Este trabalho analisa a criação de cenários no software de simulação ARENA® que mostrem o aumento do nível de utilização dos equipamentos utilizados no processo de estampagem de um determinado produto, mostrando as possibilidades que uma... more
This paper contributes to the literature on how firms change their advertising strategies after a corporate scandal by providing both a theoretical model and an empirical evaluation based on the idea that advertising acts as a signal of... more
Indian economy has been growing rapidly in the post liberalisation period since 1991. India's share of global GDP has grown between 2017 and 2023, rising from 3.2% to 7.59%. However, India's export performance lags in comparison to the... more
Wie geht ein weltweit operierender Konzern vor, wenn Hallen für die industrielle Produktion errichtet werden sollen? Wie können Architekten sich mit dieser Frage beschäftigen, wenn dabei gleichzeitig verschiedene klimatische Bedingungen,... more
At the beginning of the decade of the nineties, Import Substitution Industrialization-ISI- policies were dismantled all over Latin America, including Colombia. This meant that tariff protection for locally porduced products were lowered... more
The main objective of this study is to inspect such factors that affect the purchase intention of consumer towards imported Japanese cars and to analyze generally prevailed perception about relative advantage of imported Japanese cars on... more
El trabajo efectúa un análisis de la evolución del sector ferroviario durante la Guerra Civil española (1936-1939). Se trata de un tema que hasta el momento ha recibido una escasa atención y que consideramos puede ayudar a comprender el... more
Firms and industries across various market structures and different economic conditions have undergone a boom of technology over the years in their respective operational activities and production methods. These injections of technology,... more
La voiture électrique, nouvel axe des politiques industrielles Entre 1895 et 1914, une effervescence inventive agite l'industrie naissante de l'automobile. A plusieurs égards, elle ressemble à celle qui agite aujourd'hui un monde de... more
La voiture électrique, nouvel axe des politiques industrielles Entre 1895 et 1914, une effervescence inventive agite l'industrie naissante de l'automobile. A plusieurs égards, elle ressemble à celle qui agite aujourd'hui un monde de... more
This paper examines the determinants of vertical intra-industry trade (VIIT) in the automobile components industry between Portugal and the European Union 27 (EU-27) and the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) during the... more
Yirminci yüzyılın yeni mekanik enerji kaynağı içten yanmalı motorun yol açtığı en önemli gelişme otomobil yapımı olmuştur. Uygarlık açısından, yaratıldığı döneme "otomobil çağı" dedirtecek kadar belirleyici bir aşamadır bu.
The problem of the study is that Latvian citizens often express dissatisfaction with vehicle registration prices, speculating that these services are available at lower prices in the neighbouring countries – Lithuania and Estonia. The aim... more
Pharmaceuticals seсtor is one of the key seсtors where Indian сompanies have сreated a global brand for themselves besides software. Indian сompanies have taken advantage of the opportunities in the regulated generiсs market in the... more
Pharmaceuticals seсtor is one of the key seсtors where Indian сompanies have сreated a global brand for themselves besides software. Indian сompanies have taken advantage of the opportunities in the regulated generiсs market in the... more
Tesla vise à accélérer la transition vers un schéma énergétique durable, en se concentrant sur les véhicules électriques et les solutions d’énergie propre.
Türkiye has given importance to the development of the automobile industry since the Ottoman period. In addition, with the proclamation of the Republic, gaining the ability to develop technology in the aviation industry, as a priority... more
L'objectif de cette communication consiste à montrer de quelle manière les usagers de véhicules électriques utilisent cette innovation et s'en emparent. Il s'agit d'appréhender de quelle façon ces acteurs ressentent et se représentent... more
Retour historique sur la dépendance à l’automobile du Luxembourg, dont la population a le plus haut taux de motorisation d’Europe.
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.... more
El trabajo efectúa un análisis de la evolución del sector ferroviario durante la Guerra Civil española (1936-1939). Se trata de un tema que hasta el momento ha recibido una escasa atención y que consideramos puede ayudar a comprender el... more
Krótka historia reklamy na wiecie i w Polsce Reklama w przemy le i handlu Reklama prasowa Podr cznik reklamy. Jak zdoby rozg os, nie wydaj c ortuny na reklam W niewoli reklamy? Percepcja ukrytych przes a reklamy prasowej Zrozumie reklam... more
Car ownership has become increasingly prevalent in North Cotabato, Philippines and yet a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics attitude and car preferences remains limited, particularly concerning gender differences. The unique... more
Los inicios de Renault en España, con la implantación de una filial de venta, fueron buenos, pero a partir de 1913 los resultados que se obtuvieron distaron de ser prometedores. Las dificultades inherentes a cualquier filial de venta... more
The experimental method used in a frontal crash of cars costs much time and expense. Therefore, numerical simulation in crashworthiness is widely applied in the world. The completed car models contain a lot of parts which provided... more
for his continuous support and patience. His guidance helped me throughout my master's degree program. It has been a privilege to perform my duties as his Graduate Teaching Assistant, and this thesis would not have been successful without... more
Cette etude traite des conditions du renouvellement du parc automobile afin de mieux maitriser l'impact sur l'effet de serre. Quels sont les criteres d'achat et les conditions d'utilisation des vehicules ? Quelles... more
O estudo aqui apresentado visa elaborar uma proposta de melhoria do leiaute de uma linha de montagem existente do tipo "Surface Mounted Technology" (SMT) na linha de producao de uma empresa de placas eletronica no municipio de... more
After nearly a decade since the implementation of the National Automotive Policy (NAP), the Malaysian automaker Proton, as well as various local automotive components and parts manufacturers, remain uncompetitive. Based on existing... more
The large-scale offshore relocation of the Japanese automobile industry and the start of local production from the 1980s were considered a transfer of the Japanese-style production system. Meanwhile, local industries also began to... more
Efforts to improve the safety of a driver of a racecar that is involved in a crash have been ongoing for a number of years. The Wayne State University Bioengineering Center has examined issues related to motorsports injury for over a... more
La relance de l'automobile électrique remonte à une dizaine d'années. Parmi les événements générateurs, figurent pêle-mêle la stratégie résolue de l'Alliance Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi pour conquérir un marché en offrant une gamme de... more
Zusammenfassung Im Beitrag wird skizziert, unter welchen Bedingungen das Grundbuchzentralarchiv des Landes Baden-Württemberg entstanden ist. Zugleich wird die Baugeschichte des heute unter Denkmalschutz stehenden Fabrikkomplexes... more
Efforts to improve the safety of a driver of a racecar that is involved in a crash have been ongoing for a number of years. The Wayne State University Bioengineering Center has examined issues related to motorsports injury for over a... more
Limited research interest in studying working capital management process, is found in the literature. However, working capital management has been the most crucial determinant factor for any industry’s survival, liquidity, solvency and... more
We compared the Argentinian automotive industry's trajectory since 2000 with those corresponding to three ASEAN economies: Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. We aimed to identify factors explaining the divergence among the four cases and... more
Trayectoria y situación actual de la cadena automotriz en Argentina y Mercosur History and current situation of the automotive value chain in Argentina and Mercosur
Purpose This study suggests an alternative approach to valorize non-hazardous industrial solid waste flow into construction materials, in particular as metal façade systems by quantifying the creative reuse of consistent and predicated... more
La cuestión de las tarifas ferroviarias es un tema poco estudiado en la historiografía española sobre el ferrocarril. Su análisis se hace complejo por la dispersión de informaciones y las constantes modificaciones. Además de la tarifa... more