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There has been a growing interest in Autonomous Vehicle (AV) technology worldwide over the last decade. Nevertheless, various studies have noted some potential socio-psychological challenges to AV use and ownership. These challenges can... more
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      MarketingPsychologyConsumer BehaviorAutomation
Getting a driver’s license is a highly anticipated rite of passage for most teenagers. Being alone behind the wheel, in control of a 3,000-pound machine, is an honor, a privilege, and a sign of adult responsibility. How will that change... more
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    • Autonomous Vehicles
Cette étude présente les résultats d'une campagne de mesures réalisée en octobre 2019 à l'entrée du pertuis d'Antioche, entre les îles de Ré au Nord et d'Oléron au Sud (France), au moment du passage de la tempête Lorenzo au large du Golfe... more
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      BusinessAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceAutonomy
In this study, a path smoothing strategy is proposed for sensor-based coverage problems. Smooth paths are generated for the coverage problems considering mobile robot kinematics constraints. An open agent architecture-based control... more
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      Mobile RoboticsMultiagent RoboticsAutonomous RoboticsPath planning
The goal of this paper is to compute odometry of vehicle using low-level controls combined with inertial measurement unit. The Low-Level control includes design of Drive-by-Wire mechanisms for steering, brake and accelerator systems with... more
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      Autonomous VehiclesOdometry
Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας εργασίας χρησιμοποιήθηκε ο Carla simulator, με βάση τον οποίο δημιουργήθηκαν αυτόνομες συμπεριφορές που εφαρμόζονται σε αυτοκινούμενα αυτοκίνητα, με την γλώσσα Python σε σύστημα με AMD Ryzen 5 με 16 BG RAM και... more
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      Intelligent Control SystemsAutonomous VehiclesSLAMAutonomous Systems
Recent advances in 3D sensing and volumetric data compression are encouraging research efforts to meet the demands for vision guidance of autonomous vehicle. Nowadays, autonomous vehicle technology is successful in a high percentage of... more
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      LiDARAutonomous Vehicles3D Video Mapping/ 3D Projection Mapping/ Mapping 3DPoint Cloud
In recent years, rapid economic development has increased the ownership of cars and as result road accidents have grown rapidly. However, autonomous cars can reduce roads accidents effectively by maintaining a safety distance from the... more
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      Autonomous VehiclesPID controller designdigital PID controllerPid Controller
An autonomous ground vehicle has various devices from where it collects data and performs an action. State estimation with noise present in it is one of the key requirements for many real-time problems and engineering. State estimation is... more
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      State EstimationKalman FilterAutonomous VehiclesVelocity Control
The transition to motherhood involves the experience of each individual mother and child, as well as the burden of cultural expectations. Social desirability demands may impede self reports of difficulties during the transition to... more
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      MarketingPerceptionMarketing StrategyAutonomous Vehicles
This paper presents a summary of SciAutonics-Auburn Engineering’s efforts in the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge. The areas discussed in detail include the team makeup and strategy, vehicle choice, software architecture, vehicle control,... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAutonomous RoboticsSoftware ArchitecturePath planning
Trajectory tracking is an important aspect of autonomous vehicles. The idea behind trajectory tracking is the ability of the vehicle to follow a predefined path with zero steady state error. The difficulty arises due to the nonlinearity... more
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      Autonomous VehiclesTrajectory Tracking
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      Autonomous VehiclesTruck Platooning
Several manufacturers have pledged to sell autonomous vehicles (AVs) within the next few years. These are cars that offload much of the task of driving from the human driver to a computer. Rudimentary autonomous features already exist in... more
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      Applied EthicsAutonomous RoboticsAutonomous VehiclesRobots
The rise of the wireless standards backfired by the dramatic increase in the number of wireless data networks. One of the areas that were affected by the standard raise is developing wireless self-configuring networks where Mobile Ad Hoc... more
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      Wireless networksAutonomous VehiclesVANETs
Automatically assessing driving behaviour against traffic rules is a challenging task for improving the safety of Automated Vehicles (AVs). There are no AV specific traffic rules against which AV behaviour can be assessed. Moreover... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceLegal InformaticsComputational LawAutonomous Vehicles
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      EthicsAutonomous VehiclesAutonomous CarsAI Ethics
In this study, the method of direct-motion parallel parking is introduced both in theory and in simulations for the vehicle with and without a trailer. The results show that not only a vehicle with a trailer park in parallel using direct... more
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      RoboticsControl Systems EngineeringRobotics (Computer Science)Mobile Robotics
In this paper, a Proportional-Integral-Differential (PID) controller that facilitates track maneuvering for self-driving cars is proposed. Three different design approaches are used to find and tune the controller hyper-parameters. One of... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceAutonomous VehiclesPID controller designVehicle Tracking
This paper proposes a new angle on the relationship between ownership models of automated vehicles and implications for travel. Specifically, the paper speculates on the potential negative externalities of corporate ownership. It argues... more
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      Political EconomyWell-BeingAutonomous VehiclesSocial Injustice
Rapid advances in automotive technology mean that, within a generation, the future of autonomous vehicles and driverless cars could become a
reality. What will that mean for the insurance industry?
