Attitudes (Social Psychology)
Recent papers in Attitudes (Social Psychology)
The purpose of the paper is to analyse the impact ageism may have on providing healthcare to elderly people. The article investigates the consequences of ageism in medical settings, where the elderly are particularly vulnerable to... more
Mixed methods research (MMR) is currently on the rise in the social sciences. This paper provides a theoretical discussion and a practical illustration of MMR in the social psychological study of language attitudes. First, I review... more
This book provides an introduction to political psychology through a focus on European politics and topics. It describes a style of doing political psychology in Europe that has developed out of dialogue with as well as critique of North... more
Although consensual non-monogamies have grown in exposure and popularity among both the public and academics, they remain largely marginalized and stigmatized. While some research has examined individuals’ perceptions of non-monogamies as... more
This is an activity and discussion on how attitude can help us manage challenging emotional situations - If you read into second page you can see this is useful for groups focused on upcoming holiday season and its many challenges for... more
When we analyse the attitudes towards poverty, we will not learn about the real causes of poverty nor about the appropriate means of fighting against it. We will know how different types of people think about these questions and –... more
The paper defines the evaluation on the traits of Bulgarians like qualities and they reference to themselves and others. The research shows that the traits that are perceived as positive qualities relate to the respondents' selves. At the... more
En este trabajo se revisan las aportaciones de los estudios realizados sobre el cambio de actitud, haciendo especial mención a los procedimientos implicados en su adquisición y eliminación, es decir, en el priming afectivo y en el... more
This research examines the extent to which the negative arousal caused by valence inconsistent supraliminal behavioral information and subliminal primes during attitude formation affects people's perceptions of their current well-being.... more
A globális környezeti problémák, az erőforrások szűkülése, a környezetszennyezés és az emberiség túlnépesedése posztmodern korunk legfontosabb kihívásait jelentik. A környezettudatos marketing - felhasználva más diszciplínák eredményeit... more
This study documents psychometrics of the Turkish version of Intimate Partner Violence Attitude Scale-Revised (IPVAS-R; Fincham et al. in Psychological Assessment, 20, 260-269, 2008). Dating college students (n=280) from four universities... more
El conflicto colombiano ha tenido lugar primordialmente en la ruralidad, donde varios grupos armados ilegales y las fuerzas del gobierno han tratado de ganar control sobre el territorio y la poblacion. Mas de 50 anos de conflicto armado y... more
In the last few years, gambling and betting opportunities have been increasing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, leading to an increase in pathological gambling. Pathological gambling is considered by experts to be an instinct control disorder,... more
This paper uses secondary and primary data to examine up to which point the electoral success obtained by VOX during 2018-19 might have been due to unfavorable immigration attitudes. Results suggest that indeed, VOX voters hold more... more
Language analysis can help explore how public debates on these issues have evolved, and build understanding of how people form opinions. This paper employs a variety of techniques from cognitive linguistics, a field dedicated to how... more
Recent sociaalpsychologisch onderzoek naar de relatie tussen opvattingen over aard en oorsprong van homoseksualiteit en attitudes ten aanzien van homoseksuelen en homoseksualiteit, heeft enkele niet altijd gemakkelijk te interpreteren... more
Most contemporary text books of neurology and of psychology pay little attention to the function of the cerebellum beyond noting it to be an organ of motor control. A historical overview of research on cerebellar function is presented,... more
This article empirically assesses the validity of current theoretical models of attitudes toward immigrants and immigration policy in the Asia-Pacific region. This paper takes representative data from the World Value Survey and implements... more
Guided by the integrative model of behavioral prediction and research on information seeking, we tested a mediation model of information seeking about marijuana across two samples of young adults from the United States (N = 498) and... more
Une anecdote tirée de mon cours d'anthropologie du genre : une étudiante nous explique son embarras alors que, féministe convaincue, elle se mit un jour à fredonner devant la glace les
Two thousand telephone interviews conducted with adult heads of household in ten different U.S. metropolitan areas were used to gather data regarding people's health care attitudes and behaviors. A review of the health care marketing and... more
Aim of the study-The Study was designed to assess the awareness of Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR's) reporting and to evaluate the impact of an educational intervention. Materials and methods-This was a questionnaire... more
การศึกษาวิจัยนี้เป็นการวิจัยเชิงปริมาณ มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษา 1. ลักษณะทางประชากรที่ต่างกันจะมีการเปิดรับข้อมูลจากผู้นำความคิดด้านสุขภาพจิตในเครือข่ายสังคมออนไลน์แตกต่างกัน 2.... more
This conceptual article proposes a new integrative model of the country image by drawing on advances from the fields of business studies, social psychology, political science, and communication science. To interrelate different... more
Most scholars hold the view that organisations cannot survive in the ever changing and turbulent environment in which they operate without human resource. The reason being that employees' attitudes can have adverse effects on the... more
The increasing use of robots and their role in society has important implications for research and development in human-robot interactions (HRIs). The purpose of the present study was to develop a new measure to assess attitudes toward... more
Agri-clinics and Agribusiness Centres (ACABC) scheme is a credit linked subsidy based scheme for setting up 'agriventure' by trained agricultural graduates launched by Government of India to strengthen public extension system, technology... more
This research explored the effects of food choice motives, nutritional knowledge, and the use of food labels, on attitude toward food with health claims. Food with health claims was chosen as a relatively novel category of products... more
This report explores attitudes towards people experiencing poverty. It also reflects on what these attitudes mean for how we as advocates communicate and persuade. ‘The real story: What Australians think about poverty and how we shape... more
Since 2012, the United States has seen a renewed focus on police killings of racial and ethnic minorities, as well as protest against such violence. Moreover, recent polling data show an intensification of long-standing differences in... more
Do social cohesion activities change the attitudes of the participants? This paper uses intergroup contact theory to explore attitude change resulting from contact with out-group(s) in social cohesion activities. Results from a... more
Actor-observer asymmetries are part broader continuum in social psychology that explains the errors that people make when forming attributions about the behaviour of others. Just as many studies have supported of the actor observer... more
Parents' assessment of children's development in the first and the second language is an essential part of their family language policy (FLP) and an important component of parent–child communication. This paper presents a pilot study... more
The conviction rate for sexual assault is persistently low in the United States. We propose a cycle-of-blame framework to highlight the possibility that the same rape myths that limit convictions are in turn strengthened by not-guilty... more
Arab World English Journal – May 2014 Theses / Dissertation Name of researcher: Ali Abdulkarim Alsaawi Title of the dissertation: The Use of The Mother Tongue in The Language... more
This study uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explore the factors that impact special education teachers’ acceptance and actual use of technology. TAM is used as the foundation for generating the hypothesis and developing the... more
This data article examines the association driver's features, perceptions and attitudes towards autonomous vehicles (AVs). The data was collected using a structured self-administrable and online-based questionnaire, applied to a full... more