Augmented Cognition

182 papers
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Augmented Cognition is an interdisciplinary field that explores the enhancement of human cognitive processes through technology. It focuses on developing systems that support and improve perception, memory, reasoning, and decision-making by integrating human-computer interaction, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence.
Task forces of expert knowledge workers would benefit from more advanced web tools supporting activity awareness and social sensemaking. This paper proposes the design of a task force workspace, which is under development. It introduces... more
It is of prime importance in everyday human life to cope with and respond appropriately to events that are not foreseen by prior experience. Machines to a large extent lack the ability to respond appropriately to such inputs. An important... more
Twelve individuals took part in an experiment which investigated the feasibility of using physiological sensors to apply a pacing mitigation strategy to help prevent cognitive-overload-induced performance declines. The participants... more
Abstract: This effort focused on developing EEG-derived indicators of verbal versus spatial working memory load. A wireless EEG headset acquired data during execution of both simple and complex tasks associated with a Tactical Tomahawk... more
The development of robust, accurate, real-time cognitive state gauges, based upon operators' physiological data, is an essential pre-requisite to realizing performance improvements through augmented cognition technology. However, gauges... more
Past work concerning the design and implementation of voice-operated personal assistants that are easy to configure and apply without directly worrying about the sophistication of leveraging Large Language Models or Neural Networks has... more
This paper aims at describing the requirements of an off-highway human-machine system able to recognize potential risky situations and consequently prevent them. The developed methodology is based on two techniques derived from the field... more
In this paper the topic of the augmented cognition applied to the driving task, and specifically to the steering maneuver, is discussed. We analyze how the presence of haptic feedback on the steering wheel could help drivers to perform a... more
Chapter 2, “Electroencephalography (EEG)” (by Suraj Sood) is about electroencephalography as it is used in augmented cognition. Before background on how electroencephalography works is given, a short philosophical discussion clarifies why... more
Science involving the human brain, psychology, and cognition has progressed sufficiently that the technology exists to develop a mutually beneficial exchange of information between a human and an AI. Dubbed "AI Symbiosis," this process... more
Resumen La presencia del coronavirus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, ha generado una pandemia de COVID-19 que ha alterado la normalidad alrededor del mundo. Sin una preparación estandarizada en el sector educativo para enfrentar esta nueva... more
Human errors cause the majority of aviation accidents. Augmented cognition and automation systems enhance pilot performance by evaluating system limitations and flight precision and performance. This study examines the human-machine... more
Electroencephalography based brain computer interface has enabled communication of human's intention to a computer directly from the brain by decoding signatures that relay the intention information. Error-related potential has been... more
En este articulo de avances, se evidencian algunos resultados, a traves del uso de nuevas tecnologias, especificamente las interfaces cerebro-ordenador, con el registro de las neurosenales o senales encefalograficas, aplicandose en... more
In this paper a brief introduction to some of the goals, recent developments, and open problems in BCI research are given. We mainly focus on presenting our research work in signal processing for single-trial P300-BCI and discuss our... more
The relative value of automation is debated. On one hand, it is lauded for making mundane work doable by machines. Not only can such machines carry out such work more efficiently than humans: the latter are then empowered and opened up to... more
Human errors cause the majority of aviation accidents. Augmented cognition and automation systems enhance pilot performance by evaluating system limitations and flight precision and performance. This study examines the human-machine... more
Robot-assisted surgery systems are a recent breakthrough in minimally invasive surgeries, offering numerous benefits to both patients and surgeons including, but not limited to, greater visualization of the operation site, greater... more
In this paper a brief introduction to some of the goals, recent developments, and open problems in BCI research are given. We mainly focus on presenting our research work in signal processing for single-trial P300-BCI and discuss our... more
In this work EEG signals decomposition, reconstruction and classification is achieved for the brain computer interface.EEG signals are most widely used in the medical field to analyse the patient condition, because it contains much... more
Resumen. El incremento en el uso de dispositivos móviles ha generado un crecimiento de puntos de acceso, públicos y privados, esto es aprovechado por los sistemas mHealth, los cuales utilizan la infraestructura de los servicios móviles... more
Next generation brain computer interfaces (BCI) are expected to provide robust and continuous control mechanism. In this study, we assessed integration of optical brain imaging (fNIR: functional near infrared spectroscopy) to a P300-BCI... more
