function as generalizing relatives and occur often in proverbs. The paper proposes an analysis of... more
Notre étude sur la perception d’accent porte sur le FLS qui, rappelons-le, se distingue du FL1, du FL2 et du FLE par son mode d’appropriation. A notre connaissance, cette étude est la première sur le FLS qui confronte les représentations... more
Предглагольные наречия образуют в бамана отдельную часть речи. Рассматривается механизм регулярной конверсии существительных в предглагольные наречия.
E-publication can be downloaded at the following link: During the last two decades, the (re-)discovery of thousands of manuscripts in different regions of sub-Saharan Africa has questioned... more
Le N'ko est une alphabet créé en 1949 pour les langues manding, surtout pour le maninka de la Guinée. Pendant les dernières décennies, il a devenu très populaire et pratiquement évincé l'alphabet latin en Guinée. Il se répand de plus en... more
Bambara (Manding < West Mande < Mande < Niger-Congo) has a specialized clause chaining (cosubordinative) construction where the fi rst clause has a verb full-fl edged for TAM and polarity, and verbs of subsequent clauses are in infi... more
Separable adjectives represent a morphosyntactic subcategory of the part of speech of adjectives in Bambara (< Manding < Mande < Niger-Congo, Mali, West Africa). A separable adjective is a compound lexeme consisting of a noun root... more
Рассматриваются различные методологические подходы к выделению частей речи в изолирующих языках. На основании формального (мофросинтаксического) подхода выделяется инвентарь частей речи в бамана.
В течение последнего десятилетия были созданы миллионные корпуса текстов манинка и бамана. Параллельно с этим ведется работа по созданию и совершенствованию словарей этих языков. Складываются условия для вывода лексикографической работы... more
Cette analyse est basée sur des enregistrements faits à Bamako (Mali) en décembre 2006 et d’un test de perception effectué en décembre 2008 / janvier 2009. Les tests de perception cherchent à déterminer les caractéristiques, réelles ou... more
Reviews of Le Fil de l’écrit, une anthropologie de l’alphabétisation au Mali, by Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye, ENS-éditions,2013. By Jan Jansen in Africa, Volume 84/ Issue 04 / November 2014, pp 671-672 DOI:... more
by C. Lyche and 
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Bamako is, like most African capitals, an ethnic and linguistic melting pot (Calvet 1994), where the official language French coexists with a number of regional and local languages. Our corpus reflects this multilingualism, with five L1s... more
Worodugukan has SOVX order, with material other than the direct object appearing after the verb.  Most postpositional phrases must appear after V, but a class of indirect objects appears preverbally.
ABSTRACT: This 19-minute film tells some of the history of the Bambara kingdom with some commentary by local historians and government officials.
In recent years, a growing number of linguists have reported constructions that fulfil all or most criteria for being called a passive but one: morphological or periphrastic marking in the verb phrase. In the constructions in question,... more
The main means for expressing the reciprocal meaning in Bamana is a syntactic construction with the specialized pronoun å¢g¡n which can occupy the position of one of the complements of a verb. Ò¢g¡n is a pronoun, i.e. an actant type... more
В статье рассматриваются стратегии релятивизации в двух дальнеродственных языках семьи манде - дан (южная группа юго-восточной ветви) и бамана (группа манде западной ветви).
Ce numéro spécial de la revue Nordic Journal of African Studies (vol.9, no. 3) contient dix articles qui portent sur la formation des maîtres, les attitudes des maîtres vis-à-vis de l’introduction des langues nationales dans... more
This article provides a brief overview of Daba software package created in the course of building corpora for Manding languages. Key software features are motivated by the tasks and problems characteristic of many African languages. The... more
A model for the development of a corpus-driven spelling dictionary for the Bambara language is described. First, a list of about 4000 lexemes characterized by spelling variability is extracted from an electronic Bambara-French dictionary.... more
Для названий парных частей тела форму без показателя множе- ственности следует считать не столько сингулярной, сколько «фор- мой общего числа». Плюральная форма для таких существительных выражает не столько множественность саму по себе,... more