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More than 50% of software development effort is spent in testing phase in a typical software development project. Test case design as well as execution consume a lot of time. Hence, automated generation of test cases is highly required.... more
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      Computer ScienceVerificationAutomation testingTest Driven Development
In this paper you can find a review of articles related to agile testing practices in software quality, looking for theoretical information and real cases applied to testing inside a modern context, comparing them with the standard... more
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      Test-Driven DevelopmentKanban for Software DevelopmentAutomation testingBehaviour Driven Development
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      TestingAutomation testing
You can work on multiple operating systems using Selenium. Selenium is the only tool which can work on MAC, Windows, Linux, and Solaris.
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      Automation testingSelenium WebDriver
Automation Testing using Selenium Webdriver - classroom training - online and in Kolkata
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      Human Computer InteractionSeleniumAutomation testing
The growing demand for delivering quality software faster "Quality at Speed" requires faster and successful execution of software testing to ensure its standard. Utilizing appropriate testing method(s) and right test automation... more
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      Software TestingAutomation testingAutomated Software TestingChoosing Automated Software Testing Tools
Automation testing has become increasingly needed due to the nature of the current software development project which comprises of complex application with shorter development time. Most of the companies in the industry have used Selenium... more
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      SeleniumAutomation testingManual testing
Regression testing is very important for dynamic verification. It helps to simulate a suite of test cases periodically and after major changes in the design or its environment, to check that no new bugs were introduced. Evidences... more
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      Clinical EpidemiologyVisual StudioRegression TestingAutomation testing
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      Software TestingAutomation testing
Selenium is a web application testing tool and also it is an open source freeware. This automation testing framework has gained wide acceptance as a popular and successful mode of website automated testing in a very short time span. These... more
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    • Automation testing
The growing demand for delivering quality software faster "Quality at Speed" requires faster and successful execution of software testing to ensure its standard. Utilizing appropriate testing method(s) and right test automation... more
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      Software TestingAutomation testingAutomated Software TestingChoosing Automated Software Testing Tools
Linear framework mainly based on record and play and follow the procedural code. This framework especially suites for very small projects and for creation of smoke test suites where only basis tests being executed.
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    • Automation testing
Regression testing is very important for dynamic verification. It helps to simulate a suite of test cases periodically and after major changes in the design or its environment, in order to check that no new bugs were introduced. Evidences... more
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      Regression TestingAutomation testing
Se presenta la propuesta de un sistema para la transformación de scripts de pruebas de manera automática a scripts de ejecución, para pruebas unitarias en aplicaciones web. Dicha generación reduce la dependencia con las herramientas de... more
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      Web ServicesAutomation testingServicios WebManual/Automation Testing
Regression testing is very important for the delivery of high quality product. It helps to simulate a suite of critical test cases periodically and helps to identify if introduction of any new features or any source code change has... more
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      Visual ArtsVisual StudioRegression TestingHealth and Social Care
Regression testing plays a critical role to verify the functionality testing of a product. Trade Me is New Zealand based website. It is one of the major websites in New Zealand dealing in buying and selling online. The aim of this... more
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      Regression TestingSeleniumAutomation testingScrum Methodology
This project work involves the automation regression testing of Microsoft Dynamics 365(MD365) enterprise resource planning (ERP) which is cloud based solution for Contoso. Contoso has problem to access and monitor the huge database of... more
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      Regression TestingSeleniumScrumAutomation testing
Till today, there are many web applications developed and tested so that end- user gets maximum user-friendly experience and satisfaction. For testing these applications and their functionalities manual testing is not always feasible. To... more
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      Visual StudioRegression TestingAutomation testingAgile and Scrum
Software engineering is by nature a highly collaborative activity. However, this collaboration is more difficult when the teams are geographically separated, as several factors, such as work-time, cultural differences, communication,... more
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      Distributed ComputingAgile DevelopmentAutomation testing
Regression testing is very important for the delivery of high quality product. It helps to simulate a suite of critical test cases periodically and helps to identify if introduction of any new features or any source code change has... more
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      Visual ArtsVisual StudioRegression TestingHealth and Social Care
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      Mobile TechnologyMobile application developmentMobile Technology ApplicationsSoftware Quality Assurance
Software validation is an important activity in order test whether the correct software has been developed. Several testing techniques have been developed, and one of these is model based testing (MBT). The main purpose of Model based... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceComputer Engineering
Software testing is the pre-eminent part of the software development life cycle process. Generating test cases is one of the challenging parts in software testing. Test cases are a set of conditions where a tester will test whether the... more
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      Software Testing (Computer Science)Model-Based TestingMobile appsAutomation testing
In this paper you can find a review of articles related to agile testing practices in software quality, looking for theoretical information and real cases applied to testing inside a modern context, comparing them with the standard... more
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      Computer ScienceEducationEducational TechnologyData Mining
In this paper you can find a review of articles related to agile testing practices in software quality, looking for theoretical information and real cases applied to testing inside a modern context, comparing them with the standard... more
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      Computer ScienceEducationEducational TechnologyData Mining
Thermal overload relays used for motor protection are most demanded in the commercial and domestic market. Batch line process is followed for overload relay assembly and testing. Testing Phase include test for several conditions like trip... more
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      LabVIEWAutomation testing
Regression testing is a necessary process to ensure that the existing functionalities of a piece of software are not affected by new features or fixing defects. However, in the case for the web application of PB Tech, this process is very... more
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      Regression TestingTest Case PrioritizationAutomation testing
Regression testing is very important for dynamic verification. It helps to simulate a suite of test cases periodically and after major changes in the design or its environment, in order to check that no new bugs were introduced. Evidences... more
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      Regression TestingAutomation testing
With the developing complexity of today's software program applications injunction with the increasing competitive pressure has driven the excellent assurance of developed software towards new heights. software program trying out is an... more
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      Test-Driven DevelopmentAutomation testingSoftware Testing Life Cycle (STLC)
More than 50% of software development effort is spent in testing phase in a typical software development project. Test case design as well as execution consume a lot of time. Hence, automated generation of test cases is highly required.... more
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      VerificationAutomation testingTest Driven DevelopmentOptimization testing
The International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA) is a bi-monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Software Engineering & Applications. The... more
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      Augmented RealityAugmented Reality ArtWater Quality ModelingAudio Augmented Reality
Thermal overload relays used for motor protection are most demanded in the commercial and domestic market. Batch line process is followed for overload relay assembly and testing. Testing Phase include test for several conditions like trip... more
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      LabVIEWAutomation testing
More than 50% of software development effort is spent in testing phase in a typical software development project. Test case design as well as execution consume a lot of time. Hence, automated generation of test cases is highly required.... more
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      Test-Driven DevelopmentVerificationAutomation testingOptimization testing
Besant technologies is one of the No.1 training institute in Chennai when compared to other training institutes, which provide real time Selenium training in Chennai for all levels of students starting from freshers to corporate trainees.... more
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      Software TestingAutomation testing
The training program is designed to give participants the skills & practical knowledge to gain a competitive advantage in starting / enhancing a career in software testing. Participants receive advanced training in both Manual testing and... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware TestingTestingAutomation