Avian migration

262 papers
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Avian migration refers to the regular, seasonal movement of bird species between breeding and non-breeding habitats, driven by environmental factors such as food availability and climate. This phenomenon involves complex navigation and behavioral adaptations, influencing population dynamics and ecosystem interactions.
1Department of Pharmacology, Veterinary Physiology and Physiological Chemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Trakia University, Bulgaria 2Department of Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Trakia University, Bulgaria 3Department of... more
AimMacroecological analyses provide valuable insights into factors that influence how parasites are distributed across space and among hosts. Amid large uncertainties that arise when generalizing from local and regional findings,... more
Food availability and acquisition are critical components of a stopover site's suitability, but we know relatively little about how changes in food availability affect the stopover ecology of migrating landbirds. We examined fruit and... more
Information on food habits of the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) was compiled from systematic studies and anecdotal reports from Alaska to California. Major differences between the winter and summer diets were apparent, with... more
Reliable population estimates and population trend estimates are key elements in wildlife management, conservation and research planning. They are also important for various legally binding international conventions. One would therefore... more
The growth and digestibility study has been performed in Channa punctata in four experimental conditions with pelleted diets. The formulated diets were prepared with locally available ingredients viz, rice bran, oil cake, silkworm pupae,... more
The study areas including six grasslands that were routinely visited for six month. The observationary records said that total one sixty birds including twenty-three migratory species belonging to forty-five families were sighted in the... more
Selecting a flagship species is an effective strategy to promote regional conservation efforts. Arjan International Wetland in southern Iran harbors a high diversity of waterbirds, which face multiple threats imposed by humans. This study... more
The determination of the impact of the Natural Regeneration Assisted on the avifauna, which is very good indicating of transformation of the landscapes, requires proceeding to its inventory. The present study carried out in the village of... more
These kinds of colour aberrations are originated due to abnormal embryonic development (mutation). In birds, a little work has been done, earlier on the impact of such aberrations on breeding success. Further genetic analysis is suggested... more
There have been an increasing number of observations of itinerancy in migratory songbirds, where individuals move among 2 or more widely separated areas during the “stationary” nonbreeding season. Knowledge of such movements and an... more
Capsule: Individual Eurasian Teal Anas crecca with white neck-rings have been found in Italy and an extensive museum survey found this plumage character occurring with a low frequency, although no genetic difference was observed with... more
La Asociación Iberoamericana de Filosofía de la Biología (AIFIBI) fue fundada al término de un congreso celebrado en Valencia (España), en noviembre de 2012, con el objetivo de dar cobijo y apoyo a actividades que contribuyan al... more
Foraging animals are often constrained by their limited perception of the distribution of their food resources. Waders are likely to face such constraints when foraging on buried prey in intertidal sediment flats. Here we examined the... more
Agriculture is one of the primary threats to biodiversity but agricultural land can also provide key resources for many species and, in some parts of the world, agricultural land supports important populations of species of conservation... more
The moult of Barred Warblers Sylvia nisoria was studied during three winter seasons in southeastern Kenya at a southward passage site (Ngulia) and a wintering site (Mtito Andei). Most Barred Warblers migrating through Ngulia in November... more
SummaryMigratory wader populations face global threats, mainly related to increasing rates of habitat loss and disturbance driven by human activities. To a large extent, the long-term survival of these populations requires the... more
A novel migratory polymorphism evolved within the last 60 years in blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) breeding sympatrically in southwestern Germany. While most individuals winter in the traditional areas in the Mediterranean, a growing... more
In this three-volume biography, we revisit the life and accomplishments of the revolutionary scientist, Donald R. Griffin. He encountered a lifetime of initial hostile resistance to his ideas and studies; now they are largely accepted. He... more
