Bakhtin dialogism
Recent papers in Bakhtin dialogism
What are the concepts, didactic and pedagogical proposals and practices/production of argumentative texts we found in the current context of the teaching Portuguese language? This question is relevant as we take into account the changes... more
This article stems from a panel we jointly convened at the i-Docs 2018 Symposium, where we presented a series of provocations with a view to generating a new theoretical framework for i-docs. These provocations were inspired by all... more
Wayne Vucinic Book Prize 2007, "for the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences." Endorsement by Slavoj Zizek: "Alexei Yurchak's Everything... more
This paper, using Mikhail Bakhtin's theory of dialogism tries to investigate the indications of dialogic voice in Odes by John Keats. Indeed this study goes through the dialogic reading of 'Ode to a Nightingale', 'Ode on a Grecian Urn',... more
The animated music videos of Radiohead, Chris Hopewell and Gastón Viñas are entwined by intertextual threads that refer to each other in a reciprocal and generative way. As a graphic artist and applied fan of the band Radiohead, Viñas has... more
This article proposes an interdisciplinary framework designed to analyse discourse, affect and surveillance. By revisiting the "omniopticon" (the many watching the many) and proposing “civeillance” as an affective dynamic of surveillance... more
Автор статьи аргументирует необходимость использования советских кинофильмов на занятиях по РКИ. Представлена методическая разработка занятия по одной из самых популярных комедий Л. Гайдая «Иван Васильевич меняет профессию».
Hur påverkas vi av massmedia? Hur påverkas du, jag och våra medmänniskor av den information som sprids via massmedia – tidningar, tv, radio, film, annonser på bussar och i tunnelbana, cd-skivor och dvd, internet, etc, etc. – till snart... more
En este artículo, publicado en New Left Review, Nº 216 (marzo/abril 1996), Craig Brandist compara el trabajo de Antonio Gramsci y de Mikhail Bajtín, quienes, aunque desde vertientes diferentes, se basaron en el trabajo de Benedetto Croce... more
Meursault is not a piece of social wreckage, but a poor and naked enamoured of the sun that leaves no shadow. Far from being bereft of all feeling, he is animated by passion that is deep because it is stubborn, a passion for the absolute,... more
Στην παρούσα ανακοίνωση υποστηρίζεται ότι η δημιουργία του είδους του νεοελληνικού χρονογραφήματος από το λόγιο Κωνσταντίνο Πωπ (1848) συνιστά μια ρηξικέλευθη ειδολογική επινόηση που διεμβολίζει το λογοτεχνικό κανόνα της εποχής μέσα από... more
Данная работа (магистерская диссертация) посвящена исследованию интервью как жанровой разновидности академического дискурса с позиций лингвопрагматики и дискурсивного анализа, а также изучению особенностей функционирования категории... more
This article explores the concept of transdisciplinarity as a cultural endeavor. It centers on the concept of transdisciplinary hermeneutics, as a form of contextualizing science in the framework of cultural ideas, subjective experiences... more
The goal of this special issue is to examine how certain modes of classroom dialogue might contribute to students' learning outcomes. The articles in this special issue share the idea of classroom talk as a problem-oriented dialogue. In... more
Во овој труд се елаборира книжевно-теориската проблематика на дијалогизмот и интертекстуалноста и тоа преку примери од македонската романескна продукција. Станува збор, имено, за маркирање на присуството на структурни сегменти на... more
The article deals with the issue of dialogical communication in Oroonoko, or The History of the Royal Slave (1688) by Aphra Behn. The theoretical basis for the article is M. Bakhtin’s concept of the dialogue and R. Sell’s idea of... more
The following study draws on the textual analysis of Fatima Bhutto’s novel ‘The Shadow of The Crescent Moon’ with new historicist perspective. Michael Foucault’s model of Subject and Power as mentioned in his one of the authored essays... more
This paper investigates the theories of Mikhail Bakhtin as a means of critically examining the practices of contemporary visual artists. Directly building upon and critiquing Deborah J. Haynes’ 1995 study Bakhtin and the Visual Arts,... more
By drawing on visual data ranging from printed advertisements to digital photography, this book provides a fine-grained social semiotic analysis of a full range of visual texts in terms of specified periods, offering a complex... more
Translanguaging theories emphasize a fluid, dynamic view of language and differ from code-switching/mixing theories by de-centring the analytic focus from the language(s) being used in the interaction to the speakers who are making... more
Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir a articulação multimodal – interação entre as modalidades verbal e visual – e o dialogismo na construção da configuração funcional da argumentação nas produções audiovisuais de youtubers.... more
The role of place-based education (PBE) in a teacher education methods course was explored in a constructivist case study of preservice secondary English teachers during their semester of student teaching. Written and discourse data were... more
""The theories of the Russian literary critic and philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975) are highly suggestive for helping to understand cinema, yet their usefulness has yet to be fully and accessibly articulated in relation to the key... more
话者两个概念,丰富我们对文艺意义生产的了解。(This is the Chinese version of the paper: Bakhtin's Legacy: Dialogism the New Media Era.)
话者两个概念,丰富我们对文艺意义生产的了解。(This is the Chinese version of the paper: Bakhtin's Legacy: Dialogism the New Media Era.)
In order to narrate one among a handful of unofficial versions of the American dream of upward mobility and wealth, the Chinese-American writer Shawn Hsu Wong employs dialogism, also known as double-voicing, as the main narrative strategy... more
Resumo: O presente trabalho se propõe a refletir acerca da contribuição dos gêneros discursivos como foco educacional multiletrado. Embora a concepção de gênero, fundamentada nas discussões propostas pelos estudos bakhtinianos, apareça em... more
The term "poetic grammar" refers to the formal patterns that distinguish poetic registers from other modes of speech: for example, patterns in meter and rhyme schemes. For many poetic traditions, function is also a distinguishing feature:... more
Κωστούλη, Τ. & Στυλιανού, Μ. (2015). ∆ιαµορφώνοντας νέες οπτικές για τη γλωσσική εκπαίδευση στην εποχή της κρίσης: Γλωσσοδιδακτικοί Λόγοι και παιδαγωγικές πρακτικές στα νέα Προγράµµατα Σπουδών Ελλάδας και Κύπρου, Στο Γρόλλιος, Γ.,... more
Essay in the social network intervention newsletter on the intellectual search that culminated in Seikkula & Trimble (2005)
The paper explores psychological experimentation in fiction with chronotope, point of view, a forgetful narrator to develop dual narration technique when the older character qualifies memories to synchronize with the present.... more
T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land" appeared in 1922, Rilke's "Duino Elegies" in 1923. So both belong to the great decade of 'classical' Modernism in which many authors tried to account for, or even to compensate for the breakdown of the... more
Mikhail Bakhtin, with his notions of Dialogism, Polyphony, Chronotope, Carnival and so forth, was one of the most important theorists of discourse in the twentieth century. The theory of chronotope, which was introduced as part of... more
I esteem this essay to be one of the most significant essays I have ever written; it performs with John 6 something similar to what J. Louis Martyn achieved with John 9. Note, however, that four or five crises, or dialogical engagements,... more
The purpose of the present research is to display Milan Kundera's literary techniques in showing the lethal power of silence. Identity is not to be restrained to psychology as it is a subject of study in sociology, too; therefore, the... more