Autism Spectrum Treatment
Recent papers in Autism Spectrum Treatment
The field of autism interventions, as well as advice given to parents on educating children with autism spectrum disorders, is characterized by competing claims and controversy. This article compares two events targeted at parents, both... more
The test manual itself is very simple and straightforward; it is written clearly in straightforward English that would be easily understandable to a layperson with only minimal knowledge of psychological subject matter or statistical... more
This study concerns drawing a human test in children with autism spectrum
Autism often is associated with general perceptual deficits. However, especially in visual processing, research shows a specific profile of strengths and problems. Details appear to have a particular meaning for individuals with autism... more
The Collaborative Model for Promoting Competence and Success (COMPASS) is an evidence-based, student-centered consultation and coaching intervention developed specifically for students with ASD. What is COMPASS? It starts with... more
A new early intervention strategy created by a mum from Wollongong is helping parents of kids with learning difficulties give their children a better future Everyone knows that early intervention is a key strategy for securing the best... more
De zorgpaden rollen zich uit, behandeltrajecten worden vastgelegd. Gaan we mee de paden op? Dit vraagt om te beschrijven wat we doen en om in de kijker te komen! Het beschreven staan in een zorgpad is van groot belang voor de... more
Martin Degner und Christoph Müller gelingt es mit diesem Buch, Schnittpunkte der theoretischen Erkenntnisse über Autismus und den TEACCH-Ansatz aufzuzeigen. Besondere Schwerpunkte sind die Beschreibung empirisch begründeter... more
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a pervasive developmental disorder that starts in early childhood and affects about one in every 100 children in the UK. Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) has shown to be the most effective long-term treatment... more
OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANCE DISORDER 2 Autism Spectrum Disorder is a medical disorder that affects their emotional well-being of kids.
چکیده هدف از پژوهش حاضر، تعیین اثربخشی آموزش بازی های گروهی بر مهارت های اجتماعی کودکان دارای اختلال اتیسم با عملکرد بالا بود. روش پژوهش از نوع نیمه آزمایشی با طرح پیش آزمون-پس آزمون با گروه کنترل بود. جامعه آماری این پژوهش را کلیه کودکان... more
Our musical instruments should be reconsidered in various sizes, for various purposes and being reexamined their effect and capabilities. The original instruments are already exceptional, colourful and they are suitable to be used for... more
Imiona i nazwiska autorów : Katarzyna Szamburska-Lewandowska, Anita Bryńska, Tomasz Srebnicki Afiliacja/afiliacje: Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Klinika Psychiatrii Wieku Rozwojowego Tytuł: Metody terapeutyczne wspomagające rozwój... more
With more and more families presenting with two or more children with autism, this revolutionary treatment method in autism is transforming the lives of these autistic children and their families. Not only that, this approach is healing... more
This research paper will seek to address the ensuing principal research question: “What has been the role of early childhood education for the mentally ill child?” The Montessori principles which can be found in the proposed research lies... more
This article argues that Canada fails to meet its obligation under article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to provide students with autism with access to inclusive education. Moving beyond... more
Introduction Medical conditions that are known to have signs and symptoms of atypical sensory reactivity may present particular challenges during lactation and breastfeeding as a daily activity. Problem There is limited information... more
Background Procedures that reduce errors while learning a repertoire play an important role in Applied Behavior Analysis for people with autism due to the detrimental effects that excessive exposure to error may have on learning. Previous... more
Children with a diagnosis of autism are more likely to experience anxiety than their typically developing peers. Research suggests that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) could offer a way to help children with autism manage their... more
It has been argued, in view of the social evolutionary origins of music and the social deficits found in autism, that individuals with autism will be emotionally unresponsive to music. However, a recent study of high-functioning adults... more
The prevalence of Autism is on the rise worldwide with studies presenting the worldwide prevalence rates as 1 in 68 children. This is rising alarmingly every year and the combined presentation of Autism with ADHD in the same child is also... more
Summary The hypothesis as to whether a benign species of bacteria could kill a virulent kind has to this point been untested. Recently it was shown that in the macrophage, bacteriophages, when properly introduced through a nonvirulent... more
The existing literature suggests that while impairments in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) continue into adulthood, some behavioral symptoms tend to abate with age. However, there is a dearth of research examining changes in ASD symptoms... more
Based on the work a mother did helping her own autistic son learn how to speak, The Flashcards is now being used by both parents and teachers to help children and adults with autism, brain injury, stroke, cerebral palsy, down’s syndrome... more
Background: Whilst interest has focused on the origin and nature of the savant syndrome for over a century, it is only within the past two decades that empirical group studies have been carried out. Methods: The following annotation... more
Whilst findings from experimental studies suggest that perceptual mechanisms underpinning musical cognition are preserved or enhanced in autism, little is known about how higher-level, structural aspects of music are processed. Twenty... more
Este artículo toma como referencia los aportes de la Psicología Cognitiva en el estudio del autismo. En primera instancia se realiza una descripción de los conceptos de representaciones mentales (
Viele Eltern von Kindern mit Autismus beobachten, dass ihre Kinder besonders sensibel auf visuelle Reize reagieren. Sie finden manchmal kleinste Kieselsteine oder bleiben fasziniert vor bunten Lichtern stehen. Wie sind solche... more
This interview relates to my book Naming Adult Autism: Culture, Science, Identity (Rowman & Littlefield International, 2017) and took place at Leeds Beckett University.* Some of my answers to questions at the end are quite unfocused – see... more
More than 2 million people in the United States are unable to speak or use handwriting as an effective and efficient mean of communication (ASHA,2004). This paper discusses a brief history of augmentative alternative communication (AAC)... more
EBM and Testimonials of Autism Cure. Autism Success Stories worldwide from Authentic Autism Solutions:
Ο σκοπός της εργασίας ήταν η κατασκευή του εγχειριδίου «Πηγαίνοντας στον οδοντίατρο» για παιδιά με διαταραχή του φάσματος του αυτισμού. Στις περιπτώσεις των ατόμων με αυτισμό η αντιμετώπιση των δυσκολιών στηρίζεται κυρίως σε εναλλακτικά... more
Music Therapy is an emerging and socially-benefitting field in not only music and holistic treatment stream but also gradually occupying its place in the medical science. Music therapy and interventions have been proved immensely... more
This paper comments on a recent “umbrella review” of intervention research for children on the autism spectrum (Whitehouse, Varcin, Waddington, Sulek, Bent, Ashburner, Eapen, Goodall, Hudry, Roberts, Silove, Trembath, 2020). The umbrella... more