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Troughout the world, the year 2020 has passed under the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic also impacted Latvia's defence sector. Despite the global pandemic and other challenges examined in this article, the defence sector has... more
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      Baltic StudiesLatvia
The Latvian Foreign and Security Policy Yearbook 2021 aims to examine and evaluate various spheres of Latvia’s foreign and security policy. It looks at what has been achieved in 2020 and draws up development scenarios for 2021, informing... more
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      Russian StudiesBaltic StudiesNATO-Russian Relations
The Rīga Conference Papers 2019 offer a collection of articles reflecting on the security of the Baltic Sea region amid the 70 th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Authors from the region and beyond discuss the... more
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      Baltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region StudiesBaltic States
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      Art HistoryBaltic StudiesNineteenth-century ArtLatvian art
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      Military HistoryBaltic StudiesWorld War IFirst Word war
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      Baltic StudiesFin de Siecle Literature & CultureLatvian art
Fellow 2015-16 researching and writing a manuscript on contemporary Baltic defense from a strategic and historic perspective at the Changing Character of War programme at the University of Oxford. In 2014 he graduated with his doctorate... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)International SecurityNATOWar Studies
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      Eastern European StudiesSoviet HistoryRomanian HistoryBalkan Studies
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      Baltic StudiesMultidisciplinary
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      SociologyEastern European StudiesLawContemporary Art
The interwar period in Europe marks a tendency towards authoritarian leaders in politics as well as the classicizing practices of the visual arts. However, the extent and modality of both tendencies vary from state to state: mapping... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreArt HistoryBaltic Studies
This book focuses on the recent political trajectories within the Baltic Sea Region from one of the success stories of regionalism in Europe to a potential area of military confrontation between Russia and NATO. The authors closely... more
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    • Baltic Studies
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      Military HistoryEastern European StudiesBaltic StudiesFirst World War
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesBaltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region Studies
Storytelling has been theorised as a performative, narrative practice, but it has not been employed often as a trope in studies of musical performance. This article outlines a theoretical context for exploring the possibilities of such a... more
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      European StudiesMusicOrchestral StudiesAnthropology of Music
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      Russian StudiesBelarusian StudiesBaltic StudiesUkrainian Studies
In the Latvian literature the motifs of dream and night are without doubt the most popular, exposed and expanded. "Wannem Ymanta" (1802) by Garlieb Merkel (1769–1850) is the first literary work in which the meaning of these words is far... more
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      RomanticismBaltic StudiesNational IdentityVisions And Dreams
The aim of this article is to shed light on the long-lasting traces of the legacy of World War I by focusing on the case studies of four Estonian servicemen who served in the Russian Army during the war, and whose war experiences were... more
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      War StudiesBaltic StudiesSecond World WarFirst World War
This article is based on the diary of a young Estonian provincial female party activist Luise Vaher (née Kapstas), in which she describes her evacuation to the Soviet rear following the German invasion of the USSR in the summer and fall... more
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      Gender HistoryBaltic StudiesIdentity (Culture)Ideology
Poland and Lithuania at the end of the Cold War serve as a case study for the theorization of music and politics. In this article, a little-studied field of two neighbouring countries’ cultures has been chosen: oppositional musical... more
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      MusicologyBaltic StudiesMusic and PoliticsCultural Musicology
Šiame įvadiniame straipsnyje pristatomi specialiojo „Politologijos“ numerio tiriamieji klausimai ir turinys, taip pat pateikiamas bendras analizės pagrindas, kurį taikant nagrinėjama, kokie veiksniai gali paaiškinti vadovų kaitą ir... more
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      Baltic StudiesLithuania
Introductory chapter to Life in Post-Communist Eastern Europe after EU Membership Happy ever after? published by Routledge in May 2012 in hardback, electronic and kindle formats.
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationBaltic Studies
The author aims to present the broadest possible context of the Baltic Pipe project, including legal, and to some extent, economic considerations, which ought to be scrutinized along with the broader geopolitical considerations... more
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      Climate ChangeEnergy LawBaltic StudiesClimate Law
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
Raamatuarvustus: Beyond Crimea: The New Russian Empire by Agnia Grigas. Yale University Press 2016. 352 Lk. ISBN 9780300214505. Diplomaatia nr 9/169 (2017).