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      Autonomous VehiclesDriverless CarAuto Insurance
The purpose of this paper is to find the benefits of the Autonomous technology and to encourage the Transit agencies to implement the Autonomous bus into the fleet. This main aim of this paper is to find the incremental costs and benefits... more
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      Cost-Benefit AnalysisActive Transport (Cycling, walking & public transportation)Autonomous VehiclesPublic Transit
According to a recent study, the #TestingAutomation consumer survey, commissioned in 2018 by Thatcham Research, 71% of drivers around the world believe they can purchase a self-driving car right now, while 11% would be tempted to have a... more
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      AutomobileMarketing StrategyCustomer BehaviourBusiness and Management
Rechtlichen Anforderungen an automatisiertes Fahren basieren unter anderem auf dem Wiener Übereinkommen über den Straßenverkehr von 1968, das einen Rechtsrahmen für nationale Straßenverkehrsgesetze vorgibt. In Deutschland erfolgte mit... more
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      EngineeringSafety EngineeringMobile RoboticsTraffic Simulation
The autonomous vehicle (AV) appears to be very much on the minds and screens of the motoring public, if not yet in automobile dealership showrooms or on the roadways in large numbers. A great deal of funding is being made available to... more
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      Sustainable TransportationPublic TransportSustainable Urban EnvironmentsTransportation Policy
This data article examines the association driver's features, perceptions and attitudes towards autonomous vehicles (AVs). The data was collected using a structured self-administrable and online-based questionnaire, applied to a full... more
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      PsychologyRoad safetyAttitudes (Social Psychology)Medicine
Unmanned vehicle technologies are an area of great interest in theory and practice today. These technologies have advanced considerably after the first applications have been implemented and cause a rapid change in human life. Autonomous... more
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      Image ProcessingAutonomous VehiclesAutonomous VehicleRegion of Interest (ROI)
Human Machine Interface (HMI) concepts for autonomous vehicles have thus far been oriented towards the needs of the vehicle operator. In this work, an autonomous vehicle HMI utilizing LED lights, a display, and audio was created to... more
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      Human Computer InteractionUser Experience (UX)Human Information InteractionHuman-machine Systems
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      EngineeringPath planningAutonomous VehiclesEvolution Strategy
Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) have the potential to make motorized transport safer and more sustainable, by integrating clean technologies and supporting flexible shared-mobility services. Leveraging this new form of transport to transform... more
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      Theory of Planned BehaviourTransportation StudiesPublic TransportTechnology Acceptance
EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, LAW AND POLICIES: TELEMATICS, INSURANCE, AND ROAD SAFETY QATAR UNIVERSITY, CENTER FOR LAW AND DEVELOPMENT October 2-3, 2022 ‍ In recent years, there are growing concerns about emerging technologies and, more in... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceArtificial IntelligenceTechnologyHumanities
Autonomous vehicles make use of sensors to perceive the world around them, with heavy reliance on vision-based sensors such as RGB cameras. Unfortunately, since these sensors are affected by adverse weather, perception pipelines require... more
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      Image ProcessingVideo ProcessingDeep LearningAutonomous Vehicles
a report providing guidance about the development and deployment of autonomous vehicles 3 that will presumably serve as a precursor to some future regulation. However, we contend that autonomous systems pose a fundamental challenge to any... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceEthicsRegulationAutonomous Vehicles
W najbliższych latach oczekuje się rewolucji transportowej związanej z rozwojem rozwiązań wspierających codzienną mobilność ludzi: technologii informatycznej w komunikacji (ICT) oraz sztucznej inteligencji (AI). Problemem naukowym jest... more
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      Autonomous VehiclesDriver Less Self Control CarCarsharingRidesharing
