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402 papers
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Banach spaces are complete normed vector spaces, where a norm is a function that assigns a positive length or size to each vector in the space. They are fundamental in functional analysis, providing a framework for studying linear operators and various mathematical problems in infinite-dimensional spaces.
In this short paper, we offer (another) formula for the Drazin inverse of an operator matrix for which certain products of the entries vanish. We also give formula for the Drazin inverse of the sum of two operators under special conditions.
In this short paper, we offer (another) formula for the Drazin inverse of an operator matrix for which certain products of the entries vanish. We also give formula for the Drazin inverse of the sum of two operators under special conditions.
Given a finite covering by closed convex sets of BX , the unit ball of an infinite-dimensional Banach space, we investigate whether there is a set of the covering that contains balls of radius close to 1 and (a) arbitrarily high finite... more
This paper is concerned with the development of adaptive numerical methods for elliptic operator equations. We are especially interested in discretization schemes based on frames. The central objective is to derive an adaptive frame... more
Let A be a Banach algebra over R or C with center Z(A). In this paper, we show that, if a non-injective continuous derivation of A satisfies some local differential identities, then A must be commutative. We give several applications, and... more
A new measure of noncompactness on Banach spaces is defined from the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness, giving a quantitative version of a classical result by R. S. Phillips [Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 48, 516–541 (1940; Zbl 0025.34202; JFM... more
The main goal of this paper is the study of quasi s-numbers of multilinear operators among Banach spaces. The relationships among multilinear variants of approximation, Kolmogorov and Gelfand numbers of operators and their generalized... more
In this paper, we consider the optimal robust disturbance attenuation problem (ORDAP) for multi-input multioutput (MIMO) uncertain plants. Duality theory is used to show existence of optimal feedback laws. Next a key is the dual space of... more
In this article, we give an explicit solution to the nonstandard H" problem which includes the Optimal Robust Disturbance Attenuation Problem (ORDAP) and the Two-Disc Problem. Our solution depends on an interplay between function theory,... more
This work is a survey of results and problems connected with selected properties of bilinear mappings between function spaces. Section 1 is devoted to the lack of the counterpart of the Banach openness principle for bilinear surjections... more
espanolSe desarrolla una generalizacion del metodo de punto proximal clasico y el metodo de punto proximal con distancias de Bregman bajo condiciones de convexidad. Partiendo de una sucesion arbitraria de funciones de Bregman convergente... more
We study the existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior, as well as the stability of a special kind of traveling wave solutions for competitive PDE systems involving intrinsic growth, competition, crowding effects and diffusion. The... more
Analisamos equações integro-diferenciais do tipo Barbashin quando os multiplicadores c = c(t, s) e núcleos k = k(t, s, µ) são estacionários. Consideramos os casos analisamos o problema quando o multiplicador cé limitado e quando nãoé... more
Apresentaremos neste artigo a demonstração de uma desigualdade do tipo Wirtinger-uma desigualdade que envolve integrais de funções do R n que estima a norma de uma função u através da norma de seu gradiente ∇u. Iniciaremos com um pouco da... more
Duality principles in Gabor theory such as the Ron-Shen duality principle and the Wexler-Raz biorthogonality relations play a fundamental role for analyzing Gabor systems. In this article we present a general approach to derive duality... more
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a broader definition of Riemann integrability and to compare it with the traditional Riemann integral. We will examine two classic pathological examples in Integration Theory: the original and... more
The behavior of bilinear operators acting on interpolation of Banach spaces for the ρ method in relation to the compactness is analyzed. Similar results of Lions-Peetre, Hayakawa and Person's compactness theorems are obtained for the... more
This paper is devoted to the study of relationships between solutions of Stampacchia and Minty vector variational-like inequalities, weak and strong Pareto solutions of vector optimization problems and vector critical points in Banach... more
Let S = M o (G, P, I) be a Rees matrix semigroup with zero over a group G, we show that the approximate amenability of 1 (S) is equivalent to its amenability whenever the group G is amenable and the index set I is finite.
