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Co-authored with Ruth Young. Simultaneously published as ‘Zentralasien 500 v. Chr.-600 n. Chr.’ In Dumont Weltatlas der Kunst, heraus. John Onians. Köln: Verlag Dumont, 2004. Reprinted in The Art Atlas, ed. John Onians. London: Laurence... more
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      Central Asian StudiesSilk Road StudiesIranian Art HistoryCentral Eurasian Studies
A thesis paper presented at the Conference held on Oriental Faculty in June 2019, concerning in brevi some results of my course paper of the 3-rd year. The course paper was devoted to the Bactrian greetings formulae and their historical... more
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      Bactria (Archaeology)BactriaGreeting ritualsLetters
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      Military HistoryArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyAfghanistan
Данная книга посвящена одному из самых интересных, но недостаточно изученных пери-одов истории Бактрии: эпохе бронзы-ран-него железа вплоть до падения Ахеменидско-го господства под ударами армии Александра Македонского. Работа основана на... more
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      Ancient HistoryBactria (Archaeology)
Пошхурд-Зарабоғ ботиғида аниқланган Кучук I даврига оид янги ёдгорликлар // “Қадимий Жиззах воҳаси – Марказий Осиё цивилизацияси тизимида (сиёсий, иқтисодий, маданий ҳаёт)” мавзуидаги Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари. –... more
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      Bactria (Archaeology)Archaeology of Central AsiaBMAC ArchaeologyCentral Asian Archaeology
This work is the second volume of the series publishing the results of the Czech-Uzbek archaeological expedition in southern Uzbekistan. While the first part was devoted to the excavations at the central site of the Sherabad Oasis called... more
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      ArchaeologySpatial AnalysisSettlement PatternsCentral Asian Studies
In this paper, two dialectically related lines of argument will be pursued. On the one hand, build- ing upon the model of the Achaemenid «imperial paradigm» recently laid out by Wouter Henkelman, it con- tends that a corpus of luxury... more
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      Bactria (Archaeology)Achaemenid HistoryMaterial TurnAgency of objects
This paper investigates cultural adaptations of ancestral traditions between the Hellenistic and local elites in Western and Central Asia from an iconographic and symbolic point of view. It is recognized that the hegemonic Greek... more
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      Buddhist IconographyBactria (Archaeology)Hellenistic BactriaArchaeology of Central Asia
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      Eurasian NomadsSilk Road StudiesCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Bactria (Archaeology)
und seine Verwendung in der antiken Welt unter dem Förderkennzeichen 01UK0905. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt der Veröffentlichung liegt bei den Autoren.
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      Bactria (Archaeology)Hellenism
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      Iranian ArchaeologyIranian StudiesHistory of IranIranian Art History
The Tillya-tepe burial site was located in Bactria (Afghanistan) at a nodal point on major trade and communication routes between Rome and China, the northern steppes and India, in a period which represented a high point in trans-Eurasian... more
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      AfghanistanEurasian NomadsOrnament (Archaeology)Bactria (Archaeology)
The ceramic – and particularly fine ware – production in Bactria / Tokharistan of the Kushan-Sasanian period shows typical characteristics both in morphological and decorative treatment that make it different from the preceding production... more
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      IconographyBactria (Archaeology)Hellenistic BactriaArchaeology of Central Asia
The work led by the Soviet-Afghan Mission directed by I. T. Kruglikova from 1969 to 1979 in northern Afghanistan, and especially the excavations made by V. I. Sarianidi, remains until today the base of any research on Iron Age in Central... more
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      AfghanistanAncient History of AfghanistanBactria (Archaeology)History of Afghanistan
Alexander the Great at Susa (324 B.C.) in: Cincia Bearzot, Franca Landucci (eds). ALEXANDER’S LEGACY. Atti del Convegno Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano 2015, Roma: «L’Erma» di Bretschneider 2016, 61-72. ABSTRACT After his... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyHellenistic HistoryIranian ArchaeologyIranian Studies
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      ArchaeologyIranian ArchaeologySilk Road StudiesCentral Eurasian Studies
In this study, dedicated to the memory of Zeev Rubin, I explore one important facet of Iranian kingship between Alexander and Islam: the art and ritual of Achaemenid and Seleucid funerary monuments and their impact on later Macedonian and... more
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      HistoryBactria (Archaeology)Sasanian HistoryHellenistic Monarchy
Mairs, Rachel (2015) "Bactrian or Graeco-Bactrian Kingdom," in John MacKenzie (eds.), Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Empire, London: Wiley-Blackwell.
