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Este curso invita a explorar las complejas relaciones entre sociedad y naturaleza a lo largo del siglo xx y xxi en Latinoamérica. Se analizará cómo los entornos urbanos y rurales, lejos de ser opuestos, están profundamente interconectados... more
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    • Historia ambiental
El relato y la puesta en práctica de la experiencia que aquí presentamos consiste en el trazado de recorridos por calles de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. La selección de cada circuito se caracteriza por su sosiego, un contexto... more
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      Soundscape Methodology Epistemology Listening WalkingPaisajes Sonoros/ SoundscapesEcologia AcústicaR. Murray Schafer
De aliado a arauto: O rádio nas canções sobre catástrofes From ally to herald: The radio in songs about catastrophes De aliado al heraldo: La radio en canciones sobre catástrofes Nísio Teixeira e Ricardo Lima Resumo O presente trabalho... more
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While American legal discourse has embraced a range of figurative expressions evoking all sorts of sensory experience, 2 it has
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      SociologyLawTechnologyPolitical Science
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    • Aurality
Inferno 24 and 25 contemplate the harm that theft perpetuates not just on individuals and communities, but on a thief’s own identity. The type of theft punished in this Bolgia is covert, and its contrapasso is a continual negation of the... more
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      Dante StudiesHistory of MathematicsMedieval StudiesThing Theory
Using selected case studies from Georgia and Ukraine—two countries linked by recent Russian aggression—this article outlines theoretical and practical approaches to understanding questions of coloniality, decoloniality, and... more
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      MusicologyArt HistoryMusic and Politics
Existe una relacion fuertemente arraigada en el imaginario colectivo entre el fenomeno que conocemos como  ruido  y esa configuracion sociocultural a la que llamamos  ciudad . El presente trabajo situa el nacimiento de esta relacion... more
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      HumanitiesArtSoundscape StudiesSensory Studies
Este trabalho investiga processos e procedimentos presentes na criação e difusão de obras originais de radioarte. A produção artística do próprio autor é o foco principal desta pesquisa, cujo objeto é uma arte acústica mediatizada, de... more
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      Listening (Music)Audio And Radio ArtsExperimental MusicListening
Este artigo discute CriptoSonido: Aleph, radioarte e instalação sonora. Obra e reflexões estéticas relacionam-se com pesquisa de tese-criação. A expectativa foi criar peças que permitam a evocação de conhecimento não discursivo,... more
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      Installation ArtRadio And Sound StudiesSurrealismRadio
This article provides a compressed examination of sound studies, wherein the author explores the nexus of sound and listening as pivotal junctures intersecting semiotic and phenomenological discourses. At the same time, sound and... more
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      MusicSound studiesPhilosophy of MusicCinematography
De l'audible à l'aural : les avancées des études sonores en théâtre
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A book Review of Dr. Crisps work for my graduate class Fall 2023
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      HistoryAlamo and Texas Revolution
During the first three decades of the twentieth century, Colombia introduced new technologies of mechanical reproduction of sound due to increased participation in transnational commercial networks. Simultaneously, migration from rural... more
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      Latin American StudiesUrban HistorySound studiesColombian History
La presente propuesta analiza las relaciones entre la música del colectivo ‘La Distritofónica’ y el paisaje sonoro de la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia. Con base en información paratextual y metatextual que algunos de sus integrantes y... more
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      MusicologyEthnomusicologySound studiesJazz Studies
In this paper, I employ ethnography, history, sound studies, and more to examine the persistence of political ideologies in the ways in which the Italian diaspora has been listening to itself. Starting from my personal journey throughout... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesItalian diasporaAurality
Resumen: La frontera sónica es un estado sensible. Es la percepción de una presencia corpórea de sonoridades que circulan en espacios-tiempos: acciones, emociones y comportamientos. Expertos ceremoniales wixaritari de... more
