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In this essay I seek to explore the icon of the Fighting Cock movement (Khorus Jangi) and of its Manifesto, " The Slaughterer of the Nightingale, " in order to consider its implications and imagistic allusions. In outlining the background... more
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      Modern HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistoryModernism (Literature)
Deutung und Bewertung des Rilkeschen Lebenswerkes, insbesondere seiner »Duineser Elegien«, sind nach wie vor durch eine erstaunliche Unsicherheit gekennzeichnet. Dies erklärt sich wohl vor allem aus der weitgehenden Vernachlässigung... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureAvant-garde writingModernist poetry
Fifty international contributors from various arts fields reflect on the meaning of the avant garde today.
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      Sociology of CultureMusicAestheticsTheatre Studies
El presente trabajo hace foco en el constructivismo ruso y cómo esta idea llega al territorio de los Balcanes para ser asimilada y reinterpretada. También se hará hincapié en el rol de la revista Zenit y su lugar dentro de la escena... more
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      Avant-garde writingBalkan StudiesBalkan LiteraturesRussian Revolution
Takim wierszykiem miał witać Tadeusza Peipera w Krakowie najgłośniejszy z krakowskich futurystów. A przynajmniej tak to zapamiętał gimnazjalista Jalu Kurek, późniejszy wyznawca futuryzmu i uczeń Peipera. Jeśli rzeczywiście tak było,... more
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      Avant-garde writingJorge Luis Borges20th century Avant-GardeKasimir Malevich
The essay uses Mikhail Bakhtin's concept of "carnevalization" to reconstruct the poetics of Kurt Schwitters's Dadaist and Constructivist "Merzkunst". Works discussed include the poem "An Anna Blume" and the collage "Merzbild 25 A: Das... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureAvant-garde writingModern Art
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      NarrativeAvant-garde writingLiterary StylisticsItalian Literature
L’évolution de la littérature et des arts est communément envisagée comme une succession de ruptures, dont chacune définit une école ou un mouvement dit d’avant-garde. Mais il serait temps de s’interroger sur la face cachée de ce récit :... more
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      Comparative LiteratureArt HistoryAvant-Garde CinemaArt
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      Spanish LiteratureSpanish StudiesAvant-garde writingDrama
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      Avant-garde writingPoetry
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      Comparative LiteratureTheatre StudiesItalian StudiesAvant-garde writing
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      LiteratureAvant-garde writingSpiritual IntelligenceKenji Siratori
Visual Poetry: Key Historic Figures from Flanders in an International Context This paper compares historiographic and object-related definitions of visual and concrete poetry. An integrated definition is proposed, situating visual poetry... more
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      SemioticsPerforming ArtsArt TheoryAvant-garde writing
Meine sehr verehrten Damen und Herren, ich bedanke mich sehr herzlich für die Einladung. Dass ich hier bei dieser Gelegenheit vor Ihnen sprechen darf, empfinde ich als eine große Auszeichnung. Das Thema meines Vortrages bitte ich als... more
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      German LiteratureAvant-garde writingLiterary TheoryAustrian Literature
This book is dedicated to Amiri Baraka, Chris Marker and Lebbeus Woods iv • "Innovation enters art by revolution. Reality reveals itself in art in much the same way as gravity reveals itself when a ceiling collapses on its owner's head.... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesAestheticsAvant-Garde Cinema
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      LiteratureAvant-garde writingSpiritualityAvant-Garde
Can Xue (born 1953) is one of the first and also one of the most important authors of Chinese avant-garde fiction in 1980s. Her works are fascinating and disturbing at the same time, bringing along a lot of meaning concerning questions.... more
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      Avant-garde writingLiterary TheoryChinese literature
This column for Tears in the Fence magazine reflects on the notion and definition of the contemporary Avant-Garde. Bouncing off ideas and articles by Marjorie Perloff, David Lehman and Alain Badiou, this short article discusses the role... more
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      Avant-garde writingAlain BadiouContemporary PoetryExperimental Literature
Serialized from 1953 to its publication in 1958, and adapted into a celebrated film starring Audrey Hepburn in 1961, Truman Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s focuses on the ingénue/Cinderella figure Holly Golightly. A poor white,... more
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      American LiteratureSouthern LiteratureWomen's StudiesMarxism
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      Creative WritingEnglish LiteratureLiteratureAvant-garde writing
222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA, 01923. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for promotional purposes or for creating new collective works.
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      MusicologyAvant-garde writingExperimental MusicExperimental Research
Traducción del alemán de "La canción del pintor brocha gorda Hitler" y "Coral de Hitler", ciclos de poemas satíricos de Bertolt Brecht escritos en 1933.
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      German LiteratureAvant-garde writingPoetryPoetics
В статье рассматривается коммуникативная стратегия детской поэзии Даниила Хармса, связанная с явлением черного юмора как нетрадиционной – девиантной – формы комического. Вызывая расщепление катартической реакции и способствуя расслоению... more
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      CommunicationAvant-garde writingAvant-GardeRussian avant-garde art
This new series of monographs reflects the range of recent research in modernist studies, contributing to the interdisciplinary and cross-cultural expansion of the field.
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      Modernism (Literature)Avant-garde writingFrankfurt School (Philosophy)Herbert Marcuse
This essay compares and contrasts the lives and career of Alfonsina Storni, the Argentinian poet, and Virginia Woolf, the British novelist. Both writers are usually associated because they ended their lives committing suicide.
