Attribute Based Cryptography

6 papers
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Attribute-Based Cryptography (ABC) is a cryptographic paradigm that enables access control and secure data sharing based on user attributes rather than identities. It allows users to generate cryptographic keys and perform operations based on specific attributes, facilitating fine-grained access policies and enhancing privacy in various applications.
Motivated by the problem of establishing a session key among parties based on the possession of certain credentials only, we discuss a notion of attribute-based key establishment. A number of new issues arise in this setting that are not... more
Individuals are encouraged to prove their eligibility to access specific services regularly. However, providing various organizations with personal data spreads sensitive information and endangers people's privacy. Hence,... more
Anonymous Certification (AC) refers to cryptographic mechanisms in which users get certified from trusted issuers, with regard to some pre-defined user attributes, in order to produce presentation tokens. Such tokens satisfy service... more
Attribute-based credentials (ABCs) are building blocks for user-centric identity management. They enable the disclosure of a minimum amount of information about their owner to a verifier, typically a service provider, to authorise the... more
A ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption protocol uses bilinear pairings to provide control access mechanisms, where the set of user's attributes is specified by means of a linear secret sharing scheme. In this paper we present the... more
Remote data auditing (RDA) protocols enable a cloud server to persuade an auditor that it is storing a data file honestly. Unlike digital signature (DS) schemes, in RDA protocols, the auditor can carry out the auditing procedure without... more
Anonymous Certification (AC) refers to cryptographic mechanisms in which users get certified from trusted issuers, with regard to some pre-defined user attributes, in order to produce presentation tokens. Such tokens satisfy service... more
This paper presents an efficient anonymous credential system that includes two variants. One is a system that lacks a credential revoking protocol, but provides perfect anonymity-unlinkability and computational unforgeability under the... more
Anonymous Certification (AC) refers to cryptographic mechanisms in which users get certified from trusted issuers, with regard to some pre-defined user attributes, in order to produce presentation tokens. Such tokens satisfy service... more
This paper presents an anonymous certification (AC) scheme, built over an attribute based signature (ABS). After identifying properties and core building blocks of anonymous certification schemes, we identify ABS limitations to fulfill AC... more
Cloud computing provides remote users a flexible and convenient way to obtain cloud services on demand such as cloud storage service, which has been facing great security and privacy challenges, especially insider attacks. However, most... more
The Internet of Things (IoT), in spite of its innumerable advantages, brings many challenges namely issues about users' privacy preservation and constraints about lightweight cryptography. Lightweight cryptography is of capital... more
Up to date, a large number of ID-based signature (IBS) schemes based on bilinear pairings have been proposed. Most of these IBS schemes possess existential unforgeability under adaptive chosen-message attacks, among which some offer... more
The growing role of mobile devices in previously face to face interactions presents new domains for cryptographic applications. At the same, time the increased role of digital systems raises new security and privacy issues. With some... more
Multisignature schemes are digital signature schemes that permit one to determine a unique signature for a given message, depending on the signatures of all the members of a specific group. In this work, we present a new semi-short... more
This paper identifies certain privacy threats that apply to anonymous credential systems. The focus is on timing attacks that apply even if the system is cryptographically secure. The paper provides some simple heuristics that aim to... more
In the attribute typed signature scheme the user can sign a document with any predicate that is satisfied by his attributes issued from the attribute agency. Based on this assumption, the signature shows not to an identity of a user... more
Sigurnost računarskih sistema oduvek je bitna, a danas postaje još važnija, jer sve više korisnika na sve više načina koristi sve više informacija u sadašnjem informatičkom svetu. Sa razvojem informacionih tehnologija i telekomunikacionih... more
PCA su i dalje u stadiju razvoja, na što ponajviše ukazuje činjenica da se na tržištu nudi samo nekoliko rješenja koja koriste IBE, ABE ili BBE. Kao ključna prednost ovih algoritama ističe se nepotrebnost kompleksne infrastrukture... more
Cloud computing provides remote users a flexible and convenient way to obtain cloud services on demand such as cloud storage service, which has been facing great security and privacy challenges, especially insider attacks. However, most... more
Optimistic fair exchange (OFE) allows two parties to exchange their digital items in a fair way. As one of the fundamental problems in secure electronic business and digital rights management, OFE has been studied intensively since its... more
Zaštita podataka i prenos podataka je star problem. Najjednostavniji oblik bi mogao biti došaptavanje-informaciju dobija samo jedna osoba i drugi ne znaju sadržaj poruke. Prednost je jednostavnost, a mana je kratka udaljenost na koju se... more
by Joan Boyar and 
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New zero-knowledge proofs are given for some number-theoretic problems. All of the problems are in NP, but the proofs given here are much more e cient than the previously known proofs. In addition, these proofs do not require the prover... more
Halpern, Moses and Tuttle presented a definition of interactive proofs using a notion they called practical knowledge, but left open the question of finding an epistemic formula that completely characterizes zero knowledge; that is, a... more
Halpern, Moses and Tuttle presented a definition of interactive proofs using a notion they called practical knowledge, but left open the question of finding an epistemic formula that completely characterizes zero knowledge; that is, a... more
In pseudonym systems, users by means of pseudonyms anonymously interact with organizations to obtain credentials. The credential scheme constructed by Lysyanskaya and Camenisch is among the most complete credential systems, in which... more
Abstract : A ring signature system is strongly unforgeable if the ring signature is existential unforgeable and, given ring signatures on some message m, the adversary can not produce a new ring signature on m. Strongly unforgeable ring... more
In their seminal work for identity-based identification (IBI) schemes in 2004, Bellare et al. left open the question of whether the Beth identification scheme, and consequently the derived IBI scheme, can be proven secure against active... more
Anonymous credentials allow people to authenticate to an organisation without being identified. While there are some approaches trying to ensure non-transferability we want to improve the methods relying on biometric authentication. In... more
Abstarct. Inspired by the recent developments in attribute-based encryption, in this paper we propose threshold attribute-based signatures (t-ABS). In a t-ABS, signers are associated with a set of attributes and verification of a signed... more
A basic question concerning zero-knowledge proof systems is whether their (sequential and/or parallel) composition is zero-knowledge too. This question is not only of natural theoretical interest, but is also of great practical importance... more