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      Critical Disability StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesBlindnessListening (Sound studies)
This book is a timely contribution to the emerging field of the aurality of theatre and looks in particular at the interrogation and problematisation of theatre sound(s). Both approaches are represented in the idea of ‘noise’ which we... more
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      SoundSound DesignImmersionVoice
This article approaches the sonic turn as a coherent set of methodological approaches across a variety of disciplines that begin with the publication of Emily Thompson’s The Soundscape of Modernity (2002) and Jonathan Sterne’s The Audible... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologySound studiesNew Media StudiesAurality
Programa de Educación Continua. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, UNAM, México. Dirigido a: científicos sociales, profesionistas que hayan concluido sus estudios de licenciatura, estudiantes de posgrado, investigadores y... more
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      Sensory StudiesComunicación y culturaAntropología culturalSonido
This multi-authored essay collects a range of position statements made by leading scholars/practitioners in the fields of theatre aurality, music theatre/opera, and sound design. Contributors independently prepared short statements in... more
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      Theatre StudiesDesign (Theatre Studies)Performance StudiesSonic Art
The Gaṇeśa episode from the Mahābhārata, widely regarded as a late addition, narrates the mythical circumstances that led to the first written record of the poem: Vyāsa asks Gaṇeśa to write down the whole epic at his dictation. In the... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesCodicologyIndian MythologyMahabharata
***Note: This is only the first page. PM me for the full article.*** The prologue of the Gospel of John famously depicts Jesus as the divine λόγος made flesh. Ancient evidence and insights from sensory analysis support that John also... more
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      EpistemologyNew TestamentEmbodimentHistory of the Senses
This essay assesses the interpretative consequence of the now wide and uncontrollable dissemination of an error, identifying three variants in an early poem by Sylvia Plath entitled "Black Rook in Rainy Weather" (1957). The first of these... more
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      American LiteratureEmily DickinsonPoetryTextual Criticism
We aim to experiment in this writing the potential of a certain idea of radical listening in the encounter with research-creation scenarios, which we understand as the commitment to the creation of practices that put in the foreground how... more
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      Sonic ArtArts EducationArts Education and PedagogyArts-based methodologies
In the whole Comedy, but particularly in Inferno, Dante is constantly addressing our sense of hearing. Dante's first impressions of nearly every new circle or ring or character come through the ear. As he proceeds through Hell, he... more
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesDante
Means and ends. Within the very phrase 'electronic literature' its ends are implicated in its means. 'Electronic' refers to means in a way that is well understood but promotes quite specific means as the essential attribute of a cultural... more
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      PoeticsElectronic LiteratureAutomatic Speech RecognitionAutomatic Speech Synthesis
Las primeras voces lejanas que escuchó el ser humano no fueron transmitidas por alambres ni con ayuda de electricidad, sino con la energía de la voz y el favor del aire. El presente trabajo narra, al modo de la historia cultural, un... more
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      Media HistorySound studiesHistoire des idées et de la penséeSensory Studies
Music and sound can signify sexual desire and arouse sexual desire. Auditory stimulation can become a fetish, and “auralism” can be understood as a form of queerness. This chap­ter, based on participant-observer research in online kink... more
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      MusicQueer StudiesCultural SociologyOnline Communities
How do we hear? Why do we listen? From religious chant to village bells to elevator muzak to noise pollution, sound has played a major role in human cultures and human experience since time immemorial. In this course, students will... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesSoundSound Art
This article investigates the ontological significance of the voice, speech and listening within a theatrical context. Through an analysis of two performances; Societas Raffaello Sanzio’s ‘Giulio Cesare’ and Roger Bernat’s ‘Domini Públic’... more
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      OntologyBreath - Body - VoiceJacques RancièreVoice (Music)
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      Latin American StudiesMusicologyEthnomusicologyLatin American Music
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      AuralitySound HistorySocial History of Sound
Recent work in anthropology has attended to the imbrication of music, sound, listening, and language in research on, and from, Latin America and the Caribbean, as part of a broader movement across regions. In this article, we argue that... more
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      Music and LanguageAurality
In this chapter, I discuss how theories of the disembodied voice call for a cultural understanding of our listening attitudes in music and musical theatre, which goes beyond genre restrictions. I contend that the enhanced interest in... more
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      Performance StudiesAuditory CultureNoise And MusicAural and Visual Cultures
This article presents a theoretical analysis of the concept of media space, which is understood as the result of the interaction between technological networks and the communication structure (producers, audiences, institutions, uses).... more
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      SociologyLatin American StudiesRadio And Sound StudiesMedia Theory
Este diplomado propone un abordaje transdisciplinario de los fenómenos del sonido y la escucha, con la intención de configurar una perspectiva compleja en torno a un objeto común: el estudio social de los fenómenos sonoros. Duración: 84... more
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      Sound studiesSensory StudiesComunicación y culturaSonido
In the study of the Qur"an, one of the greatest challenges that the art historian may face is the decontextualization of the material. Often, manuscripts exist only in pieces, perhaps as single folios-devoid of any evidence which may... more
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      Mamluk StudiesThe Haptic, Voice, & AuralityMultisensory InteractionSensory Studies
This article explores the relationship between aurality and the actor in Filter Theatre’s Twelfth Night. It explores how Filter’s collaborative process and focus on resolving staging problems sonically creates a productive interplay... more
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      William ShakespeareTwelfth NightAuralityRoyal Shakespeare Company
Existe una relación fuertemente arraigada en el imaginario colectivo, entre el fenómeno que conocemos como ruido y esa configuración sociocultural a la que llamamos ciudad. El presente trabajo sitúa el nacimiento de esta relación durante... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSensory StudiesHistoria CulturalAurality
