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Leafs as well as Cotyledonary excised small explants of Ashwagandha were responsible and introduced to evaluate the effect of various growth regulators upon the in vitro micropropagation processes. Explants were applied to generate... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyMedicinal ChemistryAgricultural Biotechnology
The purpose of this article is to study and to verify the therapeutic effects and margin of safety of traditional medicines used by the tribal community for treating various diseases as described in ancient literature found in our... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyTraditional MedicineEthnopharmacology
CIMENTACION ¿Por qué es importante las cimentaciones en la Ing. civil?
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    • Ayurvedic medicinal plants
Context: In some extreme environments such as dune cordon in the region of Djelfa, the ability of species to adapt to extreme conditions, especially climatic stresses, appears to be highly developed. Notwithstanding this importance from... more
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      EthnobotanyMedicinal PlantsEthnobiologyAyurvedic medicinal plants
Indukantha Ghritha (IG) is a polyherbal preparation consisting of 17 plant components widely prescribed by ayurvedic physicians for various ailments. Though it is a known ayurvedic drug, no attempt has been made to scientifically validate... more
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      RasayanaAyurvedaBiological Activity Of Natural ProductsTumor Immunology
Asoka is one of the most sacred and legendry trees of India. Its medicinal value seems to be recognized first in Agnivesha Charaka Samhita which dates backs to about 1000 BCE. The importance of asoka for female genito-urinary problems and... more
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      AyurvedaAyurvedic medicinal plantsMenstrual CycleResearches in Fundamentals of Ayurveda
This paper introduces the updated and expanded 2nd edition of the book: Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief by Steven Maimes and David Winston. • Book published by Inner Traditions. 432 pages. Includes 16-page color... more
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      Ayurvedic medicinal plantsHerbal MedicineHerbsADAPTOGENIC ACTIVITY
This review is aimed at conferring the efficacy of anticancer property of different phytochemicals from Nayantara (Catharanthus roseus). Cancer is one of public health burden in developed and developing country. Cancer chemo preventive... more
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      Medical SciencesGeriatricsAyurvedic MedicineMedical Education
Psychoactive plant research has been actively pursued over the last century around the world, particularly in the Americas. Yet, southern Africa has often been regarded to have relatively few psychoactive plant species of cultural... more
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Tratamentos e Cuidados para Mulheres e Crianças Usando Sistema Indiano de Cura Natural "Ayurveda".
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      Ayurvedic MedicineIntegrative AyurvedaAyurvedic medicinal plantsClinical trial on Ayurveda medicine
Background: Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), commonly known as an Amrita in the classical texts of Ayurveda, belongs to the family Menispermaceae and is one of the most frequently used drugs in Ayurvedic pharmacopoeias. In the recent past,... more
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      Ayurvedic MedicineAyurvedaAyurvedic medicinal plantsReview on herbal medicines
The present paper deals with traditional knowledge of medicinal plants among rural women of Garhwal. Seventy women of 11 villages were interviewed on the basis of their traditional knowledge on the various uses of medicinal plants found... more
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      AyurvedaMedicinal PlantsAyurvedic medicinal plants
Introduction- Nishamalaki or Nisha Amalaki representing various combination formulations of Turmeric (Nisha, Haridra, Curcuma longa L.) and Indian gooseberry (Amalaki, Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) is recommended in Ayurvedic classics,... more
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      Ayurvedic MedicineDiabetesAyurvedaFood and Nutrition
Rasaratna Samuccaya (RRS) a 13th century C.E. alchemical treatise, authored by Vāgbhaṭa, is a useful compilation related to preparation and properties of drugs of mineral and metallic origin. This text throws light on the state of Indian... more
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      Ayurvedic MedicineAyurvedic medicinal plantsPharmacognosy, Phytochemistry and Ethnopharmacology o of Natural ProductsAyurvedic Pharmaceutics
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      Languages and LinguisticsNaturopathic MedicineEnglishAyurvedic medicinal plants
The research for this article was prompted by the question: were Yoga and Āyurveda as intimately connected in premodern times as both seem today? It attempts to give a preliminary answer by assessing the shared terminology, theory and... more
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      PhilosophyIndian PhilosophyIndian studiesSouth Asian Studies
Liver is one of the vital organs and largest gland of the human body occupied in right hypochondriac region. It plays vital role for metabolism of absorbed nutrient materials, secretion of bile and bile pigments, synthesis of plasma... more