Every Köthe echelon Fréchet space X that is Montel and not isomorphic to a countable product of copies of the scalar eld admits a power bounded continuous linear operator T such that I − T does not have closed range, but the sequence of... more
In this paper, we consider the difference equation on an arbitrary Banach space (X, II. IL)9 A (q,Az,) + fn(zn) = 0, where {qn} is a positive sequence and j,, is X-valued. We shall give conditions so that for a given I E X, there exists a... more
We show that the space of bounded linear operators between spaces of continuous functions on compact Hausdorff topological spaces has the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property. A similar result is also proved for the class of compact operators... more
In this paper, we introduce a partial order on a cone metric space and prove a Caristi-type theorem. Furthermore, we prove fixed point theorems for single-valued nondecreasing and weakly increasing mappings, and multi-valued mappings on... more
In this article, we find the solution of a nonlinear fractional integro-differential equations with impulsive and integral conditions via an efficient method. The method of solution in this article involves the concept of fixed point... more
We introduce a new class of nonlinear mappings, the class of asymp- totically �-hemicontractive mappings in the intermediate sense and approximate the unique common �xed point of a family of three of these mappings in Banach spaces. Our... more
Let X be a Banach space and L(X) be the Banach algebra of bounded operators on X. In this note we prove that if we have a compact subset K of a commutative sub-algebra of L(X), and given ε > 0, then it is possible to define a new norm in... more
The purpose of this paper is to review the results obtained by the authors on linearization of dynamical systems in infinite dimensional Banach spaces, especially in the C 1 case, and also to present some open problems that we believe... more
This paper is devoted to modeling and analyzing the behavior of a platoon that is formed of semiautomated vehicles and behaves like a virtual train in which the first vehicle is in the leading position while the other members of the train... more
In this paper, we study the M-iteration process in hyperbolic spaces and prove some strong and -convergence theorems of this iteration process for generalized nonexpansive mappings. Moreover, we establish the weak w 2 -stability and data... more
Let {e iλnt } n∈Z be an exponential Schauder Basis for L 2 (0, 1), for λ n ∈ R, and let {r n (t)} n∈Z be its dual Schauder Basis. Let A be a non-empty subset of the integers containing exactly M elements. We prove that for α > 0 the... more
This paper presents an integration of Nye's extended Einstein field equations with the King-Oyewole Unified Geometric Wave Theory (KO-UGWT) in Banach space formalism. We develop a comprehensive mathematical framework that combines quantum... more
This paper presents a comprehensive framework integrating the King-Oyewole Unified Geometric Wave Theory (KO-UGWT) and Enhanced Grand Unified Theory (EGUT) to address fundamental questions in quantum mechanics, cosmology, and gravity. By... more
This paper presents a unified theoretical framework that integrates the Unified Geometric Wave Theory (UGWT) with advanced concepts in quantum gravity, computational complexity, and cosmology. By synthesizing UGWT's wave-centric approach... more
This paper explores the possibility of retrieving information from black holes by leveraging quantum entanglement properties. By extending previous work on extended quantum state normalization and cosmological models, we hypothesize that... more
The integration of quantum mechanics and cosmology has led to novel theoretical advancements, particularly in understanding the dynamic interplay between black holes and the universe's expansion. This manuscript explores the concept of... more
This paper presents a novel quantum computing paradigm that integrates Banach space formalism, Hilbert space fragmentation, and n-dimensional spheres to enhance quantum state representation and manipulation. By extending quantum state... more
Dr. Femi Oyewole explores the integration of Banach space formalism with the entropy and volume of black holes, relating the concept of computational density to entanglement density. By leveraging recent advancements in mathematical... more
Dr. Femi Oyewole presents a novel framework that integrates Belief Propagation with Quantum Messages (BPQM) with Banach space formalism, Hilbert space fragmentation, and n-dimensional spheres to enhance quantum state representation and... more
Our previous work introduced a novel mathematical framework for quantum computing, incorporating five continuous variables as measures of probability: position within the sphere, magnitude, phase, volume, and density, as opposed to the... more
Recent advancements in quantum mechanics have explored extending traditional Hilbert space formalism to more generalized frameworks. This paper proposes an integration of Banach space formalism and Hilbert space fragmentation to support a... more
Con la ayuda de métodos topológicos se demuestra existencia y estabilidad de soluciones periódicas para ciertas ecuaciones diferenciales escalares de segundo orden con singularidades en la variable de estado. En el Capítulo 1 hacemos una... more
We show that the space of bounded linear operators between spaces of continuous functions on compact Hausdorff topological spaces has the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property. A similar result is also proved for the class of compact operators... more
We show that the set of N-linear mappings on a product of N Banach spaces such that all their Arens extensions attain their norms (at the same element) is norm dense in the space of all bounded N-linear mappings.
In the present paper, we study the J-iterative scheme of Bhutia and Tiwary (J. Linear Topol. Algebra, 8(4), (2019), 237-250) in Kohlenbach hyperbolic space. We prove the weak w 2-stability and data dependence theorems of this iterative... more