Recent papers in BRICS
Deciphering the Chinese Economic Miracle: Lessons for the Developing World
Among the deficiencies demonstrated by the world financial crisis of 2008–9, one was the limited capacity of G-8 to provide for global economic governance. The developed economies quickly realised that they should seek joint solutions and... more
The foreign exchange market, or currency market, is the largest financial market in the world by volume of trade and investors from all over the globe try to gain opportunities related to that market. One of the most common strategies... more
This chapter provides an overview of the growth of China as a political, military and economic power since its emergence as an independent communist state in 1949. China became a notable political force during the era of decolonisation... more
Resumo: O artigo tem como objetivo analisar as inovações trazidas pelo Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento no que diz respeito à ênfase posta ao financiamento de projetos de energias renováveis. Nossa hipótese é que o NDB inova ao incluir nos... more
This chapter focuses on uneven economic performance and on two dimensions of the evolving Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) forum. The first dimension is the gradual and persistent institutionalization of the bloc.... more
This working paper presents findings from analyses of Russian nanotechnology outputs in publications and patents focusing on developments over the period 1990 through to 2012. The investigation draws on bibliometric datasets of scientific... more
The world currently faces a number of challenges that no single country can solve. Whether it is managing a crisis-prone global economy, maintaining peace and stability, or trying to do something about climate change, there are some... more
Rising powers are allegedly status quo changers in international institutions, but they do not always sponsor drafts that seek to alter current conditions at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). In response to the puzzle, this... more
This article is about the global power shifts and their relation to multilateralism as an institutionalized form rule-based cooperation. The particular focus of this article is on BRICS, an international grouping by rising powers founded... more
A study on integration among stock markets from different countries having an enormous importance in a globalised economic world. Being an awful economic force BRICS group of nations can change the economic climate of the world, if they... more
In 2001, in response to an Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) agreement with China regarding conduct in the South China Sea, Odgaard (2001) optimistically described the cooperation as the beginning of a "new order". Odgaard... more
The rise of new economic powers has seen increasing attention focussed on the international role of the BRICS countries. Importantly, a common feature uniting the BRICS is that they are all resource-rich, and many analysts (and some BRICS... more
The present model of Western hegemony (United States and its European allies) is in frank decline. Its neo-imperial scope and the accompanying neoconservative project paved the way for an unprecedented crisis. Under the circumstances, a... more
New powers, such as China, India and Brazil, are challenging the traditional dominance of the US in the governance of the global economy. It is generally taken for granted that the rise of new powers is simply a reflection of their... more
Desde hace décadas los países vienen adoptando forma de organismos internacionales agrupándose según su ubicación geográfica, sus intereses comerciales, magnitud de su economía, intereses climáticos, etc. En los últimos años, un grupo de... more
This paper presents and discusses data taken from several studies about the building energy consumption in US, EU, and BRIC (Brazil, Russia. India, China) countries. Most of the current researches about energy consumptions deals with... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively explore marketing issues for foreign industrial companies of large, small and medium size entering emerging markets (EMs), particularly transition economies in Eastern Europe. The... more
Abstract The latest verdict of the South China Sea (SCS) by the International Permanent Court of Arbitration on 12 July, 2016 has made it clear that the water territory in the SCS is not the marine asset of any particular country but the... more
Emerging out of radical theories about the uneven nature of power and underwriting practices that assist marginalized peoples in constructing their own development strategies, ''participation'' has recently come under fire for being... more
Currently, there is a need for reform of global monetary circulation and credit, which in a sense has stalled. The key is to restore the connection between monetary circulation and real production. In the first part of this study, I... more
Download: The automotive sector represents more than a simple industry. Since the late nineteenth century, it has embodied the economic and technological power of nations, the lifestyle, the dynamics of... more
The culturally derived accounting orientations of four major emerging economies, Brazil, Russia, India and China, the BRIC countries, are examined based on the Geert Hofstede work on cultural dimensions and the hypothetical derivation of... more
Supply chain management encompasses the routing and scheduling of inventory maneuver to desired allocation in an economic mode for satisfying the all end-users by prompt connectivity and communication between the links of supply chain. In... more
In the era of the industrial revolution, the world has been witnessing a histrionic turnaround owing to the consolidation of several prevalent disruptive forces, especially in the domain of technology. The present study aims at unearthing... more
Voilà plus de treize ans qu'Auchan, fleuron de la grande distribution alimentaire française, est implantée en Russie. En 2002, lors de l'ouverture de son premier hypermarché dans la banlieue de Moscou, tous les spécialistes étaient... more
Book review first published at Modern Diplomacy (
After significant diplomatic efforts, South Africa’s inclusion into the BRICS grouping in 2011 can be regarded as one of South Africa’s principal foreign policy achievements over the past years. It also fundamentally altered the... more
Il laterizio dimostra efficaci risposte di sostenibilità tecnica e di compatibilità formale anche in situazioni particolarmente delicate di interventi progettuali di recupero della struttura edilizia e di riassegnazione di qualità... more
This University of Bristol (UOB) dissertation analysed the role of BRICS in regional and global governance. It theorises BRICS and explains how it views the militarisation of disputes, its desired role in the financial system and... more
Authoritarian responses to conflict are under-researched, but recent conflicts from Chechnya to Sri Lanka demonstrate the need for an improved understanding of illiberal responses to conflict. This paper goes beyond a focus on military... more
The past decade has been characterised (among other things) by the emergence of a discourse about the 'Rise of the Rest'. (Some) non-Western states have been described as 'rising powers' capable of agency in the international system and... more
The concept of peaceful coexistence originated in the Cold War, as certain states attempted to avoid the antagonism—and occasionally, the ensuing belligerence—that arose between the capitalist and socialist blocs in the post-war period.... more
Hartford, 16 Abril 2014, 33 p. Contribuição à obra: Brics e a Nova Ordem Internacional Jorge Tavares da Silva (coord.) (Casal de Cambra: Caleidoscópio; Aveiro: Mare Liberum, 2015, 320 p.; ISBN: 978-989-658-279-1; p. 71-115). Relação... more
Институт международных исследований МГИМО (У) МИД России Москва МГИМО-Университет 2012 ВОСХОДЯЩИЕ ГОСУДАРСТВА -ГИГАНТЫ БРИКС: роль в мировой политике стратегии модернизации ВОСХОДЯЩИЕ ГОСУДАРСТВА -ГИГАНТЫ БРИКС: роль в мировой политике,... more
Como es el caso con otras agendas internacionales, las potencias emergentes y entre ellas destacadamente China, están desestabilizando la agenda tradicional de la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo (CID); una agenda articulada... more
The 'rise of China' means that – once again – China plays a pivotal role in international affairs. China's economic weight and growing political influence means that its foreign policies and the ideas that shape them have major... more