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      Bactria (Archaeology)Hellenistic BactriaGreco-Bactrian History
Catalogue of the exhibition held in Venice 2018-2019 on the art of anthropomorphic figures, from Spain to the Indus, 4th and 3rd millennium BC. The circulation of exotic materials such as lapis lazuli, obsidian or chlorite, encouraged... more
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      Bactria (Archaeology)Sumerian & Akkadian literature1) cultural interconnections and trade (Egypt and Levant)Lapis lazuli
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      ArchaeologyBactria (Archaeology)Ancient Civilization (Archaeology)Margiana
(222 plates of illustrations will be in special file. The pages' numeration is special for each big chapter. For real book numeration move the cursor to the right border of each pages / 222 таблицы иллюстраций будут в специальном файле.... more
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      Iranian ArchaeologyIranian StudiesHistory of CostumeCentral Asian Studies
Abstract The anonymous Soter Megas coins of the Kushan period have posed the problem of their attribution since they were first discovered in the early 19th century. This study, based on an examination of over a thousand examples, shows... more
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      Ancient History of AfghanistanNumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Bactria (Archaeology)
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      Iranian ArchaeologyBuddhist ArtBactria (Archaeology)Archaeology of Central Asia
The French Archaeological Delegation in Afghanistan (DAFA) has been carrying out research in the Bactra Oasis since 2005 (first, under the direction of R. Besenval and then, under the following directors of the DAFA), shedding new light... more
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      Ancient History of AfghanistanBactria (Archaeology)History of AfghanistanArchaeology of Central Asia
В статье рассматриваются две основные проблемы: 1. о существовании древнейшей стадии развития колесничного дела у индоевропейцев, на которой в уже изобретённую колесницу с дисковыми или спицевыми колёсами запрягали быков; 2. об... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologySouth Asian Studies
Discussion of the chronology of the end of Greek rule in Bactria on basis of numismatic evidence, with discussion of dating of the Greek Era, c. 174 BC and the Azes Era c. 46 BC
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      Ancient History of AfghanistanBactria (Archaeology)Hellenistic BactriaBactria, Hellenism, Indo-Greeks
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      Silk Road StudiesBactria (Archaeology)Hellenistic BactriaKushan empire (Archaeology)
First discovered in 2001, and fully published in 2012, a corpus of more than 200 graffiti from the cave Hoq on ancient Dioscourides, modern Socotra, constitutes an invaluable resource shedding a rare light on trade routes of the ancient... more
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      BuddhismAncient economies (Archaeology)Indian ancient historyGraeco-Roman Egypt
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      Hellenistic HistoryAncient EthnographyAncient HistoriographyAncient Geography
"Despite nearly two centuries of fascination in the scholarly world with the history of Sogdian culture there are still many under-researched areas. In particular, the history of the dissemination and inculturation of Christianity among... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesIranian Studies
The appropriation of particular symbols of Indian and Central Asian goddesses, characteristic of the Indo-Iranian borderland, will be examined in this chapter by looking at how such symbols entered and influenced different cultures over... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologySilk RoadSilk Road StudiesBactria (Archaeology)
The present contribution examines some recent archaeological discoveries in order to bring some elements towards the identification of the Achaemenid occupation period in the Central Asian provinces of the empire. It comes back on the... more
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      Bactria (Archaeology)Archaeology of Central AsiaCentral Asian ArchaeologyAchaemenid archaeology
В монографии рассматриваются археологические материалы погребальных памятников раннего и среднего бронзового века, могильников Фархор и Кангурттут 2. Погребальный инвентарь этих могильников свидетельствует о формировании в середине —... more
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      Bactria (Archaeology)Bronze Age (Archaeology)Archaeology of Central AsiaEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)
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      Achaemenid PersiaBactria (Archaeology)Central AsiaElamite
