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      History of EducationItalian StudiesAlbanian StudiesOttoman Studies
Sui crimini contro l'umanità commessi dai partizan slavi nella ex-Iugoslavia tra il 1941 e il 1943 manca uno studio generale, come abbiamo evidenziato nel nostro breve saggio Crimini partigiani in Balcania (1941-1942). Il sacrificio degli... more
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      FascismItalian fascismBenito MussoliniBalcan studies
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      Medieval HistoryByzantine StudiesHistory of CrusadesBalcan studies
Πρακτικά του πρώτου Συνεδρίου Τοπικής Ιστορίας Παγγαίου / 1st Congress of the local history of Paggaion, 2017, 356-375. Αναστάσιος Ουλκέρογλου, Δρ Αρχαιολόγος. Ιωάννης Τσάτσος, Διπλ. Αρχιτέκτων Μηχανικός. Περίληψη Κατά... more
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      HistorySettlement PatternsWorld War IFirst World War
This number of the review is called EU-WESTERN BALKANS COOPERATION ON JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS ESSAYS edited by TERESA RUSSO, ANNA ORIOLO, GASPARE DALIA This Special Issue collects some of the essays of the Jean Monnet Module... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesCriminal LawCriminal Procedure
Book Review
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesNumismaticsSerbian history
La grande battaglia di Qades (con introduzione di Sergio Cammelli) ANONIMO La morte dell'Africa GIOVANNI ARMILLOTTA Scuole e lingue native. L'esperienza della Nuova Caledonia MARINA BORGETTI Le elemosine al Continente nero MARCO COCHI... more
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      Postal HistoryOttoman EmpireOttoman BalkansEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire
This paper lays out a new framework for thinking about Albania's participation in the First World War.
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      Military HistoryEastern European StudiesEastern EuropeModern Italian History
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      International RelationsBalcan studiesStiinte politiceRelatii Internationale Si Studii Europene
Summary The article gives an overview of the most important families of the medieval Albanian town of Drivasto, presenting some of them. Noble families of origin from Drivasto encountered in documents are numerous, however, as for any... more
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      Albanian StudiesMedieval NobilityMiddle AgesBalcan studies
This paper analyses the complex and multiform thought and action of St. Clement. A Saint which has dedicated his name and his life not only to the hagiography of the Christian Orthodox Church (as well as of the Roman Catholic Church), or... more
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      European StudiesHistory of Ancient MacedoniaDiritto InternazionaleBalcan studies
Galaţi, a Danubian city and one of the most important Romanian ports, as well as an industrial center, attracted a large number of foreigners, including many Greeks, from the 19th century. This city flourished one of the largest Greek... more
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      HistoryHistory of SculptureGreek DiasporaLower Danube
Knjigu arheologa Ante Miloševića , ravnatelja Muzeja Cetinske krajine u Sinju, tiskamo kao drugu u nizu monografija koje znanstveno interpretiraju konzervatorske radove na spomenicima nacionalne baštine. Nije slučajno da se ova... more
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      Late Medieval ArchaeologyBalcan studiesBalcan archaeologyCemetery Studies
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      European HistoryMilitary HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
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      Church HistoryBalcan studies
After the outbreak of the Great financial crisis in 1585 the importation of European coins became uncontrollable. The official authorities was forced not only to accept the facts but also tried to setup control by defining official... more
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      Ottoman HistoryNumismaticsOttoman StudiesIslamic Numismatics
The disintegration of the former Yugoslavia was followed by a series of wars during the nineties, marked by serious human rights violations. The legacy of violence in the past still hovers over the region... more
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      LawInternational LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
Despre relaţiile lexicale româno-albaneze s-a scris până acum foarte mult, în primul rând despre subiectul cuvintelor comune. Un aspect mult mai complex al acestor relaţii îl reprezintă expresiile frazeologice. Există, de fapt, un număr... more
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      Albanian StudiesRomanian StudiesRomanian LanguageBalcan studies
S u m m a r y Economic and Trade Relations between Ragusa and Albanian Lands during the Middle Ages Trade between the Republic of Ragusa and the Medieval Albanian lands was quite extensive and active and included most of the... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesAlbanian StudiesBalkan History
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      South East European StudiesEastern European historyBalcan studiesArt of armenian communities
«A mari usque ad mare»
Cultura visuale e materiale dall’Adriatico all’India

a cura di
Mattia Guidetti e Sara Mondini
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      Art HistoryHeritage ConservationIslamic ArtIndian Art
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      War in BosniaBosnia and HerzegovinaBalcan studiesSarajevo
BULGARIA MEDIAEVALIS 8 (2017) PIECES OF EVIDENCE ABOUT THE MONASTERY FOUNDED BY ST. KLIMENT OF OHRID Contemporary knowledge of historical and cultural development of Bulgarian monasteries dated between the ninth century and the eleventh... more
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      Balkan HistoryBalkan archaeologyBulgarian historyBalcan studies