En el desarrollo de sistemas de realidad virtual uno de los inconvenientes que se encuentran es la comunicación entre las aplicaciones y los dispositivos de adquisición, ya sea por no disponer de un método de acceso en forma directa de... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Se propone un método de bajo costo computacional para detectar el potencial evocado P300 en aplicaciones ubicuas de comunicación y control, el cual se denomina Procesamiento Embebido P300 (EP-300). La entrada de EP-300 es una señal... more
The effectiveness of neurophysiologically triggered adaptive systems hinges on reliable and effective signal processing and cognitive state classification. While this presents a difficult technical challenge in any context, these concerns... more
In this paper the topic of the augmented cognition applied to the driving task, and specifically to the steering maneuver, is discussed. We analyze how the presence of haptic feedback on the steering wheel could help drivers to perform a... more
Resumen. Para la clasificación de las señales del parpadeo y dolor muscular en el brazo derecho ocasionado por un agente externo, se proponen dos modelos de arquitecturas de redes neuronales artificiales, específicamente del tipo... more
Brain computer interface systems (BCI) translate the intentions of patients affected with locked-in syndrome through the EEG signal characteristics, which are converted into commands used to control external devices. One of the strategies... more
We 1 present a novel signaling method for head-mounted displays, which surpasses eye (pupil) and delivers guiding light signals directly to retina through tissue near the eyes. is method preserves full visual acuity on the display and... more
Human augmentation is a field of research that aims to enhance human abilities through medicine or technology. This has historically been achieved by consuming chemical substances that improve a selected ability or by installing implants... more
Rapid technological developments and definition of the cyber domain as a battlefield has challenged the cognitive attributes of its operators. In order to meet these demands, higher education programs in STEM (science, technology,... more
Metacognition aims at monitoring and regulating one's thinking devoted to problem-solving processes and learning habits among others cognitive tasks. Hence, individuals engaged in better acquisition of domain knowledge achieve higher... more
Human-computer interaction (HCI) leads to augmented cognition (AC). Cognitive augmentation can be visualized as a pyramid with four layers: from bottom to top, these are data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. The... more
Electroencephalography based brain computer interface has enabled communication of human's intention to a computer directly from the brain by decoding signatures that relay the intention information. Error-related potential has been... more
We present an ambulatory cognitive state classification system to assess the subject's mental load based on EEG measurements. The ambulatory cognitive state estimator is utilized in the context of a real-time augmented cognition... more
Resumen. El incremento en el uso de dispositivos móviles ha generado un crecimiento de puntos de acceso, públicos y privados, esto es aprovechado por los sistemas mHealth, los cuales utilizan la infraestructura de los servicios móviles... more
We present an ambulatory cognitive state classification system to assess the subject's mental load based on EEG measurements. The ambulatory cognitive state estimator is utilized in the context of a real-time augmented cognition... more
It is of prime importance in everyday human life to cope with and respond appropriately to events that are not foreseen by prior experience. Machines to a large extent lack the ability to respond appropriately to such inputs. An important... more
High levels of stress, drowsiness and lack of concentration, are some of the main factors that affect the drivers, which can lead to traffic congestion and even accidents. One of the challenges that has caught the attention in the area of... more
3D virtual environments are increasingly used as generalpurpose medium for communicating spatial information. In particular, virtual 3D city models have numerous applications such as car navigation, city marketing, tourism, and gaming. In... more
Metacognition aims at monitoring and regulating one's thinking devoted to problem-solving processes and learning habits among others cognitive tasks. Hence, individuals engaged in better acquisition of domain knowledge achieve higher... more
Transcranial Doppler monitoring (TCD) has been proposed as a tool to be used in Augmented Cognition (AugCog) systems to monitor brain activation during the performance of different cognitive tasks. In the present study, the main goal is... more
Brain computer interface systems (BCI) translate the intentions of patients affected with locked-in syndrome through the EEG signal characteristics, which are converted into commands used to control external devices. One of the strategies... more
Electroencephalography based brain computer interface has enabled communication of human's intention to a computer directly from the brain by decoding signatures that relay the intention information. Error-related potential has been... more
Human augmentation is a field of research that aims to enhance human abilities through medicine or technology. This has historically been achieved by consuming chemical substances that improve a selected ability or by installing implants... more