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BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
Sea-level changes are modulated in coastal northern California by land-level changes due to the earthquake cycle along the Cascadia subduction zone, the San Andreas plate boundary fault system, and crustal faults. Sea-level rise (SLR)... more
The sentence starting at line 8 should read (Meningen som börjar på rad 8 skall lyda): The majority of the marked birds found moulting as non-breeders in the Baltic States usually originated from within 25 km of the moulting site, the... more
AimMacroecological analyses provide valuable insights into factors that influence how parasites are distributed across space and among hosts. Amid large uncertainties that arise when generalizing from local and regional findings,... more
Supervised and unsupervised satellite image classifications have progressed greatly in recent years. However, discrimination difficulties still remain among classes that directly affecting data extraction and surface mapping accuracy. The... more
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
Leucism, broadly defined as the lack of melanin pigmentation, occurs in many animal species. Most studies on leucism and other colour aberrations are based on opportunistic observations or small cross-sectional samples, thus limiting our... more
et houhamdi.moussa@ L'impact des facteurs anthropiques sur le peuplement d'oiseaux d'eau étudié a été fortement ressenti durant les quatre saisons. En dépit de ces impacts négatifs subis, les sites de cette région... more
Background: China's coastal wetlands belong to some of the most threatened ecosystems worldwide. The loss and degradation of these wetlands seriously threaten waterbirds that depend on wetlands. Methods: The China Coastal Waterbird Census... more
Two of the most fundamental ecological questions about any species relate to where they occur and in what abundance. Here, we combine GPS telemetry data, survey data and expert knowledge for the first time to define two distinct flyways... more
Wader species wintering on the Banc d'Arguin increased their body mass by about 40% during the 4-6 weeks before their departure in spring. This estimate is based on 1) the empirical fact that most waders which had finished or suspended... more
Storks are huge wading birds found throughout the Indian subcontinent. They are members of the order Ciconiiformes and have lengthy bills, necks, and legs. The Ciconiidae family is intimately related to wetlands, marshes, and swamps. The... more
Severe summer weather in Greenland and Arctic Canada in 1972 and 1974 caused very poor breeding success and elevated adult mortality in red knots Calidris canutus islandica. We show that those individual knots that are known to have... more
We present a novel formulation of a mark-recapture-resight model that allows estimation of population size, stopover duration, and arrival and departure schedules at migration areas. Estimation is based on encounter histories of uniquely... more
In an effort to reduce goose depredation at a traditional spring migratory stopover site, private landowners implemented a coordinated hazing plan to scare Aleutian cackling geese (Branta hutchinsii leucopareia) from private lands to... more
Phalaropus fulicaria, spesies burung pantai pengembara, teramati di laguna Pantai Trisik, Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Perjumpaan ini menjadi catatan pertama kehadiran spesies tersebut di Indonesia. Kepastian penemuan ini... more
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
was no change in egg volume over the season despite an increased food supply. The latter result may be a consequence of later breeding females investing less in their clutches, or that a seasonal increase in food supply compensated a... more
es una publicación que pretende apoyar a la divulgación de los trabajos realizados en Nicaragua en este tema. Todos los artículos que en ella se publican son sometidos a un sistema de doble arbitraje por especialistas en el tema.
NORTHRUP, J.M., RIVERS, J.W., NELSON, S.K., ROBY, D.D. & BETTS, M.G. 2018. Assessing the utility of satellite transmitters for identifying nest locations and foraging behavior of the threatened Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus.... more
We examined spatial distribution and habitat use of Marbled Murrelets Brachyramphus marmoratus during summer 2007 in Port Snettisham, Alaska. Murrelet habitat use at sea depends on a combination of biotic and abiotic factors, with the... more
Abnormal white feathers have been reported in many wild bird populations and can be caused by different aberrations. Leucism (Greek Leukos = white), for example, is a partial or total lack of melanin in feathers and skin (van Grouw 2012,... more
The adult sex ratio (ASR) is a crucial component of the ecological and evolutionary forces shaping the dynamics of a population. Although in many declining populations ASRs have been reported to be skewed, empirical studies exploring the... more