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A vehicle reduces human efforts and carries out the many tasks accurately is defined as multifunctional agriculture vehicle. Hence, we designed and manufactured a vehicle from raw materials, which is affordable and easy to use which... more
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      Agriculture MultifunctionalAutomaticscost efficient
The correct power supply for telecommunications relay stations, especially in areas where there is no electricity, is a handicap for operators to expand their clientele. It is on this sensitive topic that is taken this article. The... more
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    • Automatics
This system works by reading the tilt direction of the user's hand. The user just has to tilt his hand in forward, backward, left and right directions to convey his message. The respective messages would be standard like, food, water,... more
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      Decision Support SystemsSleep ParalysisAutomatics
Automatic system has brought many revolutions in the existing technologies. One among the technologies, which has greater developments, is the solar powered automatic shrimp feeding system. For instance, the solar power which is a... more
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      Solar PowerAutomatics
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      Electrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringFashion design
The project focuses on solving the problem of dust settling, stability issues of solar tracking unit and overtime decrease in efficiency of solar panels. The project is based on fabricating an automated system which can clean and track... more
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      Dust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)EfficiencyAutomaticsEliminating Avian Xanthomas
Prezentowany tekst jest rozdziałem w monografii (pracy zbiorowej pod redakcją Anny Klamerus-Iwan) zatytułowanej "Nowoczesne technologie i inżynieria w zrównoważonym użytkowaniu lasu". Opisany został zbudowany przez autorów automat do... more
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      ForestryPattern RecognitionAcornAutomatics
The objective of this research is to make reliable estimation of pleural effusion volume in CT imaging using digital image processing algorithms. In order to make reliable estimation we need to do the manual and automatic segmentation of... more
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The manual means of getting ready time table in schools is exceptionally tedious and drawn-out task which typically winds up with different classes conflicting either at indistinguishable room or with same educators having more than each... more
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      GeneratorAutomaticstime table
The first part of our project, "AUTOMATIC WORKPIECE INSPECTION CUM CONVEYOR," introduces material inspection and its diverse uses. The sensors are utilised to take measurements of the material dimensions, which are then sent to the... more
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      ConveyorAutomaticsWork Pieces
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in using natural language processing (NLP) to perform sentiment analysis. This is because NLP can help to automatically extract and identify the sentiment expressed in text data,... more
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      Sentiment AnalysisAutomaticsNatural Lanuguage Processing
Discharge planning has not been able to increase confidence and fluid restriction adherence in endstage renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis. This study aimed to develop an application of discharge planning with automatic... more
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    • Automatics
"En este trabajo se plantea una metodología para la solución del problema del planeamiento de sistemas secundarios de distribución considerando un modelo de programación lineal entero mixto (PLEM), el cual considera la ubicación y... more
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      Electrical EngineeringMathematicsApplied MathematicsAlgorithms