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Performative methodology of the House of Extreme Music Theater led by Croatian, Zagreb-based performing artists Damir Bartol Indoš and Tanja Vrvilo is largely based on the creation, recycling and abundant use of sound objects,... more
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      Postdramatic theatreSound studiesNoise And MusicMusic Theatre
In this work we explain the philosophical analysis of the modal categories oriented toward the study and understanding of self-organizing systems showing complexity. For this, we focus our research in the area of ecology and, more... more
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      OntologySelf-OrganizationCategory TheoryModality
El curso “Ver, oír, tocar, oler: tendencias actuales en estudios coloniales latinoamericanos” realiza un estudio histórico-crítico de producciones discursivas y no discursivas de América Latina y el Caribe, entre los siglos XVI y XIX. La... more
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      Visual StudiesHistory of the SensesLatin American Colonial LiteratureSpanish Colonial Literature
This volume examines the entanglements between contemporary art practices, ecology, and non-human subjects through contributions from scholars, art writers, critics, artist-researchers and designers. The collected essays reveal... more
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While American legal discourse has embraced a range of figurative expressions evoking all sorts of sensory experience, 2 it has
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      SociologyLawTechnologyPolitical Science
En este diplomado ofrece una aproximación transdisciplinaria a los estudios del sonido y la escucha, situada en la intersección de las ciencias sociales y las humanidades, con la intención de configurar una perspectiva compleja en torno a... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSensory StudiesHistory of senses and sensibilityCiencias Sociales
En sus modos de dar cuenta del avance extractivista, el despojo territorial y el exter- minio del mundo ayoreo, La memoria del monte (2018) y EAMI (2022), de la direc- tora paraguaya Paz Encina, proponen una estética de la memoria que... more
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      Film Music And SoundParaguayAffect TheoryCinema
Program Book of the Joint Annual Meeting 2023 of the American Musicological Society and the Society for Music Theory (November, 9-12, 2023, Denver, CO, USA).
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      Latin American StudiesMusicMusic HistoryMusicology
This text was composed for oral presentation: written by ear to be (read as) heard. It stages an experiment (-expérience‖) with sound, and, as a written text, with the sight of sound on/off the page in order to at once solicit and perform... more
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      EngineeringPhilosophyMusic and identitySight
Introduction to Part 2 171 Jamii: Topical Issues on Lamu 175 1 Amu ("Lamu") 175 2 Bandari ina mawimbi ("The Port Makes Waves") 186 3 Jahazi ("The Dhow") 190 4 Tupijeni makamama ("Let Us Embrace") 192 Ilimu: The Importance of Education 196... more
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This paper has been explicitly composed for oral presentation: written by ear to be (read as) heard. It stages an experiment/experience (expérience) with sound—and in the written text with the “sight” of sound—in order to solicit and... more
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      EngineeringPhilosophyMusic and identity
El curso contribuye al estudio transdisciplinario de textos, discursos y otras producciones culturales originados “en” o “en relación con” las Américas y otros espacios globales, al menos durante los siglos del XVI al XIX, desde... more
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      Visual StudiesSpanish Colonial LiteratureSpanish American colonial studiesEstudios Visuales
A partir de un ejercicio de “equivocidad controlada” (Viveiros de Castro 2004; 2010, 71- 74), en este artículo reflexiono sobre el lugar del concepto de música en la acustemología mapuche. El texto está estructurado en tres secciones: en... more
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      AnthropologyEthnomusicologyEthnographySoundscape Studies
For at least thirty years, scholars have debated the centrality of physical and embodied presence as essential to the experience of theatre and performance. A debate that was perhaps largely academic suddenly became a shared reality when... more
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      Cultural StudiesPerforming ArtsEmbodied CognitionTheatre
Presented on May 3 at the 2023 SpokenWeb Research Symposium, Reverb: Echo-Locations of Sound and Space. This paper discusses the soundscape ecology and speculative ontology in the work of Spanish sound artist Francisco López. Focusing on... more
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      PhilosophyOntologyEpistemologySoundscape Studies
Argues for the influence of Marshall McLuhan's mother, Elsie Naomi Hall McLuhan, in shaping his thinking about media and the role of the body in communications.
