Recent papers in BIOCHAR
Biochar (carbonized biomass for agricultural use) has been used worldwide as soil amendment and is a technology of particular interest for Brazil, since its "inspiration" is from the historical Terra Preta de Índios(Amazon Dark... more
© 2021 African Journal of Biological Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided... more
This study was conducted to determine the effect of application of coconut shell biochar on planting media on the growth and uptake of leaf and soil nutrients in oil palm main nurseries. To get good and healthy seeds, soil conditioner is... more
Objective. Dehydrogenase activity after the biological activation of biochar by the native soil microorganisms was studied. The main aim was to improve biochar properties by activation and make it more friendly for the soil microflora.... more
Salinity is one of the main environmental stresses, and it affects potato growth and productivity in arid and semiarid regions by disturbing physiological process, such as the photosynthesis rate, the absorption of essential nutrients and... more
Tbe potential for using coal-derived humic substances to improve the available water holding capacity (AWC) and awegate stability of typical Mediterranean soils was evaluated in the laboratory using an agricultural surface (0-20 cm) soil... more
This experiment was conducted on fixed bed combustion in a one-dimensional bench. The effects of ash and moisture content on the combustion characteristics of corn straw were determined. The two parameters directly relate to the burning... more
Wood-based biochars were used as microbial fuel cell electrodes to significantly reduce cost and carbon footprint. The biochar was made using forestry residue (BCc) and compressed milling residue (BCp). Sideby- side comparison show the... more
This study calculates the economic feasibility of converting biomass from black spruce forests into biochar and using it as soil amendment to grow potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) and beets (Beta vulgaris L.) to improve food availability... more
The current imbalance of carbon in the atmosphere is stimulating the search for carbon sequestration opportunities and for alternative processes and products with a reduced carbon footprint. Biochar, produced from residual biomass of the... more
Please cite this article in press as: Schmidt, H.-P., et al., Biochar and biochar-compost as soil amendments to a vineyard soil: Influences on plant growth, nutrient uptake, plant health and grape quality. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. (2014),... more
In recent years, biochar has been widely used in environmental and geotechnical engineering applications, but minimal studies have been done on its influence on soil engineering properties. In this study, the effect of biochar on the... more
In this study, Co-HTC of food waste with yard waste was conducted for biofuel pellets production, and also to understand any possible synergy between two feedstock types. The calorific value of blended raw feedstock was 13.5 MJ/kg which... more
Biochar is being evaluated globally as a means to improve soil fertility, ecosystem services and sequester carbon. The present study was conducted in the arid zone agricultural region of Pakistan to investigate the impact of biochar on... more
Two field studies to evaluate the effect of biochar and fertilizer application rates on soil and on the growth and yield of carrot (Daucus carota) were carried out in 2016 and 2017 at Mampong-Ashanti in the forest-savannah transitional... more
Food crops irrigated with wastewater can uptake heavy metals, causing serious health ailments in humans. Use of a polyacrylamide superabsorbent polymer hydrogel and the same hydrogel mixed with pyrolyzed plantain peel biochar as soil... more
A lot of studies worldwide show that biochar is a powerful tool to address some of the most urgent environmental problems of our time: global warming, soil degradation, water pollution by agro-chemicals, and waste management. In the... more
This paper aims to examine the influence of biochar produced from lawn waste in accelerating the degradation and mineralization rates of food waste compost. Biochar produced at two different temperatures (350 and 450 °C) was applied at... more
This paper presents heat generators for thermal energy production from local biomass or pellets with a negative or neutral balance of CO 2 . It is used biomass gasification process, type Top-Lit Up-Draft (abbreviated TLUD) because it is... more
This undergraduate project report investigates the effect and range of effect that increasing levels of moisture have on digestate-derived biochar prepared through pyrolysis with the purpose of optimizing the pyrolysis process. The... more
The energy demand of the world is expected to reach 739 quadrillions BTU in 2040, which therefore demand for exploring more alternative source of renewable energy. Waste biomass though vast in reserve for generating renewable energy has... more
Improper management of soil along with exhaustive monocropping practices have led to loss of soil structure, salinity and erosion and thereby decreasing the soil productivity. Furthermore, misappropriate application of synthetic... more
A sustainable management of environment and agriculture is crucial to protect soil, water, and air during intensified agriculture practices as well as huge industrial and transportation activities. A promising tool to address these... more
The risk analysis was performed to study the bioavailability and eco-toxicity of heavy metals in biochar obtained from pyrolysis of sludge of pulp and paper mill effluent treatment plant. The sludge was pyrolyzed at different temperatures... more
In world about 2.7 billion people use wood, cow dung and crop residue for cooking and house heating. India produces about 120-150 million tons surplus biomass and most them are burn on the field. These agro-residue and biomass are not... more
BACKGROUND: Spent mushroom substrate (SMS), largely produced as an agriculture waste from mushroom cultivation, was transformed into biochar via microwave vacuum pyrolysis under different ratios of SMS to microwave absorbent (1:1, 1:2,... more
The hierarchical carbon, with high specific surface area (2959 m 2 g −1 ) and high pore volume (1.65 cm 3 g −1 ) was prepared from sustainable feedstockbiochar, which was a waste from a thermochemical process optimized for bio-oil... more
Current knowledge suggests that biochar can be applied to agricultural soils in order to boost crop yields and simultaneously sequester atmospheric carbon. Biochar could therefore have a role in ameliorating two of the major environmental... more
Antibiotics as emerging contaminants are of global concern due to the development of antibiotic resistant genes potentially causing superbugs. Current wastewater treatment technology cannot sufficiently remove antibiotics from sewage,... more
Previous and current agricultural practices have contributed to environmental pollution, which is further affecting food security, human health, and climate. Yet, agriculture cannot be eliminated, because, of its promising role in ending... more
The application of biochar technology for soil amendment is largely based on evidence about soil fertility and crop productivity gains made in the Amazonian Black Earth (terra preta). However, the uncertainty of production gains at... more
Biochar prepared from organic waste through pyrolysis, thermal combustion in an inert environment, generates a stable form of carbon. The review of established literature reveals that conversion of organic matter into biochar and its... more
Charcoal has found enormous application in both agriculture (AKA biochar) and other sectors. Despite its potential benefits, small scale technologies relevant for its production remain a challenge. Technologies striking a balance between... more
Editor: Damia Barcelo Food waste constitutes a remarkable portion of municipal solid waste. About one-third of the global food waste produced is lost with the food supply chain. Food waste in many countries is still dumped of in landfill... more