Recent papers in Attacks
The wireless sensor network (WSN) has becomes the research area in today’s worlds due to the huge number of application taking the advantage from it. Sensors are small device having memory, power and processing chip that makes it... more
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have many potential applications [1, 5] and unique challenges. They usually consist of hundreds or thousands small sensor nodes such as MICA2, which operate autonomously; conditions such as cost, invisible... more
MANET is a rapidly emerging mobile communication technology which offers fruitful services in various fields like military battle field, emergency services, entertainment, sensor networks, home and internetworking etc., Due to dynamic... more
Almost every night, lasers pointed at an aircraft/ATC tower can lead to hazards. Especially, during critical phases of flight such as approach, landing and takeoff. Laser beam can cause distraction, or glare or temporary flash... more
L’exercice de l’art infirmier répond à des règles réglementaires qui sont d’ordre public. Ceci implique qu’elles sont directement opposables à l’infirmier et ne souffrent pas d’exception. Néanmoins, en situation d’exception, ces règles... more
Web application brings us convenience but also has some potential security problems. SQL injection attacks topped the list of Top 10 Network Security Problems released by OWASP, and the detection technology of SQL injection attacks has... more
Web application attacks are incessantly increasing in number and in severity. The big data available on the internet motivates hackers to launch new kind of attacks. In this context, intensive research on web application security have... more
In the recent era where technology plays a prominent role, persons can be identified (for security reasons) based on their behavioral and physiological characteristics (for example fingerprint, face, iris, key-stroke, signature, voice,... more
Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of heterogeneous smart devices through the Internet with diverse application areas. The huge number of smart devices and the complexity of networks has made it impossible to secure the data... more
Closed Circuit TeleVision surveillance systems are frequently the subject of debate. Some parties seek to promote their benefits such as their use in criminal investigations and providing a feeling of safety to the public. They have also... more
The idea to connect everything to anything and at any point of time is what vaguely defines the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is not only about providing connectivity but also facilitating interaction among these... more
In today's period of the invasive figuring, the Internet has turned into the principle method of information correspondence. In such a situation, giving security to information turns into a mind boggling assignment. In Elliptic bend... more
Since the Red Army’s invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the world has been shaken by jihadist terrorism. In forty years, Islamist terrorist attacks have multiplied, reaching as far as the heart of Western countries, New York, Madrid,... more
Smart contracts have a piece of code which are executed under certain conditions and are deployed on blockchain. Some of the applications of smart contracts are crypto assets, Health care applications, voting, IOT, digital rights,... more
Today with the vast technological advancements in the various means of communication, instant messaging applications play a very crucial role in the transmission of messages from one user to another who will be residing at different... more
Web application brings us convenience but also has some potential security problems. SQL injection attacks topped the list of Top 10 Network Security Problems released by OWASP, and the detection technology of SQL injection attacks has... more
Social engineering attacks are phenomena that are equally applicable to both the physical world and cyberspace. These attacks in the physical world have been studied for a much longer time than their counterpart in cyberspace. This... more
The Presentation contains slides about web server security and was used for the presentation for Network Security class in IIIT-B.
Currently, companies are more into using distributed systems and relying on network and communication facilities for transmitting critical and important information that needs to be secured. Therefore, protecting companies information... more
This paper offers an up-to-date, comprehensive, extensive and targeted survey on Behavioral Biometrics and Continuous Authentication technologies for mobile devices. Our aim is to help interested researchers to effectively grasp the... more
With the rapid growth in technology there is a need to increase security measures to take security system at next level. Cyber security is of developing concern to every single person, as information technology has become all too common.... more
Security in this world of digital computing plays a typical role, since all the operations are automated and large volumes of data are being maintained in the servers. Cloud computing is one of the evolving technologies where a huge... more
Security is one of the key important factors in ad hoc network due to the open wireless medium and dynamic topology of the network. MANET, VANET and FANET are type of ad hoc network and their applications are served the end users in real... more
Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) have emerged recently as one of the most attractive topics for researchers and automotive industries due to their tremendous potential to improve traffic safety, efficiency and other added services.... more
In today's digital world, in every field there is massive use of digital contents. Digital documents can be copied and scattered easily to large numbers of people without any cost. People can download audio, image and video files, and... more
The following article intends to examine the role Boko Haram has been playing over the years. Based on the analysis of the news randomly taken from the Nigerian media, it seeks to offer suggestions on how the media and other Nigerian... more
Wireless Sensor Networks are special kind of Ad-hoc networks, used in various applications like military and healthcare areas and characterized by severely constrained computational, memory and energy resources. When wireless sensor... more
This study is an exploratory assessment of Phishing, SMiShing and Vishing attacks against mobile devices. It examines the implications of end-user behavior towards mitigating the risks posed by using mobile devices for online services and... more
Government of Cabo Delgado produced a report about the impact of the insurgency in the province. The violence started in October 2017 when a group of 30 masked men launched attacks over three days against police posts in Mocímboa da... more
Cyber security refers to protection of a network, system and web application or a website from an attacker who tries to gain access unethically. There are two types of cyber security, offensive and defensive. Due to the increase in... more
Throughout the world, every field has obtained a drastic transformation. The ultimate reason is digital technologies. This change made better performances of individual, industries, government, private organizations etc. Even this... more
Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) is an emerging technology and explored field of researchers worldwide in the past few years, so does the need for effective security mechanisms. The sensing technology combined with processing power and... more
The recent form of change in working on resources and platform introduced the term virtualization. Virtualization comes with its own merits and challenges. As it hides physical characteristics of the resources and the concept of... more
Security is an important issue in the actual educational context where e-learning increases in popularity and increasingly more people are taking online courses. The e-learning platforms are today production systems that need to be... more
Since last-decade, smart-phones have gained widespread usage. Mobile devices store personal details such as contacts and text messages. Due to this extensive growth, smart-phones are attracted towards cyber-criminals. In this research... more
Driven in part by federal law, accessibility (a11y) support for disabled users is becoming ubiquitous in commodity OSs. Some assistive technologies such as natural language user interfaces in mobile devices are welcomed by the general... more
Cyber security refers to protection of a network, system and web application or a website from an attacker who tries to gain access unethically. There are two types of cyber security, offensive and defensive. Due to the increase in... more
Blockchain technology is the key for decentralized society and gathered a lot of attention in recent times. The technology of Blockchain offers an infrastructure of secure network that allows the users to perform any operation without... more
Negli ultimi anni, l’Italia non è stata colpita da attacchi terroristici di matrice jihadista, né ha sperimentato gli elevati livelli di radicalizzazione di alcuni dei suoi vicini europei. Significativamente, il numero di foreign fighters... more
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have many potential applications [1, 5] and unique challenges. They usually consist of hundreds or thousands small sensor nodes such as MICA2, which operate autonomously; conditions such as cost, invisible... more
Wireless Sensor networks consists of hundreds or thousands of low cost, low power and self-organizing nodes which are highly distributed. Due to the reason that the sensor nodes are highly distributed, there is a need of security in the... more
One of the most promising and exciting areas of communication technology is Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). It enables vehicles to communicate among and between each other and fixed infrastructures, and, to provide a safe and... more