With the proliferation of the iPod and related audio mobile technologies in our daily experiences, Shuhei Hosokawa’s “The Walkman Effect” (1984) gains new significance. While exploring the locative aspects of these technologies for media... more
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      Media StudiesMedia ArchaeologyTheatre StudiesSound and Image
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesAurality
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      Nigerian LiteratureOralityJoseph ConradAfrican theatre and performance
This paper is a contribution to an anthropology of aurality in Tamil Nādu. Using a sociolinguistic approach to performance, I shall argue that contemporary low caste performers in Tamil Nādu are part of a discursive tradition that dates... more
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Con questa Collana di Quaderni di Ricerca Antropologico-Filosofico-Storico-Religiosa si vuole andare incontro alla sempre maggiore richiesta d'inJormazione sia da parte di studiosi e studenti sia da parte di un vasto pubblico di lettori... more
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      SikhismOrality-Literacy StudiesCodicologyBrahmanism
In this article, Pieter Verstraete focuses on ‘auditory distress’ as a constitutive aspect of listening to the extent that it bears a new perspective on sound experiences in contemporary performance practice. As a departure point, he... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyFolklore
Esta obra está sujeta a la licencia de Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 España de Creative Commons. Puede copiarla, distribuirla y comunicarla públicamente siempre que cite su autor y la revista que lo publica (TRANS-Revista... more
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      Nicaraguan HistoryInterculturalidadAurality
Resumen En este texto se problematiza la noción de "silencio" y sus usos metafóricos para asistir la movilización de afectos entre los habitantes de Ciudad de México. El argumento toma como premisa que la escucha es una experiencia... more
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      Sound studiesAurality
"In this paper, I develop a conceptual framework to look at audiences in post-migrant theatre productions that include music and the singing voice. I propose to extend the theory of aurality with a more historically and socially sensitive... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesGender StudiesAnthropology
Apresenta-se a noção de mapa sonoro mediante uma composição teórica que desloca o entendimento da prática cartográfica do âmbito da representação para o da operação. Subtraída às pretensões de representação, a prática de mapeamento sonoro... more
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      SoundGilles DeleuzeGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariSound Art
Participation is the engine of cultural production. In the case of literature, the privileged modality that enables participation is auditory perception. In order to articulate a theory of literary cultural production based on auditory... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureParticipatory ResearchAuditory Perception
Este artículo ofrece, en la primera parte, una reflexión teórica sobre el concepto de espacio mediático, el cual es entendido como resultado de la interacción entre la tecnología y la organización de la comunicación social (productores,... more
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      Latin American StudiesRadio And Sound StudiesWalter BenjaminMedia Theory
Both music and love are conspicuously absent from the public soundscapes of Hargeysa, Somaliland. But behind closed doors, people listen to love songs. In doing so, these lonely love sufferers and love hopefuls make sense of various... more
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      EthnomusicologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyListening (Music)Intimacy
Proceedings of the Sonologia 2019 - International Conference on Sound Studies
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      Latin American StudiesMedia StudiesPostcolonial StudiesSoundscape Studies
The diverse and highly stylized cries (pregones) of street vendors are a ubiquitous feature of the Mexico City soundscape and an audible manifestation of the city’s cultural heritage. Throughout its history, Mexico City’s historic center... more
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      EthnomusicologyMexican StudiesSoundscape StudiesSound studies
By focusing on a soundscapes project started by Mexico City’s Radio Educación in 2006 and currently continued by Mexico’s Fonoteca Nacional, this essay investigates the social organization of urban spaces through sound and the use of... more
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      Archival StudiesNationalismPerformativitySoundscape Studies
How might performance enable us to become attentive to the space sound produces? In this article, by acknowledging the shared environment created by aural relations, I focus on the potential of the performative space to immerse and fold... more
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      Performance StudiesDanceSound ArtListening
Recent exhibitions, including Caleb Kelly’s, Sound Full (2012) and Barbara London’s Soundings: A Contemporary Score (2013), have sought to extend, by diverse artistic means, interrogation into sound as part of, rather than as separate... more
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      AestheticsSound studiesPractice as ResearchTheatre
This paper argues that Walter Benjamin's concept of aura should be understood as something that actively produces loss in the technological mediation of the past and the present. The production of loss occurs in the disjuncture between... more
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      PhotographyWalter BenjaminSubject FormationAurality
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      Feminist TheorySpace and PlaceApplied Drama/TheatreSound studies
See the project website at ASU is embarking on a major new project, focusing on the reconstruction of “sense-scapes” of the past, employing state-of-the-art digital technology of our day. Exploring sensorial... more
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      MusicologyGender StudiesArt HistoryWomen's Studies
Pour le colloque "aCROSS '17 : Le mouvement et modèles dynamiques dans la pensée musicale", nous revenons pour la première fois sur les résultats de l'enquête Arkhetupon menée entre Jacopo Baboni Schilingi, Samuel Lamontagne et Arthur... more
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      Historical AnthropologySound studiesArchetypesCultural Anthropology
Abstract / Among certain communities of rural Mexico, whistles are used to mimic the melody of spoken words in order to facilitate long-distance communication. In Mexico City, rural-urban migration has produced an aesthetic turn—there... more
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      Gender StudiesAestheticsRural-to-urban MigrationEstética
Co-edited by Marília Librandi (Princeton U) and Isabel A. Ferreira Gould (U of Lisbon).
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      African StudiesPortuguese StudiesBrazilian StudiesSound studies
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      Media StudiesMass cultureSimulationAurality
The diverse and highly stylised cries (pregones) of street vendors are ubiquitous features of Mexico City's soundscape and audible manifestations of its cultural heritage. Throughout its history, Mexico City's Historic Centre has served... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesGentrificationInformal Economy