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      PharmacologyAyurvedic MedicinePharmacognosy and PhytochemistryAyurvedic medicinal plants
in cooperation with:
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      Ayurvedic MedicineTraditional MedicineAyurvedaHealth
Dr. Gary Flam is an expert, consultant, author, inventor, entrepreneur, and visionary in the fields of health and wellness, nutrition, ergogenics, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices. After years of caring for patients and dealing with... more
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      BiochemistryQuantum PhysicsAnesthesiologyEnergy medicine
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) comprises a group of common metabolic disorder that share the phenotype of hyperglycemia. The Worldwide prevalence of DM has risen dramatically over the past two decades. Based on current trends, more than 360... more
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      Non-communicable diseasesAyurvedic MedicineDiabetesMedicinal Plants
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      History of MedicineSouth Asian StudiesHistory of ScienceComplementary and Alternative Medicine
Nyctanthes arbortristis (N. Arbortristis) is one of the most useful traditional medicinal plants in India. It is distributed widely in sub-Himalayan regions and Southwards to Godavari. Each part of the plant has some important medicinal... more
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      Natural ProductsAyurvedic MedicineTraditional MedicineAyurveda
ABSTRACT Context: Mādhava is regarded as a 7th century Indian Physician who composed two treatises (in Sanskrit) on Ayurveda, the Mādhava Nidāna and Mādhava Cikitsā. The former treatise deals with the diagnosis of diseases while the... more
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      EthnobotanyTraditional MedicinePharmacognosy and PhytochemistryAyurvedic medicinal plants
The effect of an Ayurvedic poly-herbo-mineral formulation Kumarabharana Rasa (KR) in the management of chronic tonsillitis (Tundikeri) in children has been assessed in this study. This clinical study was a double-arm study with a pre-and... more
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      AyurvedaClinical PharmacologyPharmacognosyAyurvedic medicinal plants
Traditionally, plants have been used as a source of medicine in India by indigenous people inhabiting various terrains for the control of different ailments afflicting human. An ethno botanical survey was undertaken in Nawarangpur... more
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      PharmacyPharmacy PracticeMedicinal PlantsBiotechnology Of Medicinal Plant
As Tibetan medicine faces increasing globalization its practitioners, and patients alike, will need to begin a serious dialogue about what is required to both preserve and perpetuate this ancient medical tradition. Any such effort will... more
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      Medical AnthropologyGlobalizationEthnobotanyTibetan Studies
The age-old traditional health care practices are still relevant and are followed by communities across the countries. India's contribution remains exemplary in the growth of traditional health care systems. The present study reviews the... more
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      BiochemistryEnvironmental ScienceHealth Care PolicyAyurveda
The conservation of traditional medicinal knowledge opens the door towards modern aspects of herbal drug discovery. It was started from knowledge exchange through ethnic groups by oral tradition and then in the documented form. Herbaria... more
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      BotanySystematics (Taxonomy)PharmacyEthnobotany
Arisaema jacquemontii Blume (Araceae) is a medicinally important plant and is used for the treatment of different diseases specially in dermatological disorders. Alkaloids, phenols, terpenes, flavonoids, glycosides, tannins have been... more
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Indigenous plant use-systems have evolved under, and constantly adapted to human and non-human impacts. In the last decades however, increasing socioeconomic and cultural transformations, including land-use change, outmigration,... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesEthnobotanyAyurvedic MedicineTraditional Medicine
Background: This study seeks to better understand the human-nature interface and to measure the variability of plant use knowledge among cultures, through inter-and intracultural analyses. We compared plant collection, use, and management... more
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      GeographyMedical AnthropologyEthnobotanyAyurvedic Medicine
Haridrā (Curcuma longa Linn.) is considered to be one of the most easily available important herbal drug used as a home remedy, since ancients days. Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia recommends both external and internal applications of Haridrā for... more
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      Ayurvedic medicinal plantsCurcuma Longa
Amla or Emblica officinalis is a medicinal plant that is considered as first medicinal plant evolved on earth. Due to the presence of Vitamin C and bioactive phytoconstituents Amla possess antibiotic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective,... more
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      Ayurvedic medicinal plantsPeriodontology
Acne is a common disorder of pilosebaceous gland. It is a great challenge for the dermatologist for its complexity, prevalence and also huge range of clinical expression. Due to hormonal changes 99.5% of teenage boys and 83% of... more