This paper studies the motif of the palmette on Greek bronze ovoid situlae, mainly of the 4th century BC. It traces its origin through Late Archaic and Early Classical examples to Ionia and Athens and discusses the two principal groups... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyMetalwork (Archaeology)Celtic ArchaeologyGreek Archaeology
This article adds to the debate on the elusive search for original homeland of Sanskrit speakers of India by establishing linkage of archaeology, language and legends of Hyperboreans. It brings the readers up todate on how India's caste... more
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      Ancient HistoryBactria (Archaeology)Proto Indo-EuropeanIndian Epics
In study of ancient history, seldom does it happen that one can find sources directly related to everyday life of the ordinary people. The regular tools of the historians, texts, stop short of commenting the life of the people and concern... more
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      Economic HistoryBactria (Archaeology)Sasanian HistoryCentral Asia
This article combines historical analysis with international-relations theory to contend that geopolitical developments around the Eastern Mediterranean in the middle third century BCE were indirectly responsible for the emergence of the... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
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      Bactria (Archaeology)Indian ArtArchaeology of Central AsiaSogdian Archaeology
Until relatively recently, the centuries between Xiongnu and Türk domination in the Mongolian steppelands (both north and south of the Gobi Desert) appeared as an archaeological »dark age«. At the same time, the steppe empire of the... more
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      Eurasian NomadsLate AntiquityCentral Eurasian StudiesBactria (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryIranian ArchaeologyZoroastrianism This article proposes a new approach to three of the most persistent problems in the study of Iranian art and religion from the coming of Alexander to the fall of the... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyArt HistoryHellenistic HistoryIranian Archaeology
Ancient economy has commonly been studied in the context of commerce and trade, less attention being paid to the production side of the economy. Additionally, artificial periodizations based on political change, including the division of... more
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      Economic HistoryAgricultural EconomicsLate AntiquityBactria (Archaeology)
All the evidence for Sogdian lambdacism adduced by Henning may be differently interpreted. The source of East Iranian loanwords with lambdacism in Early New Persian is not Sogdian but Bactrian, while the changing value of lamedh in the... more
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      Bactria (Archaeology)SogdianAramaic ScriptOld and Middle Iranian Languages
This article brings an up‑to‑date evaluation of the archaeological research in the core of the Bactro‑Sogdian borderlands, i.e., in the vicinity of the Darband Wall, Baysun District, southern Uzbekistan, including the most recent results... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryHellenistic and Roman FortificationsBactria (Archaeology)Archaeology of Central Asia
In summer 2016 the Uzbek-American Expedition in Bukhara (UzAmEB) conducted the first field season at Bashtepa. Bashtepa is the westernmost site within a cluster of about a dozen of small tepas along several now dry terminal branches of... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryEurasian NomadsHellenistic and Roman FortificationsBactria (Archaeology)
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      Ancient Greek ReligionBactria (Archaeology)Hellenistic BactriaKushan history
A visual survey of Deities on Early Kushana Coins From the Yuezhi through Huvishka
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      Buddhist StudiesIranian ArchaeologyBuddhist ArtNumismatics
Libro sobre el trabajo de la expedición arqueológica soviético-afgana a fines de 1978 - principios de 1979, cerca de la ciudad de Shibirgan, en el norte de Afganistán. El autor de este libro fue el arqueólogo soviético Viktor Sarianidi,... more
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      AfghanistanBactria (Archaeology)BactriaTillya Tepe
The Heliocles and Laodice coins, usually attributed to Eucratides I, are unusual, although not unique, among the issues of the Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek kings for their depiction of two figures in jugate busts. They have... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryAncient History of AfghanistanNumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)