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According to a common though not universally accepted opinion, works of narrative fiction are made up of statements uttered by a fictional narrator who must be distinguished from the author. In what follows, I demonstrate that this... more
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      German LiteratureNarrative and interpretationNarratologyFictionality
A castoff ending to Nabokov's sixth novel "Camera Obscura" is published for the first time in Olga Voronina's English translation.
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      Vladimir NabokovCamera ObscuraLiterary archivesAuthorial Intention
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      Literary CriticismPaul RicoeurIntertextualityEdward Said
L'avvento del mezzo digitale ha profondamente trasformato tanto le dinamiche di produzione e diffusione del testo letterario, quanto la relativa prassi editoriale. Nonostante ciò, le questioni di fondo che pone la filologia conservano... more
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      Digital HumanitiesTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismAuthorial Intention
An accessible, full-color OT survey textbook focusing on the message of each book: Written from an irenic, evangelical perspective, this Old Testament survey is designed to unpack what the biblical authors most intended to communicate in... more
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      Hebrew BibleOld Testament TheologyBiblical StudiesOld Testament
Generally, textual analysis minimises the intention of the creator in the conclusions that the researcher draws in order to avoid falling into the 'intentional fallacy' (Wimsatt & Beardsley 1946), which is when a reader expects the author... more
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      Digital HumanitiesFan StudiesAuthorial IntentionFanart
The main aim of this article is to offer a possible interpretation of meanings attached to ruins as image and metaphor in Brodsky’s essay writings, or, to be more precise, in Homage to Marcus Aurelius (1994), an essay that sets its... more
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      Cultural HeritageModernityMemory StudiesUrban Ruins
This article examines the techniques used by Anne Frank in revising her diaries for what she intended to be a post war publication. The article begins by reviewing the scholarly and political contexts in which the Diaries are normally... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryLiterary CriticismChildren's and Young Adult Literature
This paper argues that the sixth chapter of Isaiah consists of an account of the inauguration of the prophet and that the placement of this account at this point in the text is significant for at least two reasons.
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      Old Testament ProphecyOld Testament TheologyHermeneuticsBiblical Studies
In this article I begin by comparing and contrasting our reading practice regarding acrostics with our practice regarding allusions and intertexts, looking in particular at the problematic notion of authorial intention; I suggest an... more
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Using Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan novels as case study, this article presents a cognitive approach to fictionality and authorial intention using Text World Theory and Mind-Modelling. It investigates two forms of ontological distortion:... more
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      FictionalityContemporary FictionContemporary LiteratureAuthorship
In the face of the growing influence of postmodern culture, the Christian Church is wrestling with new ideas which relativize meanings of texts, sometimes in alarming ways. This thesis is an effort to reconcile relativity of meaning in... more
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      Theories of MeaningHermeneuticsMartin HeideggerHans-Georg Gadamer
Reading a narrative text is or provides an experience. In this article, I attempt to see how this common claim about reading fits into the intentionalist model of narrative David Herman has developed in his "Narrative Theory and the... more
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      Narrative and interpretationReader-Response TheoryAuthorial Intention
Für manche Zwecke ist es hilfreich, die Auslegung der Werke eines Autors von der Rekonstruktion seiner Lebensumstände zu trennen. Eine solche Abgrenzung von Leben und Werk ist jedoch nur bis zu einem gewissen Punkt sinnvoll. Sie wird... more
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      German LiteratureNarrative and interpretationNarratologyHeinrich von Kleist
Occasioned by critique and criticism of the Critical and Synoptic Edition of James Joyce's Ulysses (edited in three volumes by Hans Walter Gabler with Wolfhard Steppe and Claus Melchior, New York and London 1984), this is a reflection on,... more
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      Authorial IntentionCopy-Text EditingFacsimile Reliability
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      DeconstructionHermeneuticsDerridean DeconstructionInterpretation
It is commonly thought that authors can make anything whatsoever true in their fictions by artistic fiat. Harry Deutsch originally called this position the Principle of Poetic License. If true, PPL sets an important constraint on accounts... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of LiteraturePhilosophy of ArtPhilosophy of Fiction
Aunque es el principio del estudio de la obra, la visiön de Cervantes de su propia obra es insuficiente.