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      CommunicationEnglish LiteratureWomen's HistoryDrama
espanol?Existe un regimen aural que impacta en la escucha musical en el siglo XXI? De ser asi, ?como es que dicho regimen se configura?, ?que practicas de escucha son sustentadas por que tipo de instituciones e ideologias y viceversa?... more
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      ArtIdeologyEntertainmentSensory Studies
Introduction to Part 2 171 Jamii: Topical Issues on Lamu 175 1 Amu ("Lamu") 175 2 Bandari ina mawimbi ("The Port Makes Waves") 186 3 Jahazi ("The Dhow") 190 4 Tupijeni makamama ("Let Us Embrace") 192 Ilimu: The Importance of Education 196... more
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Sociologists of religion have identified the gradual transformation from “garage churches” to megachurches since the 1980s as consistent with the political impact of neo-Pentecostal groups in Latin America today. A challenge arises for... more
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      Latin American StudiesReligious architectureNeo-PentecostalismHearing Voices
Every physical interaction leaves traces. Yet, in online meetings, the human voice might be the only traceable feature left. In the fifth episode of «Sonic Vignettes», Salomé Voegelin reflects upon the grain of the voice as an irreducible... more
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      PhilosophyDigital MediaSound studiesSound
Este artículo aborda la Relación del tercer viaje de Cristóbal Colón, vinculando los sonidos del agua descritos por el Almirante con sus ansiedades de reconocimiento y poder, desde las cuales se imbrican colonialismo y profecía, en una... more
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      Colonial StudiesAuralityCristóbal ColónEstudios de auralidad
As isolating as the dissertation writing experience appears, no dissertation is ever written alone. Many people accompanied me in my workspace in a variety of ways. My dissertation chair and co-chair, Gretchen Murphy and Julie Avril... more
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      HistoryTechnologyWomenGeorge Eliot
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      PsychologyPerformance StudiesSoundPerformance Theory
To my parents, Joe and Patricia Herbelin, and my little sister Elise, who have patiently indulged and cultivated my love for history and accompanied me on countless long visits to the Alamo.
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Dani Ploeger combines performance, video, computer programming and electronics hacking to investigate and subvert the spectacles of techno-consumer culture. Re-purposing, misusing , and at times destroying everyday devices, his artwork... more
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    • Political Science
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      Cultural StudiesArtTheatreLiterary studies
Noise elicits response. On an urban level, those responses include mechanisms of social control and legal reform that intertwine marginality, criminality, public morality, hygiene, comfort, and poverty. Scholarship on noise and noise... more
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      Latin American StudiesUrban HistorySound studies19th Century (History)
A comparative study of the writings on photography by Michel Foucault and Walter Benjamin
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      PhotographyWalter BenjaminMichel FoucaultMultiplicity
A traves de una exploracion de los momentos mas significativos de la construccion identitaria y cultural de Nicaragua, se evidencia como con el pro yecto de nacion mestiza, se silenciaban las otras expresiones consideradas disonantes con... more
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Using a series of reflective case-studies, the role of the Foley artist is reconsidered alongside technological innovations in both digital soundmanipulation and physical computing. Through a series of theatrical productions and... more
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      Computer ScienceFoleyArts and Design Technology
A presente dissertação estuda o efeito produzido pela inclusão de métodos de aprendizagem históricos na formação de alunos de licenciatura e mestrado da área da música antiga. Considerando a dificuldade para o músico atual de aceder ao... more
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      Action ResearchRenaissancePolyphonyRenascimento
Aside from audio-based performance work, the topic of sound and listening in theatre and performance studies has, as Patrice Pavis notes, 'tended to serve the visual arrangement or design'. 1 Attempts to account for how aurality operates... more
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      ArtPerformance StudiesDanceSound Art
The use of microphones in theatre today is so common that it is hard to believe how recent this practice is and, more importantly, that it has provoked such long standing and fierce resistance. The fact is that the theatre, which very... more
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