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Avian migration

262 papers
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Avian migration refers to the regular, seasonal movement of bird species between breeding and non-breeding habitats, driven by environmental factors such as food availability and climate. This phenomenon involves complex navigation and behavioral adaptations, influencing population dynamics and ecosystem interactions.
approved: _____________________________________________________________________ Bruce D. Dugger This thesis focuses on the nesting ecology and marine space use of Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) during the 2007 and 2008... more
Contingent individual performance can depend on the environment experienced at previous life-stages. Migratory birds are especially susceptible to such carry-over effects as they periodically travel between breeding ranges and ‘wintering’... more
Only one study has examined nocturnal bird migration at a continent-wide scale in North America, and it was limited to four nights in October (Lowery and Newman 1966). Most radar studies of bird migration have been restricted to the... more
It is an essay reflectinhg on how Indians in Guyana, even being a majority are silenced both by their own government and larger society
TESIS Que para obtener el título de: "Hacer ciencia, le guste a uno o no, es convertirse en un actor social comprometido en la actividad política. El negar la interdependencia de lo científico y lo social es, en sí mismo, un acto... more
The present report puts forth a systematic checklist of bird species observed at Amboli Ghat in Maharashtra from 2009 to 2012, along with information on their status. A total of 208 species were recorded, which is around 15% of bird... more
Ruffs are migrant shorebirds of inland habitats. This thesis describes seasonal migration and changes in range occupation of ruffs, and presents a comparative analysis of the population genetics of ruffs and related shorebird species. Two... more
A majority of Eurasian short-distance migrants moult after breeding and before autumn migration, while most long-distance migrants perform a winter moult in the tropics after autumn migration. Another strategy among long-distance migrants... more
There are concerns that novel structures might displace protected species, facilitate the spread of non-indigenous species, or modify native habitats. It is also predicted that ocean warming and the associated effects of climate change... more
Updates from the WCS’s Bronx Zoo, Ornithology Department are reported here. We give accounts on the Taller Regional Para la Conservacion del Condor Andino workshop and in-situ programs, such as the survey and banding of flamingos in... more
The fuelling performance of long-distance migrants at staging areas indicates local conditions and determines the viability of migration routes. Here we present a first case study where long-term fuelling performance was documented along... more
Comparative study was conducted to evaluate the economic benefit of pond aquaculture with and without cage. Channa punctata was stocked in cages where as carps were stocked in ponds. C. punctata in the cages were fed with chicken waste... more
Updates from the WCS’s Bronx Zoo, Ornithology Department are reported here. The care of the animals at the Bronx Zoo and the experience that our guests’ value is greatly dependent on the keeper staff. Those dedicated staff members are... more
Approximately two thirds of migratory songbirds in eastern North America negotiate the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), where inclement weather coupled with no refueling or resting opportunities can be lethal. However, decisions made when navigating... more
The paper presents an evaluation of subfossil bird bones from archaeological and geological sites in Europe that shows that birds of the genus Pelecanus occurred far out of their present range between 7.4 and 5.0 ka BP in the Danish... more
In autumn 2016, WWT’s Sacha Dench will endeavour to link up and stimulate conservation efforts across the flyway by flying a paramotor and following the Bewick’s swans as they migrate from the Russian arctic to the UK. She will emulate... more
In spring, the Ruff Philomachus pugnax passes through European inland sites in large numbers. Birds from eastern and western parts of the breeding range may differ in biometrics, but data on this species in eastern Europe are scarce. The... more
In the course of each spring, two subspecies of knots Calidris canutus (islandica wintering in Europe and breeding in the Nearctic, and canutus wintering in west Africa and breeding in Siberia), stage in the international Wadden Sea... more
Recently, a shift in preen wax composition, from lower molecular weight monoesters to higher molecular weight diesters, was described for individuals of a sandpiper species (red knot, Calidris canutus) that were about to leave for the... more
Following increases in numbers during the second half of the 20th century, several Arcticbreeding migrant bird species are now undergoing sustained population declines. These include the northwest European population of Bewick's Swan... more
Given their popularity with researchers and public alike, together with their well-documented importance in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, fundamental and applied research on swans continues to develop in the 21st century. The 6th... more
In migratory species, sexual size dimorphism can mean differing energetic requirements for males and females. Differences in the costs of migration and in the environmental conditions occurring throughout the range may therefore result in... more
Despite the worldwide occurrence of Sanderlings Calidris alba on popular beaches, strikingly little is known about their biology compared to other common waders. Here we review the limited available knowledge of Sanderlings that use... more
Changes in climate, food abundance and disturbance from humans threaten the ability of species to successfully use stopover sites and migrate between non-breeding and breeding areas. To devise successful conservation strategies for... more
Chilean skua belongs to a relatively low studied family, and the investigations on this group involve mostly sightings during expeditions for birds in extreme southern of Chile. They are also called "salteadores" (robbers) because of... more
Information obtained from the recoveries of banded birds has historically been used to deduce their migratory routes and other key aspects of their life histories. This paper analyses information on Neotropical migratory species... more
Many species travel in highly organised groups 1-3. The most quoted function of these configurations is to reduce energy expenditure and enhance locomotor performance of individuals within the assemblage 4-12. The distinctive V formation... more
The present report puts forth a systematic checklist of bird species observed at Amboli Ghat in Maharashtra from 2009 to 2012, along with information on their status.  A total of 208 species were recorded, which is around 15% of bird... more
During May 1992 the spring migration of the Broad-billed Sandpiper in the Sivash, Ukraine, was studied. The numbers increased rapidly from some tens early May up to an estimated 6,000 in the last ten days of May. The birds preferred... more
We studied phenology, staging time and refuelling in Broad-billed Sandpipers Limicola falcinellus stopping over during spring migration in the Sivash (Black Sea, Ukraine) in May 1991–94. In the study area, peak staging numbers of... more
Despite benefits of using light-sensitive geolocators to track animal movements and describe patterns of migratory connectivity, concerns have been raised about negative effects of these devices, particularly in small species of aerial... more
Haemosporidian blood parasites are frequent amongst passerines. Though they often do not cause detectable consequences to host health, however, their presence or absence and also their prevalence across host populations may potentially... more
The Greenlandic and west-central Siberian breeding populations of Sanderlings Calidris alba are separated by ca. 2000 km during the breeding season, but mix in Europe to some extent during migration. However, the number of Siberian... more
GONZALEZ, O., A. TELLO & L. TORRES. 1999. El Yanavico Plegadis ridgwayi de migratorio andino a residente de la costa peruana. Cotinga 11:63-65.
Large numbers of waders migrating northward in spring use the Sivash, a large system of shallow, brackish and hypersaline lagoons in the Black Sea and Azov Sea region (Ukraine). The bottoms of these lagoons are often uncovered by the... more
protecção. A utilização dos diferentes refúgios do estuário do Tejo por aves limícolas tem uma grande variação espacial e temporal, o que reforça a importância da existência de uma rede de refúgios de elevada qualidade nesta área húmida.... more
by Ingrid Tulp and 
1 more
Birds breeding in cold environments regularly have to interrupt incubation to forage, causing a trade-off between two mutually exclusive behaviours. Earlier studies showed that uniparental Arctic sandpipers overall spend less time... more
The fuelling performance of long-distance migrants at staging areas indicates local conditions and determines the viability of migration routes. Here we present a first case study where long-term fuelling performance was documented along... more
Nous avons comparé l'utilisation des réserves corporelles chez des individus reproducteurs de Branta leucopsis dans les colonies traditionnelles de l'Arctique dans la mer de Barents avec celle de colonies récemment établies de la zone... more