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      Don QuijoteAuthorial IntentionLibros de caballeríasEl Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote De La Mancha
In this paper, I argue that only divine authorial intent can ground meaning, whether it be because of our limited access to human authors, the limited nature of human (authorial) intentionality, or in our access to the divine meaning of... more
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      TypologyHermeneuticsBiblical StudiesBiblical Theology
Celem artykułu jest wykazanie szkodliwości przesadnego przywiązania do języka specjalistycznego w badaniach literackich. We wstępie zostaje zarysowany kontekst postawienia tezy. W następnej części przeprowadzona zostaje zwięzła... more
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      HumanitiesLiterary CriticismLiterary TheoryThomism
Book Review of Christy Mag Uidhir's Art and Art Attempts, OUP 2013
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      Authorial IntentionCollective AuthorshipCoauthorship
For quite a while now, authorship studies seem to have been stuck in what might be called 90s nostalgia—something which the academic community typically refers to as the return of the author.1 I call this phrase (or phase, if you will)... more
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      Actor Network TheoryAuthorship AttributionRoland BarthesMichel Foucault
This essay aims to show how the development of close reading, and more specifically its relationship to authorial intention, is itself historically contingent on technological development. In historicising New Criticism through the lens... more
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      TechnologyPostcolonial StudiesLiterary CriticismHermeneutics
Compared with the ongoing debates in modern text criticism, problems concerning music editing – in particular with regard to nineteenth and early twentieth-century music – has only received scant attention. The present article seeks to... more
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      MusicologyScholarly EditingAuthenticityScandinavian Studies
Review of Peter Sutcliffe's 2014 book, addressing philosophical foundations for interpreting the Bible.
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      Biblical StudiesRoland BarthesUnderstandingPaul Ricoeur
The attached chart proposes a model for 6 varieties of career trajectory for authors' careers, gauging success (however reckoned) against time. The chapter from which it is drawn argues that a particular challenge when thinking about... more
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      Contemporary LiteratureCareer DevelopmentAuthorial IntentionTheories of Authorship
Abstract creationism about fictional characters is the view that fictional characters are abstract objects that authors create. I defend this view against criticisms from Stuart Brock that hitherto have not been adequately countered. The... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsAestheticsAuthorial Intention
L'avvento del mezzo digitale ha profondamente trasformato tanto le dinamiche di produzione e diffusione del testo letterario, quanto la relativa prassi editoriale. Nonostante ciò, le questioni di fondo che pone la filologia... more
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      Digital HumanitiesArtTextual ScholarshipTextual Criticism
This article reviews narratological assumptions from an expanded phenomenological perspective. My exploration into the ethics of narrative form, including looking beyond “unreliability” into a doubt-faith paradigm, has led me to develop a... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageLiteratureNarrative
We are inviting papers that consider the constitution of authorship in physical, material terms, and use revealing bibliographical case studies to think explicitly about the utility and importance of authorship to the presenters’... more
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      Cultural HistoryAfrican StudiesAsian StudiesLatin American Studies
Italo Calvino has been quickly canonized in Italian literary criticism. Already during the lifetime of the Ligurian author a sort of ‘essential Calvino’ has affirmed itself in criticism. This essential Calvino is constituted by a... more
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      Reception StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesItalo CalvinoAuthorship
In this article, I seek to develop a genetic/diachronic approach to the phenomenon of authorial revision, and to the interpretation of texts that exist in multiple versions. In all such cases, the reconstruction of textual meaning cannot... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasInterdisciplinarityRenaissance Studies
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      StylisticsLiterary StylisticsCognitive PoeticsAuthorial Intention
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      PublishingModernism (Literature)Jorge Luis BorgesModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
Advertising utterances make abundant use of rhetorical figures, of creative, deviant ways of communicating an ad message, such as rhyme, wordplay, and metaphor. Ample research has been conducted on the effects of rhetorical figures.... more
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