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      Medicinal PlantsAyurvedic medicinal plantsTissue Culture of Medicinal PlantsConservation of aromatic and medicinal plants
Asparagus racemosus is an important medicinal plant. Its medicinal usages has been reported in Indian and British pharmacopoeias. Qualitative preliminary phytochemical analysis was performed on the crude extract for the presence of... more
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      Medicinal PlantsBiotechnology Of Medicinal PlantAyurvedic medicinal plantsTissue Culture of Medicinal Plants
Hkwfe dk igpku ;g [kjhQ ekS le es a cht ls mxus okyk dk"Bh; >kM+ huq ek [kjirokj gS A [kkyh iM+ h Hkw fe;ks a ,oa lM+ d o js yiFkks a ds fdukj iq jkuh es M+ ks a rFkk ckxks a es a bls [kw c ns [kk tkrk gS A bldk ikS /kk lh/kk] >kM+ h; ,oa... more
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      AyurvedaAyurvedic medicinal plantsTherapeuticsGold
Ayurvedic drugs have been used since ancient times in periodontal therapy and Oral diseases. It also reflects the quality of life of the individual. Due to the high prevalence rate, these oral, periodontal and dental diseases continueto... more
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      EthnobotanyAyurvedaMedicinal PlantsAyurvedic medicinal plants
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal (Family: Solanaceae, commonly known as Ashwagandha, English name: Winter cherry) is an important perennial plant species with immense therapeutic uses in traditional as well as modern system of medicine... more
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      StatisticsMedicinal ChemistryMolecular BiologyPlant Biology
Withania somniferous (L.) Dunal (Family: Solanaceae, commonly known as
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      History of MedicineMedicinal ChemistryTissue EngineeringBiotechnology
Although planting of genetically modified (GM) crops has topped 148 million ha. worldwide, direct consumption of GM foods remains extremely rare. The obstacles to GM foods are highly varied and they can provide windows into important... more
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      Ayurvedic MedicineComputer NetworksAyurvedaSTS (Anthropology)
Saptarangi (Salacia chinensis L.) is a chief source of mangiferin, which has antidiabetic and anticancer properties. Extraction using continuous shaking extraction (CSE), ultrasonic extraction (UE), microwave assisted extraction (MAE),... more
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      ChromatographyMedicinal PlantsAyurvedic medicinal plantsMedicinal plants and natural products
in India used medicinal plants since before history was recorded. Ayurvedic and other indigenous medical systems that developed in India and surrounding areas including Pakistan, Tibet, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Bhutan perfected the use of... more
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      Ayurvedic MedicineAyurvedic medicinal plantsHerbal Medicine
Mary M. Cameron first encountered an Ayurvedic medical practice in remote, western Nepal in 1978. In Three Fruits, Cameron traces Ayurvedic medical practices from those village healers to the professionally trained doctors in the... more
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      AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyEthnobotanySouth Asian Studies
Abstract Background: There are some factors such as age, stress and emotions that may lead to impaired learning, memory loss, amnesia, and dementia or threats like Schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Traditional Iranian medicine... more
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      Memory (Cognitive Psychology)Complementary and Alternative MedicineMemory StudiesMedicinal Plants
Introduction-Nishamalaki [combination formulation of Turmeric and Indian goose berry (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.)]; is recommended in Ayurvedic classics, proven efficacious and widely practiced in the management (treatment, prevention of... more
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      Ayurvedic MedicineDiabetesAyurvedaAyurvedic medicinal plants
Epidermal nevi are hamartomas that are characterized by hyperplasia of epidermis and adnexal structures. These nevi may be classifi ed into a number of distinct variants, which are based on clinical morphology, extent of involvement, and... more
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      Ayurvedic MedicineIntegrative AyurvedaAyurveda (Sanskrit language and literature)Ayurveda
Shilajit Gold is a unique combination of Shilajeet and Gold ash. Gold is a powerful rejuvenator that helps increase stamina, vigour and vitality.Shilajit gold  mainly contains mono atomic gold or gold bhasma and shilajeet. Swarna Bhasma... more
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      Ayurvedic MedicineIntegrative AyurvedaVitaminsAyurveda
Elemental analysis of some medicinal plants used in the Indian Ayurvedic system was performed by employing instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) techniques. The samples were irradiated... more
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      Ayurvedic MedicineTrace MetalsMedicinal PlantsAyurvedic medicinal plants
A Study on Improving Effective Access to Care for Forest Populations living with Endemic Malaria along the Thailand-Burma Border by Exploring means of Conserving Protective Premunition and Delaying the Onset of Drug Resistance
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      EthnobotanyAyurvedic MedicineMalariaMedicinal Plants