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      Russian StudiesBaltic StudiesEthnicity and National Identity
This paper examines travels outside the Soviet Union by Latvian writers who were recognised by the occupation regime and acclaimed by the public during the Brezhnev era –from the 1960s into the 1980s – as one of the privileges enjoyed by... more
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      Baltic StudiesTravel and traveloguesSoviet literatureBrezhnev era Soviet history
Статья посвящена реализации одного из основных инфраструктурных проектов в регионе Восточной Балтики – создания высокоскоростной железнодорожной магистрали Rail Baltica/Rail Baltica II по маршруту Хельсинки – Таллин – Рига – Вильнюс –... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesBaltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region Studies
Latvian Diplomats, 1918-1940
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      Baltic StudiesHistory of LatviaLatvian History
Iš prigimtinės kultūros žodyno: šeimyninė bičiulystė
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      Mythology And FolkloreBaltic StudiesEthnologyCultural Anthropology
An article in Latvian with a summary in English and many illustrations.
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      Art HistoryBaltic StudiesWomen Artists
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      Military HistoryBaltic StudiesGreat WarWorld War I
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      Reception StudiesHistoriographyMedievalismBaltic Studies
Prieš kiekvienus LR Seimo ir savivaldybių tarybų rinkimus Lietuvos politologai ir politikos analitikai analizuoja politinių partijų rinkimų programas, o jiems pasibaigus – rinkimų rezultatus. Tačiau nepaisant labai dažnai konstatuojamų... more
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      Public AdministrationBaltic StudiesLithuaniaPublic Policy
Santrauka. Nuo XIX a. antros pusės Latvijos pramoniniai miestai – Ryga, Liepoja, taip pat Jelgava – tapo svarbiais lietuvių bendruomeninio gyvenimo centrais, nes juose įsikūrė gana daug lietuvių tautybės gy­ ventojų. Dauguma jų dirbo... more
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      Baltic StudiesLithuanian History
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      Baltic StudiesMultidisciplinary
The political shocks of the 2014 Ukrainian crisis have been felt in many former Soviet countries, not least Latvia, where over 35% of the population are native Russian speakers. At a time when analysts and commentators are unsure about... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesMedia Studies
**please contact me if you would like a copy of my thesis** The development of urbanism in the Viking Age is undoubtedly one of the best-studied fields in the archaeology of the period. The Viking towns of Birka, Kaupang, Hedeby and Ribe... more
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      Baltic StudiesUrbanismTheoretical ArchaeologyViking Age Archaeology
Politicians and Political parties of Latgale in the Independent Latvia, biographies, here published only part of the book - biographies from 1918-1940.
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      Baltic StudiesHistory of LatviaLatvian History
. The work offered to the reader’s attention contains a scrupulous description of the historical context and a detailed consideration of the issue of the legal qualification of the actions of the Nazis from the point of view of... more
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      Criminal LawInternational LawBaltic StudiesInternational Human Rights Law
The House of Griffin or Griffin dynasty was a dynasty ruling the Duchy of Pomerania from the 12th century until 1637. The name "Griffins" was used by the dynasty after the 15th century and had been taken from the ducal coat of arms. Duke... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyPolish HistoryBaltic Studies
The evacuation to Estonia in 1942–44 of Estonians who lived in areas to the east of the Estonian border – in Ingria, the region beyond Lake Peipus (the former county of Oudova), and the Luga River and Pskov area – is the focus of this... more
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      War StudiesBaltic StudiesSecond World War (History)Refugees and Forced Migration Studies
Lista pe vagoane a persoanelor deportate in 12-14 iunie 1941.

Sursa: Arhiva Națională a Republicii Moldova, Fond R-3397, inventar 1, dosar 1, ff. 11-39.
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      Eastern European StudiesSoviet HistoryRomanian HistoryBaltic Studies
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      Baltic StudiesBaltic StatesBaltic GermansBaltic German Literature
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      Medieval HistoryBaltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region StudiesEarly Medieval Archaeology
Произошедшая после распада СССР «архивная революция» в России и других странах постсоветского пространства открыла для историков возможность использовать в своих исследованиях следственные показания, полученных органами ОГПУ-НКВД.... more
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      Baltic StudiesSecond World WarLithuanian HistoryPolice Interrogation
Within the towns of Boston and Kings Lynn the two crusading expeditions which started from these Wash ports have been almost entirely forgotten. Occasional references crop up in the footnotes of academic works, but locally within the town... more
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      CrusadesBaltic StudiesLincolnshire history