Recent papers in Atrocity
Call for Papers: "The Aesthetics of Trauma, Horror, Atrocity, and the Apocalyptic" Western culture is riven with powerful manifestations of violence - both actual and fictive. What is the relationship between the two? On one hand... more
Few events in the history of the world have aroused the passions of the decent, the fair, the peaceful, and the just as much as the brutal terror bombing attack on the Basque town of Gernika. From the decision of the fascist forces to... more
‘Imagens em Conflito: Política, Memória, Império’, Fotografia: Arquivo, Teoria, História, Institute of Social Sciences - University of Lisbon (ICS-UL), Lisbon, Portugal, 20 September 2017.
In describing the concept, organization, and reception of an exhibition on shoes for bound feet at the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto, this essay ponders the perils of telling stories about footbinding. The narratives perpetuated by... more
""In the language of most superior jurisdictions in the end of the Middle Ages, the concept of enormitas included the most serious breaches of the legitimate order. It is suggested here that this concept was created during the 12th... more
A few days after 9/11, US Vice-President Dick Cheney invoked the need for the USA to work ‘the dark side’ in its global ‘War on Terror’. Cinema of the Dark Side explores how contemporary cinema treats state-sponsored atrocity, evoking... more
Individuals operating within the scientific paradigm presume that the world is made of matter. Although the perspective engendered by this presupposition is very powerful, it excludes value and subjective experience from its fundamental... more
In genocide studies, as well as in literary and cinematic representations of mass atrocity, scholars and artists have been concerned with soldiers who experience a physiological and emotional breakdown while committing atrocities. These... more
Following the end of the First World War, British and Australian atrocity propaganda fell into disrepute. Progressive liberal authors such as British parliamentarian Arthur Ponsonby condemned atrocity propaganda as a series of... more
There were many tough decisions to be made in World War II. The lives of many thousands of men, women and children were lost based on these decisions of the few. When such power is vested in the hands of a few men, consulting the possible... more
In the summer of 1941, German anti-Soviet propaganda focused on the Soviet massacres committed in the Baltic and Western Ukrainian territories. Following official German propaganda, news reports on the executions perpetrated by the NKVD... more
Scholarly and public commentators frequently discuss the ideological backdrop of atrocity crimes, yet the actual role of ideology in such campaigns of violence remains a key source of disagreement between scholars. This chapter first... more
A survey of opinions of private and public university students about the relationship between the knowledge of university students about the Khmer Rouge (KR) genocide and their attendance at Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (TSGM) was... more
Robyn O'Neil produces epic works of art in the contemporary age with a mechanical pencil. Since 2002 she has created catastrophes on a miniature scale through a series of drawings of natural disasters and severe landscapes populated by a... more
This paper, JCS 2019 (published Nov-Dec 2020) examines the relationship between philosophy and evil, inspired by Camus' questioning in The Rebel (1951), and Plato's troubling consideration in the Republic (491d): 'Do not the most gifted... more
A paradox holds back understanding of perpetrators of mass violence. On the one hand, close empirical research has consistently emphasized perpetrators’ heterogeneity – the mix of motives and mind-sets found amongst members of the... more
ÖZET 1912 Edeköy Katliamı, Birinci Balkan Savaşı’nda yaşanan en büyük katliamlardan biridir. Katliam, savaşın ilk günlerinde, 13-20 Kasım tarihleri arasında yaşanmıştır. Bir hafta süren olaylar sırasında binlerce kişi öldürülmüştür.... more
Forensic anthropology makes particular professional claims – scientific, probative, humanitarian, historical, political and deterrent – which attempt to finalise interpretations of the past. However, I argue that these claims conceal a... more
What is the significance of our gut feelings? Can they disclose our deep selves or point to a shared human nature? The phenomenon of perpetrator disgust provides a uniquely insightful perspective by which to consider such questions.... more
After the occupation and the annexation of Bosnia and Hercegovina (1878 and 1908 respectively), the Habsburg authorities implemented a full-scale modernisation process. Roads and railways were built, crops improved, endemic diseases... more
Forthcoming in Oxford Handbook of Atrocity Crime. One of the most long-standing debates over the explanation of atrocity crimes concerns the role of ideologies, identities and extreme speech or propaganda. In this chapter, I provide an... more
A span of less than forty years of the twentieth century contains three of the most bloody and terrible upheavals of European (if not global) history. The Russian Revolution/Civil War, the Holocaust and the Soviet Gulag each take place... more
The unfolding “political turn” in animal rights theory has enriched the agenda of animal ethics with the central concepts and concerns of political theory, extending new paradigms for inclusion, representation, and redress to nonhuman... more
In recent years, it has been argued more than once that situations determine our conduct to a much greater extent than our character does. This argument rests on the findings of social psychologists such as Stanley Milgram, who have... more
This paper argues that ideological strategies and interventions should be a key component of the prevention 'toolbox' used by international actors to prevent, halt, and limit violent atrocities. First, I briefly clarify what existing... more
From holy to base and comic, and then to degenerate and utterly worthless, fit for nothing but extinction: few examples show the extreme flexibility, adaptability and changing fortunes of concepts as well as that of the parasite. What’s... more
Rohingya people from Myanmar, once called Burma, are an ethnic group from Rakhine State who are a Muslim minority, and have been living for as long as today from their great grandparents can remember. They are a minority considered "the... more
Eyal Mayroz's book, Reluctant Interveners, focuses on how public opinion shapes and is shaped by the US government's response to genocide, a type of mass atrocity. Mass atrocity is defined here as widespread avoidable harm. Hunger can be... more
North Korea’s human rights violations are unparalleled in the contemporary world. In Dying for Rights, Sandra Fahy provides the definitive account of the abuses committed by the North Korean state, domestically and internationally, from... more
The cinema in the post-literate age was declared dead and with it cinephilia (see Sontag). This declaration came from the assumption that the image has lost its ennobling powers to animate humans. The genre of film most vilified for its... more
Présentation L'utilisation de la torture pour extorquer des aveux et obtenir des informations a formé une partie intégrale de la pratique juridique et politique à travers l'histoire – depuis l'enquête menée par OEdipe, aux pratiques... more
Two quotes from literary critics form the basis for our examination of a range of literary depictions of human cruelty. Philosopher/literary critic Theodor Adorno wrote that “writing poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric” and critic Lawrence... more
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
This book analyses how international criminal institutions, and their actors – legal counsels, judges, investigators, registrars – construct witness identity and memory. Filling an important gap within transitional justice scholarship,... more
The Chilakaluripeta case proves that even when Dalits commit unintentional, unplanned crimes, they will be punished by death and every court and authority will act on a war footing to hang Dalits. The Tsunduru case proves that if Dalits... more
In describing the concept, organization, and reception of an exhibition on shoes for bound feet at the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto, this essay ponders the perils of telling stories about footbinding. The narratives perpetuated by... more