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      LiteratureAvant-garde writingDepressionBipolar Disorder
This article aims at describing Pierre Garnier’s itinerary from traditional, linear poetry, to concrete, visual poetry. Born as a reaction to the mainstream political-oriented poetry campaigned by Aragon, French concrete poetry is... more
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      French LiteratureAvant-garde writingContemporary French LiteratureFrench Poetry and Poetics
The work of Japanese novelist Kenji Siratori poses the reader with a contentious question: at what point does literary experimentalism transcend the circumference of literacy? Siratori’s Blood Electric (2002), evokes “the coming to... more
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      Information TheoryJapanese LiteratureAvant-garde writingMedia Ecology
In theorizing the modernist avant-garde, there is a widespread tendency to collapse the distinction between modernity as a set of wider social and historical processes, and modernism as an artistic phenomenon. There is also a tendency to... more
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      SemioticsCultural HistoryCultural StudiesWorld Literatures
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      German LiteratureArchival StudiesAvant-garde writingArchival science
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      LiteratureAvant-garde writingSpiritualismExperimental Literature
Citado por Maiakovski y su grupo como maestro e inspirador y al mismo tiempo autor de una obra monumental donde la imaginación del futuro compite con la resonacia romántica de los tipos eslavos, la figura extraña, casi secreta, de Velimir... more
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      Avant-garde writingPoetryTranslation of PoetryAvant-Garde
Mário de Sá-Carneiro. Poesia Completa. Ed. Ricardo Vasconcelos. Lisboa: Tinta-da-china, 2017.
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureModernism (Literature)Avant-garde writingTextual Scholarship
How to expose and explore interconnections between carnist and misogynistic violence without lapsing into a conceptual perpetuation of such violence?
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      Avant-garde writingCreative Writing Theory and PedagogyCarnism
Following his acclaimed history of the Situationist International up until the late sixties, The Beach Beneath the Street, McKenzie Wark returns with a companion volume which puts the late work of the Situationists in a broader and deeper... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesFrench LiteratureVisual Studies
This paper aims at drawing the basic features of the "textual" poetics of Camillo Capolongo (1940-2013), until now better known as visual and sound poet, as shown by his last decades participation in national and international poetry... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryGender Studies
+39 345 92 25 380 P . I V A 0 2 4 8 9 0 0 0 1 8 8 C . F. Z P L G P P 6 9 H 2 9 G 3 8 8 O R E A C C I A A P V 2 7 7 6 6 8 w w w. l a g r a n d e i l l u s i o n . i t
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      Avant-garde writingDadaModernism (Art History)Modernism
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      PhilosophyAvant-garde writingNarratologyGilles Deleuze
Estudio de los recursos poéticos inventados por las vanguardias para sorprender al lector y de los nuevos códigos estéticos instalados por la revolución vanguardista.
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      American LiteratureHistoryCultural HistorySociology
La critica italiana inizia a interessarsi a Robbe-Grillet sul finire degli anni Cinquanta, anche se più alle sue teorie che alla sua opera. Gli infuocati anatemi contro la metafora e contro il romanzo «ben fatto» si impongono al centro... more
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      Avant-garde writingNouveau romanItalo Calvino20th century Avant-Garde
Namdeo Dhasal (1949 – 2014) is arguably one of the most significant Indian poets of the late twentieth century. This essay intends to situate Dhasal in the tradition of Marathi poetry, assess his artistic vision, and his extraordinary... more
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesModernism (Literature)Postcolonial Studies
Among the historical writings that address the concept of ‘Visual Esperanto’, numerous texts have focused on Chaplin’s films and the character he portrayed: the tramp. The tramp has become emblematic of the international language of film.... more
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      Media ArchaeologyReception StudiesFilm TheoryAvant-garde writing
Albarrán Diego, Juan: "Waltar Serner. Más allá del temblor dadá", en Walter Serner: Manual para embaucadores. Santander, El Desvelo Ediciones, 2011, pp. 13-21, ISBN: 978-84-938663-2-7. Walter Serner. Más allá del temblor dadá.
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      Art HistoryAvant-garde writing20th century Avant-GardeDadaism & Surrealism
If we want to understand how and why classicism could become such a key concept for T. S. Eliot’s criticism, we must absolutely go back to the origins of this concept, that is to French literature and especially to one of the main... more
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureEnglish Literature
From neoscatology disorder, please really scream and read behind. The point disappearance blocked the corpse, the long-awaited thing was just a peep tradition, the consistent beggar surroundings strategically reflected this in the eyes,... more
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      PsychoanalysisLiteratureAvant-garde writingSpirituality
Stéphane Mallarmé’s ‘Livre’ constitutes a set of notes towards a performance project that was never realized. This essay reads these notes as schizotheatre: a theatre of crisis in which the poet, as Orchestrator, sits at the center of a... more
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      Performance StudiesAvant-garde writingDepressionDramaturgy
In Diasporic Avant-Gardes: Experimental Poetics and Cultural Displacement, Ed. Carrie Noland and Barrett Watten (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), 189-206.
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      Avant-garde writingDiaspora and transnationalism20th century Avant-GardeBlack British literature
The paper "Literary project of Rastko Petrović: synthesis of myth and modernity" is a preface to selected work (poetry, novel, short stories, travelloques, essays )of one of the most prominet Serbian avantguarde men of letter - Rastko... more
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    • Avant-garde writing
Tomando en cuenta las categorías del análisis rítmico -ritmo de cantidad, de intensidad, de tono y de timbre-, sistematizadas por Rafael de Balbín (1975 [1962]), nuestro trabajo pretende demostrar dos hipótesis de lectura: por un lado,... more
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      Avant-garde writingPeruvian poetry
Oulipo. Catalogue de l’exposition, Camille Bloomfield et Claire Lesage (dirs.), Gallimard/BnF, octobre 2014, p.30-38.
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      Avant-garde writingOulipoLiterary HistoryContemporary French Literature