The challenge of learning a new concept, object , or a new medical disease recognition without receiving any examples beforehand is called Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL). One of the major issues in deep learning based methodolo-gies such as in... more
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      Machine LearningObject Recognition (Computer Vision)Intelligent Transportation SystemsDeep Learning
This article argues that smart transportation-understood as convergences of communication and transportation infrastructure to facilitate movement-has long been manifested in what John Urry has described as nexus systems, or those that... more
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      CommunicationMobility/MobilitiesTransportation StudiesRailway and Transportation History
Due to the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, opportunities for service robots in the Philippines are increasingly bright. More service robots worldwide are currently operational to contribute to a very simple, fast, and thorough... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsAutonomous RoboticsMachine Design
Humanity used to have myths, now we have the Robotics and A.I. Never in the history before, an emerging technology has gained a speed that Robotics and artificial intelligence do today. As technology advances, legal world must reach a... more
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      Autonomous RobotsAutonomous VehiclesCyber SecurityCyber law and Information Security
Ortony Clore and Collins (OCC) model Prospect-based emotions Fuzzy logic NetLogo a b s t r a c t This paper introduces the novel idea of using human social norms and human emotions to improve the collision avoidance of Autonomous Vehicles... more
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      EthicsFuzzy LogicSocial NormsNetlogo
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      Autonomous VehiclesSelf DrivingSelf-Driving Cars
The goal of the presented work is to develop an automotive radar sensor behavioral model to outline closed loop interaction of driver and vehicle in a synthetic environment. For this interaction open simulation interface (OSI) and... more
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      SimulationSoftwareAutonomous VehiclesRadar Systems
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      BusinessCase Study ResearchCase StudiesCities
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    • Autonomous Vehicles
Humans approach driving in a holistic fashion which entails, in particular, understanding road events and their evolution. Injecting these capabilities in an autonomous vehicle has thus the potential to take situational awareness and... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision
• Ist das automatisierte und vernetzte Fahren auf Straßen in Deutschland bis 2050 technisch machbar? • Wann wird es möglich sein, vollautomatisiert und fahrerlos in Straßenfahrzeugen unterwegs zu sein? • Was wird die Ausstattung der... more
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      Autonomous VehiclesSustainable MobilityAutomated driving
This paper reveals the dangers of the Moral Machine experiment, alerting against both its uses for normative ends, and the whole approach it is built upon to address ethical issues. It explores additional methodological limits of the... more
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      EthicsMoral PhilosophyComputational Social ScienceAutonomous Vehicles
In this chapter, a survey of the current state of research on autonomous driving is given and is set in the context of the requirements of an autonomous vehicle following the vision of an automated taxi. The overview is based on... more
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      Computer ArchitectureMobile RoboticsGPS ApplicationsAutonomous Robotics
Automotive manufacturers are competing to be the first to introduce customer-ready autonomous vehicles. Some manufacturers are claiming to launch their first self-driving cars as early as 2020. Which all sounds very good and futuristic;... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumerAutonomous VehiclesAustria
In this chapter, we give a brief overview of the traditional notion of responsibility and introduce a concept of distributed responsibility within a responsibility network of engineers, driver, and autonomous driving system. In order to... more
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      Human Computer InteractionApplied EthicsAutonomous RoboticsResponsibility
Multi sensor Data Fusion for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in Automotive industry has gained a lot of attention lately with the advent of self-driving vehicles and road traffic safety applications. In order to achieve an... more
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      Kalman FilteringAutonomous VehiclesMulti Sensor Data FusionMultiple Target Tracking