On Friday, May 13/25, 1877, shortly after Romania declared its independence from the Ottoman Empire, prince Carol I of Romania conferred the Military Virtue Medal and the newly instituted Star of Romania Order to several officers, warrant... more
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      Romanian HistoryPhaleristicsRomanian StudiesMedals
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryLiturgical StudiesVisual Culture
Tesi triennale incentrata sulla nascita e l'evoluzione del Bektashismo, la figura di Ḥājjī Bektāš Velī e il ruolo che la ṭarīqa ha svolto nelle società post-ottomane. La seguente ricerca ha come scopo un'introduzione all'Islam europeo,... more
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      Islamic StudiesSufismIslamAlbanian Nationalism
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesKosovoDissonant Heritage
The described objects, preserved today in the treasury of the Monastery of St. Prohor Pcinjski should be perceived as a part of an entity formed together with relics and liturgical objects found within the temple. Judging by the inventory... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryVisual CultureBalkan Studies
Периода на Късната aнтичност (IV-VI) бележи дълбоки политически, социални и религиозни промени в Римската империя.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval HistoryMedieval Europe
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      FascismDalmatian historyItalian fascismBenito Mussolini
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      Mythology And FolkloreCultural HistoryCultural StudiesCultural Heritage
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      Late Medieval ArchaeologyLate Medieval HistoryBalcan studiesBalcan archaeology
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryLiturgical StudiesMaterial Culture Studies
The activity of metropolitan Mihailo marked the second half of the XIX century and its different aspects were subjects of different scientific researches and interests. There are no clear data about the origin of the stereotypes of... more
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      Russian StudiesVisual StudiesArt HistoryLiturgical Studies
Fieldwork-Research-Observations on diglossia features and bilingualism of the Turkish-speaking community of Western Thrace and contact-relevant linguistic variables
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      Languages and LinguisticsDialectologySociolinguisticsSyntax
Im Folgenden stehen fünf Städte in den epirotischen und makedonischen Provinzen im Fokus: Dyrrachium, Heraclea Lyncestis, Stobi, Thessaloniki und Philippi. Es sind Orte mit unterschiedlich weit zurückreichenden Wurzeln und Funktionen als... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyLate Antiquity
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryLiturgical StudiesVisual Culture
Spis treści/ Contents: WALDEMAR DELUGA, MIROSŁAW P. KRUK, Studies on Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art in Central and Eastern Europe; SERGEJ KLIMOVSKI, Two new stone icons from Kiev; LARISA ČLENOVA, A Byzantine relief St. George with the... more
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      Eastern European StudiesArt HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesArmenian Studies
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      Modern HistoryEconomic HistoryFashion HistoryBanat of Temesvar
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      Cultural StudiesJewish StudiesArchitectureCultural Heritage
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      Ethnic StudiesMulticulturalismCultural HeritageAlbanian Studies
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      Early Medieval ArtBalcan studiesSlavic MythologyMedieval and Early Christian Art
Mediterranean studies flourish in literary and cultural studies, but if you look at the numerous publications on the subject, it is striking that the concepts of the Mediterranean and the theories and methods used in these are very... more
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      Comparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureHebrew LiteratureSpanish Literature
Dopo la sconfitta della Iugoslavia dell'Aprile 1941, il giovane Stato che aveva tentato con un maldestro colpo di Stato di passare nel campo degli Alleati, l'intera regione venne occupata dalle Armate italo-tedesche e le nazionalità... more
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      FascismSlovenian HistoryIstrian historyItalian fascism
Studie se zabývá historickým vývojem a kolonizací oblasti dnes srbského a rumunského Banátu, kde se v průběhu 18. století zformovala Banátská vojenská hranice. Její vznik je výsledkem mnohaletého historicko-politického vývoje, jenž byl... more
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      HistoryYugoslaviaSerbiaBalcan studies
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      Albanian StudiesConjunctivaBalcan studiesInfinitives
Franco Sacchetti ebbe incarichi politici e diplomatici prestigiosi dal Comune di Firenze, dentro e fuori le mura. Di lui, sappiamo con relativa certezza luogo e data di morte, intervenuta durante l’ultima delle sue molte missioni per... more
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      Medieval StudiesBiographyFranco SacchettiBalcan studies
Ethnic mobilization and identity politics. Aromanians in Bulgaria. Baj Steriu, who considers himself a proud Aromanian, told me in an interview: “We come from Alexander the Great. There is even a song that Alexander the Great was our... more
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      Language Policy and Politics of IdentityEthnic minoritiesEthnic Minority MobilisationBalcan studies
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      Albanian StudiesMigrationOttoman StudiesTransnational migration
The last shepherds of the Carpathians? Carpathian Sheep Transhumance 2013 - a phenomenon of the international project on contemporary Vlach pastoral culture, ,,Culturologica Slovaca", 2, 2017 In recent years, more and more researchers... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropologyCultural Heritage